Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies
General Information
Faculty Requirements
- General Education
- Major Credits
- Credits Outside the Major
- Bachelor of Arts (BA)
- Honours Double Major International Bachelor of Arts (Honours Double Major iBA)
- Honours International Bachelor of Arts (Honours iBA)
- Honours Major/Minor Bachelor of Arts (Honours Major/Minor BA)
- Honours Major/Minor International Bachelor of Arts (Honours Major/Minor iBA)
- Specialized Honours Bachelor of Arts (Specialized Honours BA)
- Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (BDEM)
- Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
- Honours Bachelor of Science (Honours BSc) Degree (120 Credits)
- Honours Double Major Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Honours Double Major BDEM)
- Specialized Honours Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Specialized Honours BDEM)
- Honours Bachelor of Human Resources Management (Honours BHRM)
- Honours Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours BPA)
- Honours Major/Minor Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours Major/Minor BPA)
- Specialized Honours Bachelor of Public Administration (Specialized Honours BPA)
- Honours Bachelor of Social Work (Honours BSW - Post-Degree)
- Honours Major/Minor Bachelor of Social Work (Honours Major/Minor BSW - Direct Entry)
- Programs with Other Faculties (Honours Double Major, Major/Minor)¹
- Program Specific Requirements
- Academic Standards
Grading / Evaluation
- Grading in Courses
- Term Work, Tests and Examinations
- Rules and Regulation
- Academic Warnings and Penalties
- Deferred Standing, Academic Petitions and Appeals
- Recognition of Academic Excellence
Academic Advising & Student Responsibility
General Information
Faculty Requirements
Grading / Evaluation
Academic Advising & Student Responsibility
General Information
The following regulations apply to students taking courses in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Applicants seeking admission are referred to the Regulations Governing Admission to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, York University.
All students are required to:
- observe the regulations of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and the University;
- maintain a satisfactory standard of work;
- have discharged all financial liability to the University prior to graduation.
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Programs Offered
- Advocacy and Public Engagement Training Minor
- African Studies
- American Sign Language
- Anthropology
- Arabic
- Business and Society
- Business Economics
- Business Minor
- Children, Childhood and Youth
- Chinese
- Classical Studies
- Classics
- Cognitive Science
- Commerce
- Communication and Media Studies
- Communication Arts
- Creative Writing
- Criminology
- Culture and Expression
- Disaster and Emergency Management
- East Asian Studies
- Economics
- English
- English and Professional Writing
- English as a Second Language
- Financial and Business Economics
- French Studies
- Gender and Women's Studies
- German Studies
- Global Political Studies
- Health and Society
- Hellenic Studies
- Hindi-Urdu
- History
- Honours Minor in English Language Studies
- Human Resources Management
- Human Rights and Equity Studies
- Humanities
- Indigenous Studies
- Individualized Studies
- Information Technology
- Interdisciplinary Social Science
- International Development Studies
- Italian Studies
- Jamaican Creole
- Japanese Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Korean
- Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
- Latin
- Law and Society
- Linguistics
- Marketing
- Medical Anthropology
- Modes of Reasoning
- Persian
- Philosophy
- Political Science
- Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies
- Professional Writing
- Public Administration
- Religious Studies
- Russian
- Sexuality Studies
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Speech and Language Sciences
- Swahili
- Urban Studies
- Work and Labour Studies
- Writing Department
- Yiddish
Certificates Offered
- Advanced Certificate in Hebrew and Jewish Studies
- Certificate in Advocacy and Public Engagement Training
- Certificate in Black Canadian Studies
- Certificate in Culture, Medicine and Health
- Certificate in Gender and Women's Studies
- Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Certificate of Advanced French Language Proficiency
- Certificate of Advanced French Language Proficiency for Business
- Certificate of Basic French Language Proficiency
- Certificate of Basic French Language Proficiency for Business
- Certificate of Intermediate French Language Proficiency
- Certificate of Intermediate French Language Proficiency for Business
- Certificate of Proficiency in Chinese Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in German Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in Italian Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in Japanese Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in Modern Greek Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in Modern Hebrew Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in Portuguese Language
- Certificate of Proficiency in Spanish Language
- Classical Greek
- Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Anti-Racist Research and Practice (CARRP)
- Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Indigenous Studies
- Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Public History
- Cross-Disciplinary Certificate in Sexuality Studies
- French Studies Certificates
- General Certificate in Law and Society
- General Certificate in Practical Ethics
- General Certificate in Refugee and Migration Studies
- General Certificate in Urban Studies
- Human Resources Management Certificates
- Professional Certificate in Accounting
- Professional Certificate in Canadian Business for Internationally Educated Professionals
- Professional Certificate in Emergency Management
- Professional Certificate in Financial Planning
- Professional Certificate in Health Services Financial Management
- Professional Certificate in Human Resources Management
- Professional Certificate in Human Resources Management for Internationally Educated
Professionals (IEP-HRM)
- Professional Certificate in Information Technology Auditing and Assurance
- Professional Certificate In Information Technology For Internationally Educated Professionals
- Professional Certificate in Investment Management
- Professional Certificate in Logistics
- Professional Certificate in Management
- Professional Certificate in Marketing
- Professional Certificate in Public Administration and Law
- Professional Certificate in Public Policy Analysis
- Professional Certificate in Real Estate
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
- School of Administrative Studies
- Department of Anthropology
- Department of Communication & Media Studies
- Department of Economics
- Department of English
- Department of Equity Studies
- Department of French Studies
- School Gender, Sexuality, Women's Studies
- Department of History
- Department of Humanities
- School of Human Resources Management
- School of Information Technology
- Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics
- Department of Philosophy
- Department of Politics
- School of Public Policy & Administration
- Department of Social Science
- Department of Sociology
- School of Social Work
- Writing Department
- School of Administrative Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sas/
- Department of Anthropology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/anth/
- Department of Communication & Media Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/comn/
- Department of Economics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/econ/
- Department of English: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/en/
- Department of Equity Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/des/
- Department of French Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/fr/
- School Gender, Sexuality, Women's Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/gsws/
- Department of History: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/hist/
- Department of Humanities: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/huma/
- School of Human Resources Management: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/shrm/
- School of Information Technology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/itec/
- Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/dlll/
- Department of Philosophy: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/phil/
- Department of Politics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/pols/
- School of Public Policy & Administration: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sppa/
- Department of Social Science: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sosc/
- Department of Sociology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/soci/
- School of Social Work: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sowk/
- Writing Department: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/writ/
Office of the Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
Undergraduate program link for LA&PS: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/programs/undergraduate/
General Education
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies general education curriculum provides students with the foundation of interdisciplinary knowledge, breadth, methods and the approaches necessary for successful liberal and professional education. General education courses approved for credit expose students to ways of knowing and fundamental ideas spanning the humanities, natural science and social science. These courses also provide explicit instruction in critical analytical skills and thought and its communication in writing and speech.
Students take a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6 credits in natural science (NATS)
- 9.00 credit course in either the humanities or social science categories from the approved list of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies general education courses
- 6.00 credit course on the other side of the humanities and social science category divide from the approved list of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies general education courses
Guidelines for General Education Courses
All LA&PS students will be required to take a minimum of 21 general education credits from the approved list of LA&PS general education courses.
It is strongly recommended that students successfully complete (pass) their first general education course within the first 24 credits and all general education courses within the first 48 credits.
All general education courses are offered at the 1000 level.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
A maximum of 36 credits in general education will count towards the degree. Students who are required to exceed the 36 credit maximum because of program/degree requirements must obtain permission.
General education courses may be offered by any school or department in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Please refer to the listing of approved general education courses for liberal arts & professional studies.
Note: All approved LA&PS general education courses will be added to the university repository with the following language added to their course descriptions "Note: This course has been approved in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies for general education credit."
Major Credits
In addition to taking courses which contribute to their broad knowledge, students are required to specialize in a specific subject or combination of subjects. The area of primary concentration is known as the major; an area of secondary concentration (if any) is known as the minor. In a double major program, a course may count for major credit towards only one major. In a major/minor program, a course may count only for major credit or for minor credit.
Students may choose to major or minor in a specific subject when they enter the University or they may wait until they have completed up to 24 credits. At this point, students must choose a major and possibly a minor, but subsequent changes are possible. In selecting courses, students who are undecided should try to take introductory courses in a number of potential major subjects. This will allow them to proceed in their subject(s) of choice without the possibility of a delay.
Cross-listed courses may not be double counted in order to fulfil major requirements. For example, if AP/SOCI 3030 6.00 is cross-listed to AP/POLS 3300 6.00, it may be counted as a sociology course or a political science course, but not as both.
Upper-level Credits
The Faculty also considers it good educational practice to ensure that students take a number of credits at the 3000 level and/or 4000 level. (A course's level is indicated by the first digit of its number.)
Credits Outside the Major
Credits outside the major are courses which are intended to broaden the educational experience of students beyond their area of specialization. Credits outside the major include most courses which are not used to fulfil the general education requirements or major/minor requirements. Please refer to programs of study section for program specific information.
Courses which are not considered as fulfilling the credits outside the major requirement:
- major/minor courses taken above the required number, non-major/minor courses taken within the major/minor subject (e.g. AP/FR 1020 6.00 is a non-major French course);
- courses outside the major/minor taken to fulfil major/minor requirements;
courses which are cross-listed or designated as course substitutes to courses offered by the major/minor program (e.g. SC/MATH 1530 3.00 is cross-listed to AP/ECON 1530 3.00); - cross-listed courses used to fulfil the major requirements may not also be used to fulfil the outside the major credits requirement.
Minimum Requirements by Program Type
The following minimum requirements apply to all Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students. Each program of study (major or minor) may stipulate additional requirements. For details of individual programs, refer to the Programs of Study section. Also consult the section on Academic Standing.
In order to graduate with an Honours BA degree, students must achieve satisfactory academic standing to enter, proceed and graduate and must successfully complete (pass) a minimum of 120 credits which fulfil all of the following requirements.
In order to graduate with an Honours iBA degree, students must achieve satisfactory academic standing to enter, proceed and graduate and must successfully complete (pass) a minimum of 120 credits which fulfil all of the following requirements.
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 30 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including 12 credits in the major;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Arts (Honours BA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major credits: as defined by the specific program, a minimum of 42 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Double Major Bachelor of Arts (Honours Double Major BA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major credits: as defined by the specific programs; a minimum of 42 credits in each of the majors, at least 12 credits of which must be at the 4000 level in each of the major programs. In a double major program, a course may count for major credit towards only one major;
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary Bachelor of Arts - Linked (Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA - Linked)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific programs; a minimum of 36 credits in each of the majors, including at least six credits at the 4000 level in each of the major programs. In a double major interdisciplinary program, a course may count for major credit towards only one major;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Honours Double Major International Bachelor of Arts (Honours Double Major iBA)
Honours Double Major International Bachelor of Arts (Honours Double Major iBA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major credits: as defined by the specific programs; a minimum of 42 credits in each of the majors, at least 12 credits of which must be at the 4000 level in each of the major programs. In a double major program, a course may count for major credit towards only one major;
- Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language;
- Internationally oriented courses: at least 12 credits of internationally-oriented courses chosen outside the major;
- International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University’s exchange partners;
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
For more detailed information regarding the Honours Double Major iBA program requirements, please consult the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar.
Honours International Bachelor of Arts (Honours iBA)
Honours International Bachelor of Arts (Honours iBA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 42 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
- Required course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills completed before the term or terms abroad. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students);
- Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. If a iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
- Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses chosen outside the major;
- International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University’s exchange partners;
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented course credits can also be used to satisfy the credits outside the major requirement.
Honours Major/Minor Bachelor of Arts (Honours Major/Minor BA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major/Minor credits: as defined by the specific programs:
- Major: a minimum of 42 credits in the major, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level in the major;
- Minor: a minimum of 30 credits in the minor, normally including at least six credits at the 4000 level in the minor.
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit;
- Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Honours Major/Minor International Bachelor of Arts (Honours Major/Minor iBA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major/Minor credits: as defined by the specific programs:
- Major: a minimum of 42 credits in the major, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level in the major;
- Minor: a minimum of 30 credits in the minor, including at least six credits at the 4000 level in the minor.
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit;
- Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language;
- Internationally-oriented courses: at least 12 credits of internationally-oriented courses chosen outside the major;
- International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University’s exchange partners;
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Arts (Specialized Honours BA)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major credits: as defined by the specific program, a minimum of 54 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
- Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (BDEM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: To fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 33 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 3000 level or above;
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Honours BDEM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program, a minimum of 48 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 51 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Commerce (Specialized Honours BCom)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Science (Honours BSc) Degree (120 Credits)
General Education
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies general education curriculum provides students with the foundation of interdisciplinary knowledge, breadth, methods and the approaches necessary for successful liberal and professional education. General education courses approved for credit expose students to ways of knowing and fundamental ideas spanning the humanities, science, and social science. These courses also provide explicit instruction in critical analytical skills and thought and its communication in writing and speech.
Students completing a Bachelor of Science in LA&PS take a minimum of 30 general education credits composed of foundational studies in mathematics, computation, laboratory science and human enquiry outside of science as detailed below.
30 credits General Education, as follows:
a. Non-science requirement—at least 15 credits comprised of:
i.9.00 credits in either the humanities or social science categories from the approved list of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies general education courses
ii.6.00 credits from the opposite category (social science or humanities) from the approved list of Liberal Arts & Professional studies general education courses
b. 1000-level Mathematics (excluding modified courses)—at least 6 credits
c. 1000-level computation courses—at least 3 credits
d. 1000-level foundational science—at least 6 credits from courses with laboratories in either BIOL, CHEM, PHYS (in place of the 6.00 NATS general education credits required for all LA&PS students not enrolled in a Bachelor of Science).
The Major Requirement
Honours Major: at least 42 credits, including at least 18 credits at the upper level (3000- or 4000 level), at least 12 of which must be at the 4000-level. Details of a program’s major requirements can be found under the Program-Specific Degree Requirements tab in the Academic Calendar.
Upper-level Requirement
At least 42 credits at 3000 or 4000 level (all courses taken as part of the degree, including those as part of the student’s major or minor, count towards this total).
Science Credits Outside the Major
BSc degrees at York are required to contain at least 24 credits in science disciplines outside the major (from BIOL, BCHM, BPHS, CHEM, CSE, EATS, GEOG, KINE, MATH, PHYS, PSYC, STS) of which at least 3 credits must be at the 2000 level or higher. Science credits in the General Education requirements that are not in the major, as well as science credits required by the major that are not in the major disciplines, count toward this requirement.
Academic Standards
The progression, standing, and graduation requirements for students completing a Bachelor of Science in LA&PS are consistent with the University’s Grading Scheme Policy, as follows:
- Students who have earned between 0-53 credits remain in their honours program provided they meet the University and program minimums;
- At 53 earned credits, students must have at least a 2.00 CGPA to continue in the honours program; if the CGPA is between 1.70 and 1.99, the student may continue on a warning for a review period of 30 credits; and, if the CGPA falls below 1.70 by 53 credits, the student is exited from the honours program and switched to the 90- credit program, guided by the Faculty; and,
- At 83 credits, the student must have at least a 2.00 CGPA to continue; if the CGPA is less than 2.00, the student is exited from the honours program and switched to a 90-credit program, guided by the Faculty.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum: students in an Honours program who successfully complete (pass) more than 120 credits and whose cumulative grade point average is at least 2.00 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with an Honours BSc degree: to graduate in an Honours program, students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree and program requirements. The cumulative grade point average must be at least 2.00.
Failure to maintain minimum Honours standing (BSc): Students who do not meet the conditions outlined above may continue their studies only in a 90-credit degree program, guided by the Faculty.
Residency Requirement
A minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per-cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement
Honours Bachelor: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.00 and a major grade point average of at least 2.3.
Additional Policies and Requirements
All other Faculty- and University-wide policies, regulations, and standards apply to the Bachelor of Science in LA&PS as articulated.
Honours Double Major Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Honours Double Major BDEM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific programs; a minimum of 48 credits in BDEM and a minimum of 42 credits in the other major, at least 12 credits of which must be at the 4000 level in each of the major programs. In a double major program, a course may count for major credit towards only one major;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Specialized Honours BDEM)
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Specialized Honours BDEM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average>
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Specialized Honours BDEM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 57 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 51 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 57 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 51 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Human Resources Management (Honours BHRM)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 81 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours BPA)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in Natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program, a minimum of 63 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Major/Minor Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours Major/Minor BPA)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major/Minor credits: as defined by the specific programs:
Major: a minimum of 63 credits in the BPA major, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
Minor: a minimum of 30 credits in the minor, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Public Administration (Specialized Honours BPA)
Specialized Honours Bachelor of Public Administration (Specialized Honours BPA)
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00;
General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 75 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Social Work (Direct Entry)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a minimum grade of 4.00 in all major credits;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 60 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: at least 39 credits.
Honours Bachelor of Social Work (Honours BSW - Post-Degree)
Note: students admitted to the Honours BSW (Post-Degree) are granted 66 transfer credits.
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a minimum grade of 4.00 in all major credits;
- General education: students who enter this program are deemed to fulfill this requirement.
- Major credits: as defined by the specific program; a minimum of 54 credits, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Honours Major/Minor Bachelor of Social Work (Honours Major/Minor BSW - Direct Entry)
- Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University;
- Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a minimum grade of 4.00 in all major credits;
- General education: to fulfill the liberal arts & professional studies general education requirements students must take 21 credits of general education including: 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS); A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories; and a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in the social science or humanities already taken. (Note: for recommended general education courses by program, please refer to your program of study);
- Major/Minor credits: as defined by the specific programs:
- Major: a minimum of 60 credits in the major, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level;
- Minor: a minimum of 30 credits in the minor, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit;
- Credits outside the major: students who graduate in this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Programs with Other Faculties (Honours Double Major, Major/Minor)¹
Programs with Other Faculties (Honours Double Major, Major/Minor)¹
Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may combine any Honours Major program that offers a double major or major/minor option with approved Honours Double Major or Honours Major/Minor programs offered within the Faculty or by the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering, subject to the following:
students must maintain Honours standing, a cumulative grade point average of 5.00 or above for all courses taken at York. Students in an Honours BA whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00, may proceed in Honours providing they meet the minimum Honours progression requirement;
students registered in any Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree or program must complete at least half (50 per cent) of each major or minor at York;
in some instances, in order to complete the requirements of an Honours Double Major or Honours Major/Minor program, it may be necessary to successfully complete (pass) more than 120 credits;
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree requirements and program regulations apply;
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students successfully completing a BA, BDEM Honours Double Major or BA, BDEM or BPA Honours Major/Minor programs combined with other programs or Faculties will receive the applicable BA, BDEM or BPA Honours degree.
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may combine any Honours Double Major BA, BDEM or Honours Major/Minor BA, BDEM or BPA program with the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change. For details about the program requirements in environmental studies, students should consult the Faculty.
Faculty of Health
Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may combine any Honours Double Major BA, BDEM or Honours Major/Minor BA, BDEM or BPA program with the Faculty of Health. For details about the program requirements in the Faculty of Health, students should consult the Faculty.
Faculty of Science
Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may combine any Honours Double Major BA, BDEM or Honours Major/Minor BA, BDEM or BPA program with the Faculty of Science. For details about the program requirements in the Faculty of Science, students should consult the Faculty.
Lassonde School of Engineering
Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may combine any Honours Double Major BA, BDEM or Honours Major/Minor BA, BDEM or BPA program with the Lassonde School of Engineering. For details about those program requirements, students should consult the Lassonde School of Engineering.
Note: information technology may not be combined with computer science as either a Double Major or Major/Minor program.
School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design
Students in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may combine any Honours Double Major BA, BDEM or Honours Major/Minor BA, BDEM or BPA program with the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design. For details about those program requirements, students should consult the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design.
Co-registration in the Faculty of Education
Students enrolled in a BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may apply for admission to the Pre-Service program of the Faculty of Education. If they are accepted, they may co-register in the Faculty of Education and upon successful completion of the separate degree requirements of both Faculties will be awarded two degrees: Honours Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) and Bachelor of Education (BEd).
Although liberal arts and professional studies and education courses are taken concurrently, they are counted separately by each Faculty. Grade point averages for courses in the two Faculties are also calculated separately. The 30 credits required for the BEd are independent of the 120 credits required for the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Honours BA or the 90 credits required for the BA. Therefore, a student completing the requirements for both degrees would complete a minimum total of 150 credits for the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Honours BA/BEd or 120 credits for the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies BA/BEd.
Credit for Education Courses
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students who are co-registered in the Faculty of Education may count education courses taken beyond the requirements for the BEd for credit towards the Honours BA or BA degree as credits outside the major.
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students who are not co-registered in the Faculty of Education may receive degree credit for academic courses offered by the Faculty of Education as credits outside the major.
1. Students in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering may also combine an Honours Double Major BA or Honours Major/Minor BA program with the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. For further details, consult with your home Faculty.
Program Specific Requirements
Honours Minor
The Honours Minor in Advocacy & Public Engagement Training must be pursued jointly with an Honours BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies or any other Faculty.
Entry requirements: Students have to complete 30 credits in Anthropology and a total of 120 credits.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
(i) Public Advocacy and Engagement Training core: 24 compulsory credits:
- AP/ANTH 2210 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4130 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4340 6.00
(ii) 6 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000-level chosen from:
- AP/ANTH 3020 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3030 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3080 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3240 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3280 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3400 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3410 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3420 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3420 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3560 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3630 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4160 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4240 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4330 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4410 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4420 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4430 6.00
Advocacy & Public Engagement subject areas
- AP/ANTH 3020 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3030 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3410 6.00
Mental Health & Disability:
- AP/ANTH 3080 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3280 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4330 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3240 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3420 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4160 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3630 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4420 3.00
Human Rights:
- AP/ANTH 3400 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3420 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4410 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3560 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4240 3.00
Reproductive Rights:
- AP/ANTH 4430 6.00
Department of Social Science
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The African Studies program is an Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program. African studies majors must take a second major (co-major) in another department/discipline in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, or with kinesiology and health science or psychology in the Faculty of Health. Students must take at least 36 credits in the African Studies program and at least 36 credits in the co-major according to the requirements and regulations specified by each department/discipline for an Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program. Courses taken to meet African studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the departmental major. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in African studies and six credits in the departmental major. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in Natural Science (NATS)
- A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- A 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: the 36 credits in African studies must include the following:
- AP/SOSC 2480 6.00;
- 24 credits chosen from the list of African studies courses;
- AP/SOSC 4510 6.00.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: students who are completing this program are deemed to fulfil this requirement.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in African studies comprises at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 2480 6.00;
- 18 credits chosen from the list of African studies courses;
- AP/SOSC 4510 6.00.
At least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
African Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in African studies.
- AP/ANTH 3120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3320 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3320 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3410 6.00
- AP/ECON 3550 3.00
- AP/ECON 3560 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3560 3.00)
- AP/EN 3420 6.00
- AP/EN 4420 6.00
- AP/EN 4421 3.00
- AP/FR 4361 3.00
- AP/GWST 3524 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3524 3.00, GL/HIST 3658 3.00, GL/ILST 3658 3.00, GL/SOCI 3658 3.00)
- AP/HIST 1010 6.00
- AP/HIST 1065 6.00
- AP/HIST 2750 6.00
- AP/HIST 3535 6.00
- AP/HIST 3630 6.00
- AP/HIST 3700 6.00
- AP/HIST 3705 3.00
- AP/HIST 4079 6.00
- AP/HIST 4770 6.00
- AP/HIST 4799 6.00
- AP/HIST 4830 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1300 9.00
- AP/HUMA 3315 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3316 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3665 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 3610 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 3180 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 3180 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3560 6.00
- AP/POLS 3570 3.00
- AP/POLS 4575 3.00
- AP/POLS 4576 3.00
- AP/POR 3660 3.00
- AP/MIST 4050 6.00
- AP/SOSC 1430 9.00
- AP/SOSC 1439 9.00
- AP/SOSC 2480 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2791 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2812 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3040 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3411 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3480 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3481 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3541 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4170 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4510 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4918 6.00
- AP/SWAH 1000 6.00
- AP/SWAH 2000 6.00
- EU/ENVS 3800 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4220 3.00
- EU/GEOG 2070 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3370 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3750 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4370 3.00
- FA/DANC 2510A 3.00
- FA/DANC 2511A 3.00
- FA/DANC 3510A 3.00
- FA/DANC 3510F 3.00
- FA/DANC 3511 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1043 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1046 3.00
- FA/MUSI 2043 3.00
- FA/MUSI 2046 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3043 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3046 3.00
- FA/MUSI 4043 3.00
- FA/MUSI 4046 3.00
- GL/HUMA 3923 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/FRAN 3923 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3610 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3610 3.00, GL/GWST 3610 3.00)
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows;
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits in anthropology, including:
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 1000 or 2000 level in anthropology chosen from among:
- AP/ANTH 1120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2100 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2100 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2130 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2170 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2170 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2200 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2210 6.00 or AP/ANTH 2330 6.00;
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 3000 level in anthropology;
- AP/ANTH 4110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 4000 level in anthropology.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in anthropology, including:
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 1000 or 2000 level in anthropology chosen from among:
- AP/ANTH 1120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2100 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2100 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2120 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2130 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2170 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2170 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2210 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2200 6.00 or AP/ANTH 2330 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 3000 level in anthropology;
- AP/ANTH 4110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 4000 level in anthropology.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Anthropology may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits in anthropology and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary (linked) program. Courses taken to meet anthropology requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in anthropology and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
The 36 credits in anthropology must include:
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 1000 or 2000 level in anthropology;
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 3000 level in anthropology;
- AP/ANTH 4110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 4000 level in anthropology.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design,or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in anthropology comprises at least 30 credits including:
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 1000 or 2000 level in anthropology;
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 3000 level in anthropology;
- six credits at the 4000 level in anthropology.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in Natural Science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits in anthropology, including:
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00;
- six additional credits at the 1000 or 2000 level in anthropology;
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level in anthropology.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in Natural Science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in anthropology, including:
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 1000 or 2000 level in anthropology chosen from among:
- AP/ANTH 1120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2100 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2100 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2120 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2130 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2170 3.00 or AP/ANTH 2170 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2200 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2210 6.00 or AP/ANTH 2330 6.00;
- AP/ANTH 3110 6.00;
- AP/ANTH 4110 6.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level in anthropology of which at least six are at the 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program in Anthropology described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Related Programs Offered Through the Department of Anthropology
Honours (Minor/Major) BA Program in Advocacy and Public Engagement Training
Honours (Minor/Major) BA Program in Medical Anthropology
Certificate in Advocacy and Public Engagement Training
Certificate in Culture, Medicine and Health
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major.
All approved General Education courses may count for General Education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- A 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 57 credits, as follows:
- program core: 21 credits including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 1340 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2340 6.00;
- SC/MATH 1532 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2310 3.00*
- 12 credits from each of two of the streams;
- 12 additional credits at the 4000 level including at least six credits at the 4000 level in each of the two streams.
Note: with permission of the program coordinator, students can replace 4000-level stream requirements with AP/SOSC 4099 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4099 3.00.
Note: ESL students may replace AP/SOSC 1340 6.00 with AP/SOSC 1349 6.00, and AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 with AP/SOSC 2349 6.00.
- Successful completion of AP/SOSC 1340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 1349 6.00) with a C grade or better is a prerequisite for AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 2349 6.00).
- Successful completion of AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 2349 6.00) is a prerequisite for AP/SOSC 4040 6.00.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in Natural Science (NATS)
- A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- A 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 42 credits, as follows:
- program core: 21 credits including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 1340 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2340 6.00;
- SC/MATH 1532 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2310 3.00*
- 12 credits from each of the two streams including at least 6 credits at the 3000 level in each of the two streams.
Note: ESL students may replace AP/SOSC 1340 6.00 with AP/SOSC 1349 6.00, and AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 with AP/SOSC 2349 6.00.
- Successful completion of AP/SOSC 1340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 1349 6.00) with a C grade or better is a prerequisite for AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 2349 6.00).
- AP/SOSC 4040 6.00 is not required for regular BA.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Statistics Requirement
All Business and Society (BUSO) majors must complete 3 credits in an approved statistics course.
Approved courses: SC/MATH 1532 3.00 is the recommended statistics course for BUSO majors.
*Other approved statistics courses are:
- AP/ADMS 2310 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/POLS 3300 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3300 6.00, AP/SOCI 3030 6.00);
- AP/PPAS 3300 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3300 6.00, AP/SOCI 3030 6.00);
- AP/SOCI 3030 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3300 6.00, AP/PPAS 3300 6.00);
- EU/GEOG 2420 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/GEOG 2420 3.00);
- HH/KINE 2050 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2020 6.00;
- HH/PSYC 2021 3.00;
- SC/BIOL 2060 3.00;
- SC/GEOG 2420 3.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 2420 3.00);
- SC/MATH 1131 3.00;
- SC/MATH 2560 3.00.
Business and Society Streams
Students must choose two of the following streams.
Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Six credits chosen from:
- AP/PHIL 2060 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2070 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2075 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 3020 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 3110 3.00 or AP/PHIL 3510 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 2571 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3040 6.00
Note: Successful completion of AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 2349 6.00) is a prerequisite for enrolling in AP/SOSC 3040 6.00.
For the Honours program: AP/SOSC 4044 6.00.
Note: Successful completion of AP/SOSC 2340 6.00 (or AP/SOSC 2349 6.00) is a prerequisite for enrolling in AP/SOSC 4044 6.00.
The Environment
- EU/ENVS 2000 6.00 or EU/ENVS 2400 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3044 3.00
N.B. EUC/ENVS 2000 and EUC/ENVS 2400 are not offered in 2022-23. Students in the Environment stream in Business & Society should contact the program's coordinator or assistant, and they will be offered substitutes for these courses.
- Six credits chosen among:
- EU/ENVS 3130 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 3340 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 3410 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 3430 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 3440 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 3505 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 3510 3.00
For the Honours program: six credits chosen from:
- AP/SOSC 4048 3.00 or AP/SOSC 4049 3.00;
- Three credits chosen from among:
- AP/SOSC 4048 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4049 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 4011 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 4140 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 4161 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 4210 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 4320 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 4421 3.00,
- EU/ENVS 4510 3.00.
The Firm and Organization
- AP/SOSC 2342 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3043 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 3045 3.00
N.B. successful completion of AP/SOSC 1340 6.00 is prerequisite of entry into AP/SOSC 3043 3.00
For the Honours program:
- AP/SOSC 4043 6.00
The Global Economy
- AP/POLS 2940 6.00 or AP/POLS 2950 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3042 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3045 3.00
N.B. successful completion of AP/SOSC 1340 6.00 is prerequisite of entry into AP/SOSC 3042 3.00
For the Honours program:
- AP/SOSC 4047 6.00
Law and Governance
- AP/SOSC 2330 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3040 6.00;
For the Honours program:
- AP/SOSC 4043 6.00.
The Social Economy
- AP/SOSC 1341 9.00;
- AP/SOSC 3041 6.00.
N.B. successful completion of AP/SOSC 1341 9.00 is prerequisite of entry into AP/SOSC 3041 6.00
For the Honours program
- AP/SOSC 4046 6.00.
N.B. successful completion of AP/SOSC 3041 6.00 is prerequisite of entry into AP/SOSC 4046 6.00
The Business Economics program integrates aspects of economics and business studies, focusing on the use of economic analysis and statistical methods to deal effectively with management problems in practical business fields. In applying economic theory to business management, you will become familiar with the analytical and decision-making techniques used in the business world, and with the public and private institutional environments within which businesses operate. You will gain insight into critical business topics such as strategic competition, the internal organization of firms and international issues facing businesses in the changing global marketplace. You will be able to pursue a degree in business economics at the BA level.
Prior to entering the Business Economics program, students are required to have completed 4U mathematics MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or an equivalent course.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 48 credits including the following 36 credits:
- AP/ADMS 2500 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2510 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3480 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3411 3.00
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00 or AP/ECON 1280 3.00
12 credits to be selected from:
- AP/ADMS 3351 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ECON 3120 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 3510 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3150 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3200 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3240 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3430 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3440 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3473 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3580 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3810 3.00;
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting the economics program requirements.
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/ECON 1000 3.00 | GL/ECON 1000 3.00 |
AP/ECON 1010 3.00 | GL/ECON 1010 3.00 |
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both. Students must achieve at least a grade of B (6.00) in AP/CCY 1999 6.00, AP/CCY 2999 6.00, and either AP/CCY 3998 6.00 or AP/CCY 3999 6.00 in order to be permitted to continue as a major in the Children, Childhood & Youth Program. Students must achieve at least a grade of B (6.00) in AP/CCY 1999 6.00 and AP/CCY 2999 6.00 in order to be permitted to continue in a minor in the Children, Childhood & Youth program.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30-course credits and at least half (50 percent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in the Children, Childhood and Youth program, including:
- AP/CCY 1999 6.00
- AP/CCY 2999 6.00
- AP/CCY 3998 6.00 or AP/CCY 3999 6.00
- AP/CCY 4998 6.00 or AP/CCY 4999 6.00
- 18 additional credits chosen from the Children, Childhood and Youth program's list of courses, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA program described above may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Major credits: students must take the 42 required credits in the Children, Childhood and Youth Program as listed above and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet the Children, Childhood and Youth Program requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in the Children, Childhood and Youth Program and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Minor credits: at least 30 credits including:
- AP/CCY 1999 6.00
- AP/CCY 2999 6.00
- at least six credits chosen from AP/CCY 4140 6.00, AP/CCY 4141 6.00, AP/CCY 4142 6.00, AP/CCY 4145 6.00, or AP/CCY 4147 6.00, or AP/CCY 4900 6.00
- 12 additional credits chosen from the CCY list of courses.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
Children, Childhood and Youth Program Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year. For more information, please consult the relevant supplemental calendars.
With the approval of the program coordinator, students may complete other courses for credit in children's studies. Subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete courses offered outside of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies for credit in Children, Childhood and Youth Program.
- AP/CCY 3690 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3690 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3691 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3691 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3692 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3692 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3693 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3693 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3694 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3694 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3697 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3697 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3698 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3698 6.00)
- AP/CCY 3699 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3699 6.00)
- AP/CCY 4139 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4139 3.00)
- AP/CCY 4140 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4140 6.00)
- AP/CCY 4141 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4141 6.00)
- AP/CCY 4145 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4145 6.00)
- AP/CCY 4146 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4146 6.00)
- AP/CCY 4147 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4147 6.00)
- AP/CCY 4152 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4152 3.00)
- AP/CCY 4900 6.00
- AP/EN 2171 3.00
- AP/EN 2174 3.00
- AP/GWST 3553 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3553 3.00)
- AP/HIST 1080 6.00
- AP/HIST 4051 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3961 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3964 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3103 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 3103 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3685 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 3685 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3688 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 3688 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4144 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4144 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4148 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4148 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4149 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4149 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4410 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4410 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4824 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4824 3.00)
- AP/LING 3210 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3660 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4060 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4830 3.00
- AP/SOSC 1910 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 1910 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 2150 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4700 3.00
- FA/DANC 3370 3.00
- FA/DANC 4369 3.00 (formerly FA/DANC 3371 3.00)
- FA/DANC 4375 3.00
- FA/DANC 4376 3.00
- FA/DANC 4369 3.00
- FA/THEA 3450 6.00
- FA/THEA 4334 6.00
- FA/THEA 4440 6.00
- GL/EN 3636 6.00
- GL/PSYC 3300 3.00
- GL/PSYC 3510 3.00
- GL/SOCI 3210 3.00
- HH/KINE 3340 3.00
- HH/KINE 3480 3.00
- HH/KINE 4560 3.00
- HH/PSYC 2110 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3500 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3520 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3630 3.00
- HH/PSYC 4010 3.00
- HH/PSYC 4010 6.00
- HH/PSYC 4460 6.00
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits selected from the list of classical studies courses, including at least 24 credits in Ancient Greek (AP/GK) and/or Latin (AP/LA) and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken.
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level, selected from the list of classical studies courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA program in Classical Studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits in classical studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet classical studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in classical studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary (Linked) program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 30 credits, including at least six credits at the 4000 level selected from the list of classical studies courses.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits selected from the list of classical studies courses, including at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Classical Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other relevant courses for program credit in classical studies.
Literature and Culture
- AP/HUMA 1100 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1105 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1105 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 1106 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1106 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 1115 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1115 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 1710 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1710 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2110 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 2105 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2105 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 2830 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2830 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3100 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3102 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3102 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3103 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 3103 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3104 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3104 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3105 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3105 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3106 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3107 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3107 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3108 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3108 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3110 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3110 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3115 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3115 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3421 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3421 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3422 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3422 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3435 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3435 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4100 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4102 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4102 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4103 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4103 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4104 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4104 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4105 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4105 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4106 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4106 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4107 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4107 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4108 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4108 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4827 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4827 3.00)
Greek and Roman History
- AP/HIST 1100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1100 6.00)
- AP/HIST 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2100 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3120 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3120 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3125 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3125 3.00)
- AP/HIST 3130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3130 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3131 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3131 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3135 3.00)
- AP/HIST 3136 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 3630 6.00, AP/CLST 3136 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3140 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3140 3.00)
- AP/HIST 3150 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3150 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3153 6.00
- AP/HIST 3154 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3154 3.00)
- AP/HIST 3155 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3155 3.00)
- AP/HIST 3160 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3160 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4010 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4010 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4012 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4012 3.00)
- AP/HIST 4016 6.00
- AP/HIST 4122 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4122 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4130 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4140 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4140 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4160 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4160 6.00)
- GL/HIST 1618 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1618 3.00, GL/HUMA 1618 3.00, GL/SOSC 1618 3.00)
- GL/HIST 2932 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2932 3.00, GL/HUMA 2932 3.00, GL/SOSC 2932 3.00)
- GL/HIST 2935 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2935 3.00, GL/HUMA 2935 3.00, GL/SOSC 2935 3.00)
Ancient Greek
- AP/GK 1000 6.00
- AP/GK 2000 6.00
- AP/GK 3010 3.00
- AP/GK 3030 3.00
- AP/GK 3040 3.00
- AP/GK 3050 3.00
- AP/GK 3060 3.00
- AP/GK 3070 3.00
- AP/GK 3080 3.00
- AP/GK 4010 3.00
- AP/GK 4030 3.00
- AP/GK 4040 3.00
- AP/GK 4050 3.00
- AP/GK 4060 3.00
- AP/GK 4070 3.00
- AP/GK 4080 3.00
- AP/GK 4130 3.00
- AP/GK 4130 6.00
- AP/GK 4140 6.00
- AP/LA 1000 6.00 or GL/HUMA 1622 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/LIN 1622 6.00)
- AP/LA 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 2922 6.00, GL/LIN 2922 6.00)
- AP/LA 3010 3.00
- AP/LA 3020 3.00
- AP/LA 3030 3.00
- AP/LA 3040 3.00
- AP/LA 3050 6.00
- AP/LA 3060 3.00
- AP/LA 3070 3.00
- AP/LA 3080 3.00
- AP/LA 3110 3.00
- AP/LA 3120 3.00
- AP/LA 4010 3.00
- AP/LA 4020 3.00
- AP/LA 4030 3.00
- AP/LA 4040 3.00
- AP/LA 4050 6.00
- AP/LA 4060 3.00
- AP/LA 4070 3.00
- AP/LA 4080 3.00
- AP/LA 4110 3.00
- AP/LA 4120 3.00
- AP/LA 4130 3.00
- AP/LA 4130 6.00
- AP/LA 4140 6.00
- AP/PHIL 2010 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2010 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 2015 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2015 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 3600 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4030 3.00
Political Thought
- AP/POLS 4030 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4035 3.00)
Art and Architecture
- FA/VISA 2520 3.00
- FA/VISA 2530 3.00
The following courses are largely, but not exclusively, concerned with classical antiquity. No more than 12 credits may satisfy degree requirements in classical studies.
- AP/ANTH 2140 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2150 6.00
- AP/EN 4750 3.00
- AP/HIST 2110 6.00
- AP/HIST 3100 6.00
- AP/HIST 3110 6.00
- AP/HIST 3180 6.00
- AP/HIST 4100 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1110 9.00
- AP/HUMA 2515 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3433 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3434 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3828 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3111 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3895 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4808 6.00
- FA/VISA 3830 3.00
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30-course credits and at least half (50 percent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits selected from the list of classics courses, of which at least 24 credits must be in Ancient Greek (AP/GK) and 24 credits in Latin (AP/LA), including at least six credits at the 4000 level in each.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30-course credits and at least half (50 percent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in a combination of Ancient Greek (AP/GK) and Latin (AP/LA), including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA programs in Classics may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits in classics and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet classics requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in classics and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 30 credits in a combination of Ancient Greek (AP/GK) or Latin (AP/LA), including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30-course credits and at least half (50 percent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits selected from offerings in the Classics program in a combination of Ancient Greek (AP/GK) and Latin (AP/LA), including at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Classics Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
- AP/GK 1000 6.00
- AP/GK 2000 6.00
- AP/GK 3010 3.00
- AP/GK 3030 3.00
- AP/GK 3040 3.00
- AP/GK 3050 3.00
- AP/GK 3060 3.00
- AP/GK 3070 3.00
- AP/GK 3080 3.00
- AP/GK 4010 3.00
- AP/GK 4030 3.00
- AP/GK 4040 3.00
- AP/GK 4050 3.00
- AP/GK 4060 3.00
- AP/GK 4070 3.00
- AP/GK 4080 3.00
- AP/GK 4130 3.00
- AP/GK 4130 6.00
- AP/GK 4140 6.00
- AP/LA 1000 6.00
- AP/LA 2000 6.00 or GL/HUMA 2922 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/LIN 2922 6.00)
- AP/LA 3010 3.00
- AP/LA 3020 3.00
- AP/LA 3030 3.00
- AP/LA 3040 3.00
- AP/LA 3050 6.00
- AP/LA 3060 3.00
- AP/LA 3070 3.00
- AP/LA 3080 3.00
- AP/LA 3110 3.00
- AP/LA 3120 3.00
- AP/LA 4010 3.00
- AP/LA 4020 3.00
- AP/LA 4030 3.00
- AP/LA 4040 3.00
- AP/LA 4050 6.00
- AP/LA 4060 3.00
- AP/LA 4070 3.00
- AP/LA 4080 3.00
- AP/LA 4110 3.00
- AP/LA 4120 3.00
- AP/LA 4130 3.00
- AP/LA 4130 6.00
- AP/LA 4140 6.00
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 57 credits, as follows:
i) All of the following Core Courses (27 credits), as follows:
- HH/PSYC 1010 6.00;
- AP/COGS 2160 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PHIL 2160 3.00);
- AP/COGS 2800 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LING 2800 3.00);
- AP/PHIL 2240 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2260 3.00;
- AP/COGS 3750 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PHIL 3750 3.00);
- AP/COGS 4750 6.00 or AP/COGS 4901 6.00;
ii) Group A Themes
15 credits chosen from the following:
1) Psychology
6 credits as follows:
- HH/PSYC 2021 3.00
- HH/PSYC 2030 3.00;
3 credits chosen from the following:
- HH/PSYC 2022 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2110 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2120 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2220 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2240 3.00;
3 credits chosen from the following:
- HH/PSYC 3250 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3255 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3265 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3280 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3290 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LING 3220 3.00);
3 credits chosen from the following:
- HH/PSYC 4010 3.00 / HH/PSYC 4010 6.00;
- HH/PSYC 4020 3.00 / HH/PSYC 4020 6.00;
- HH/PSYC 4080 6.00*;
- HH/PSYC 4260 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 4270 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 4285 3.00;
2) Philosophy
- AP/PHIL 2100 3.00;
12 credits chosen from the following:
- AP/PHIL 3200 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 3260 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 3265 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 3635 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 4080 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 4082 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 4083 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 4084 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 4085 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 4350 3.00;
3) Linguistics
6 credits chosen from the following:
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 6.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
6 credits chosen from the following:
- AP/LING 3120 3.00;
- AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3150 3.00;
- AP/LING 3210 3.00;
- AP/LING 3220 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/PSYC 3290 3.00);
3 credits chosen from the following:
- AP/LING 4120 3.00;
- AP/LING 4140 3.00;
- AP/LING 4150 3.00;
- AP/LING 4230 3.00;
- AP/LING 4250 3.00;
ii) Group B Themes
15 credits chosen from the following:
1) Artificial Intelligence chosen from:
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- SC/MATH 2565 3.00*;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3040 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4310 3.00;
2) Human-Computer Interaction chosen from:
- LE/EECS 1012 3.00 or LE/EECS 1530 3.00;
- LE/EECS 1022 3.00;
- LE/EECS 2030 3.00;
- LE/EECS 3461 3.00;
- LE/EECS 4441 3.00;
3) Machine Learning chosen from:
- LE/EECS 1012 3.00 or LE/EECS 1530 3.00;
- LE/EECS 1022 3.00;
- LE/EECS 2030 3.00;
- SC/MATH 1131 3.00 or SC/MATH 2030 3.00
- LE/EECS 4404 3.00;
*Indicate courses with prerequisites outside of the major.
Note: students must choose two themes, one from Group A and one additional theme from either Group A or Group B.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The program described above may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Courses taken to meet cognitive science requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in Cognitive Science comprises at least 30 credits in philosophy, distributed as follows:
Students must take all of the following courses (18 credits):
- HH/PSYC 1010 6.00
- AP/LING 2800 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/COGS 2800 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 2160 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/COGS 2160 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 2240 3.00
- HH/PSYC 2260 3.00
Students must take 6 credits from the following list:
- AP/PHIL 3260 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3265 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3635 3.00
- AP/COGS 3750 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PHIL 3750 3.00)
Students must take 6 credits from the following list:
- AP/PHIL 4080 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4082 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4083 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4084 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4085 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4350 3.00
School of Administrative Studies
Students prior to entering the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) are required to have completed one 4U mathematics MHF4U (Advanced Functions), or the equivalent. No credit will be retained (NCR) for SC/MATH 1510 6.00 if it is taken concurrently with or after any AP/ADMS statistics/math course (starting with the numbers 23, 33 or 43).
AP/ADMS 1000 3.00 must be successfully completed prior to taking a course for which it is a prerequisite. For all other ADMS courses, AP/ADMS 1000 3.00 may be taken concurrently (corequisite) with the first ADMS course(s) taken.
For students with a prior degree in business-related programs, AP/ADMS 1000 3.00 is waived as a prerequisite for administrative studies (ADMS) courses. Students must replace the course with three credits in administrative studies (ADMS).
The following notes apply to the Honours BCom and BCom programs:
- These courses will not count toward the fulfilment of the 18 credits outside the major:
- AP/PHIL 3570 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3570 3.00
- 4000-level courses are open only to students in the Honours program who have completed a minimum of 78 credits, except for certain courses included within certificates where there is a C+ grade requirement on prerequisite courses. Any student may take these courses provided requirements are met.
- Students are recommended to consider, when choosing their 18 required credits outside the major, the following courses in related disciplines through the School of Public Policy and Administration: AP/PPAS 1110 3.00, AP/PPAS 2110 3.00 and AP/PPAS 2195 3.00.
- The Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) courses are recognized towards certification in a number of professional programs, but not all professional accredited courses completed at other post-secondary institutions are eligible for a course credit exclusion towards a major, minor or prerequisite credits in a degree program. Courses not granted a course credit exclusion may be used as elective credits.
- Students of professional associations should note that degree requirements must be followed. Those who wish to combine a degree and professional designation or otherwise take courses at the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, in accordance with Faculty requirements, are advised to obtain full details from the organizations involved which include:
- Canadian Institute of Marketing
- Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA) Ontario
- Credit Union Institute of Canada
- Financial Planning Standards Council
- Human Resources Professionals Associations of Ontario
- Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
- Supply Chain Management Association of Canada
Specialized Honours BCom: 120 Credits
There are at present eight streams in the Specialized Honours BCom program. The prerequisites and requirements appear below.
Students prior to entering the BCom are required to have completed one 4U mathematics, MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or the equivalent.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- A 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 78 credits including:
(i) Required Honours standard core courses: 45 credits including:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2500 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2510 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2511 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2610 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3351 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ECON 3120 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 3530 3.00*;
- AP/ADMS 3660 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4900 3.00.
*Students in the human resources stream may substitute any 3000 level or above ADMS course in place of AP/ADMS 3530 3.00.
Students who wish to meet the requirement of CHRP certification should take AP/HRM 3430 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3430 3.00).
(ii) 33 additional credits at the 3000 level or above as specified in the requirements for one of the eight streams as described below. At least 18 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits
Accounting Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core: 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3510 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3520 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3585 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3595 3.00;
- three additional credits from AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 3000 or 4000 level courses;
- AP/ADMS 4510 3.00 or AP/ADMS 4520 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4515 3.00 or AP/ADMS 4551 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4561 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4590 3.00;
Six credits at the AP/ADMS 4000 level to be selected from:
- AP/ADMS 4510 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4520 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4540 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4552 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4553 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4560 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4562 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4563 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4570 3.00.
Note: students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
Business Research Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3300 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3330 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3352 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ECON 3130 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 4260 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4265 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4370 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4375 3.00;
- 12 additional credits from AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 3000 or 4000 level courses.
Note: students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
Business Technology Management Stream
(i)The required Honours standard core: 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3521 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4511 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4591 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3221 3.00 (based on AP/ITEC 3220 3.00);
- AP/ITEC 3011 3.00 (based on AP/ITEC 3010 3.00);
- AP/ITEC 4031 3.00 (based on AP/ITEC 4030 3.00);
- AP/ITEC 3506 3.00 (based on AP/ITEC 3500 3.00);
- Six additional credits from AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 3000 or 4000 level courses.
Six credits to be selected from:
- AP/ADMS 3502 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3511 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4245 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4552 3.00.
Finance Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core: 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3531 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3541 3.00;
- one of: AP/ADMS 4501 3.00 or AP/ADMS 4540 3.00;
At least 12 credits chosen from the following:
- AP/ADMS 4501 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4502 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4503 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4504 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4505 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4506 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4507 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4508 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4509 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4535 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4536 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4537 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4540 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4541 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4542 3.00;
- 12 additional credits from AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 3000 or 4000 level courses.
Note: students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
Human Resources Management Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core: 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3400 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/HLST 3240 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3422 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3490 3.00;
15 credits from AP/ADMS 4000 level courses to be chosen from:
- AP/ADMS 4010 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4370 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4444 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 4444 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 4910 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4050 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4050 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4430 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4430 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4440 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4440 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4460 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4460 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4480 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4480 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4481 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4481 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4485 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4485 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4490 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4490 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4495 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4495 3.00).
- Courses outside the major that may be of interest to human resources management students are: AP/ECON 3590 3.00, AP/ECON 3259 6.00, AP/ECON 3620 3.00, AP/ECON 3790 3.00, AP/ITEC 1010 3.00, HH/NURS 3770 3.00, AP/PHIL 3020 3.00, AP/POLS 3415 6.00, HH/PSYC 2120 3.00, HH/PSYC 2130 3.00, HH/PSYC 2210 3.00, HH/PSYC 2230 3.00, HH/PSYC 3410 3.00, HH/PSYC 3420 3.00, HH/PSYC 3540 3.00, AP/SOCI 2030 6.00, AP/SOCI 3480 6.00, AP/SOCI 3680 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3680 6.00), AP/MIST 3580 3.00, AP/GL/GWST 3510 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3130 6.00, GL/WKST 3610 6.00).
- Under the certification process, HRPAO requires an average of 70 per cent with the lowest acceptable grade in any required course of 65 per cent.
- Students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
Management Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core: 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3900 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4010 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4910 3.00;
(iii) 12 additional credits From AP/ADMS 3000 and 4000 level courses to be chosen from:
- AP/ADMS 3120 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3960 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4444 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 4444 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 4940 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4970 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4495 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4495 3.00);
(iv) 12 additional credits selected from AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 3000 and 4000 level courses.
Note: students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
Supply Chain Management Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3300 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3330 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3360 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4333 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4360 3.00;
- 18 additional credits from AP/ADMS 3000 and 4000 level courses to be chosen from:
- AP/ADMS 3345 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3350 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3352 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ECON 3130 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 3353 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4300 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4331 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4340 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4345 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4353 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4370 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4375 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4260 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4265 3.00;
- AP/DEMS 4704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4704 3.00).
Note: students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
Marketing Stream
(i) The required Honours standard core: 45 credits.
(ii) 33 additional credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 3210 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3220 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4250 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4260 3.00;
- 15 additional credits in marketing to be chosen from any AP/ADMS marketing course (starting with the numbers 32 or 42);
- six additional credits from any AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 4000 level course.
Note: students must complete at least 18 credits at the 4000 level in the major.
BCom: 90 Credits
Students prior to entering the BCom are required to have completed 4U mathematics, MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or the equivalent.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements. The cumulative grade point average for must be at least 5.00 and the major grade point average 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 General Education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in Natural Science (NATS)
- A 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- A 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 51 credits including:
(i) Required core courses: 42 credits including:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 1010 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2500 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2510 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2511 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2610 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3351 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3530 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3900 3.00 or AP/ADMS 3920 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
(ii) 9 additional credits from AP/ADMS or AP/DEMS 3000 or 4000 level courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting BCom program requirements.
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 2600 3.00) | AP/ADMS 3480 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3530 3.00 | AP/ECON 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4540 3.00 | AP/ECON 4410 3.00 |
Program notes for BCom ITEC courses: the following chart refers only to courses completed prior to entry to the BCom program.
BCom ITEC program course | BCom ITEC program course substitutes if completed prior to entering the program |
AP/ITEC 1620 3.00 | LE/EECS 1020 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 2620 3.00 | LE/EECS 1030 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 3220 3.00 | LE/EECS 3421 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 3230 3.00 | LE/EECS 3461 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 1000 3.00 | Students who have successfully completed EECS courses prior to entering the program may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any EECS course that has already been used towards the fulfilment of another requirement. Should no course remain, students may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any ITEC course not specifically required for completion of the major core. |
SC/MATH 2320 3.00 and SC/MATH 2565 3.00 | SC/MATH 1550 6.00 completed prior to entering the program. |
SC/MATH 2565 3.00 | SC/MATH 2560 3.00, SC/MATH 2570 3.00, SC/MATH 1131 3.00 completed prior to entering the program. |
Program notes for BCom: the following chart refers only to courses completed prior to entry to the BCom program.
BCom Program course | BCom course substitutes for Schulich courses complete prior to entering the program |
AP/ADMS 1000 3.00 | SB/MGMT 1000 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 1010 3.00 | SB/MGMT 1010 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2200 3.00 | SB/MKTG 1030 3.00 or SB/MKTG 2030 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2320 3.00 | SB/MGMT 1050 3.00 or SB/OMIS 1000 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 | (SB/ORGS 2100 3.00 and SB/ORGS 2200 3.00) or (SB/ORGS 1000 3.00 and SB/ORGS 2010 3.00) |
AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 | SB/ACTG 2010 3.00 and SB/ACTG 2011 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 | SB/ACTG 2020 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2511 3.00 | SB/OMIS 4710 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2610 3.00 | SB/MGMT 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3210 3.00 (previously AP/ADMS 4220 3.00) | SB/MKTG 4150 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3330 3.00 | SB/MGMT 2050 3.00 or (SB/OMIS 2010 3.00 and SB/MGMT 2000 3.00 (prior to Fall 2012)) |
AP/ADMS 3351 3.00 | SB/OMIS 2010 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3510 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3520 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4710 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3530 3.00 | SB/FINE 2000 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3531 3.00 | SB/FINE 3200 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3541 3.00 | SB/FINE 4050 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3585 3.00 | SB/ACTG 3110 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3595 3.00 | SB/ACTG 3120 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3660 3.00 | SB/MGMT 2040 3.00 or SB/MGMT 1040 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3920 3.00 | SB/ENTR 4600 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3960 3.00 | SB/IBUS 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 42XX 3.00 (marketing stream only) | SB/MKTG 4320 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 42XX 3.00 (marketing stream only) | SB/MKTG 4321 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4210 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4225 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4250 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4240 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4245 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4560 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4260 3.00 | SB/MKTG 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4285 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4550 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4503 3.00 | SB/FINE 4800 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4510 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4200 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4520 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4160 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4540 3.00 | SB/FINE 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4542 3.00 | SB/FINE 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4551 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4600 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4552 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4620 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4553 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4610 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4562 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4720 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4570 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4450 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4900 3.00 and must replace AP/ADMS 3900 3.00 with another 3000 or 4000 level ADMS course |
SB/SGMT 3000 3.00 |
Information Technology (BCom ITEC) Program
In partnership with the School of Information Technology, the School of Administrative Studies also offers a Bachelor of Commerce in Information Technology (BCom ITEC). The BCom ITEC is unique as it blends information management with business. It has three honours streams: Business Systems Analysis, E-Commerce Development and Information Technology Auditing & Assurance. Detailed information about this program can be found on its own program page.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both. Effective September 2012 significant changes were made to Communication and Media Studies course numbers. Students following pre-2012 Communication and Media Studies requirements should contact the Undergraduate Program Director regarding program completion.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students majoring in the program must complete at least 48 credits in Communication and Media Studies, as outlined below:
- 9 credits: AP/COMN 1000 6.00, and an additional 3 credits at the 1000 level in COMN
- 15 credits: AP/COMN 2100 3.00; AP/COMN 2150 3.00; AP/COMN 2200 3.00; AP/COMN 2500 3.00; and AP/COMN 2700 3.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 3000 level in COMN;
- 12 additional credits at the 4000 level in COMN
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students majoring in the program must complete at least 48 credits in Communication and Media Studies, as outlined below:
- 9 credits: AP/COMN 1000 6.00 and 3 additional credits at the 1000 level in COMN;
- 15 credits: AP/COMN 2100 3.00; AP/COMN 2150 3.00; AP/COMN 2200 3.00; AP/COMN 2500 3.00, and AP/COMN 2700 3.00;
- 12 additional credits at the 3000 level in COMN;
- 12 additional credits at the 4000 level in COMN
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Double Major BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
The Creative Writing program is an Honours program. Students who wish to apply for admission to the program are strongly advised to take one of the following courses among their first 30 University credits:
- AP/EN 1001 3.00
- AP/EN 1002 3.00
- AP/EN 1006 3.00
- AP/WRIT 1700 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 1700 9.00)
Note: a maximum of six credits from the courses listed above will count for creative writing major or minor credit.
Students may enrol in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies in Honours or in the Fine Arts Studies Program.
Students who are in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design should plan a course of studies with the approval of both the Creative Writing and Fine Arts program. If you are registered in the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design you will be expected to meet the requirements of the Fine Arts Studies Program.
Students must successfully complete AP/CWR 2600 6.00 or its equivalent before applying for admission to the Creative Writing program as a major or minor. Students taking AP/CWR 2600 6.00 who wish to obtain full admission to the program as a major or minor should submit a 15-20 page portfolio of poetry and prose fiction following completion of AP/CWR 2600 6.00.
Students may also apply for full admission after their first 48 credits and before completion of their first 78 credits by presenting a portfolio containing work in both poetry and prose fiction as evidence of writing experience equivalent to that provided by AP/CWR 2600 6.00. In either case, applicants must also fill out a Creative Writing program application form. Acceptance of the portfolio by the Creative Writing Committee constitutes full admission to the Honours Major or Honours Minor program. Students who have not taken AP/CWR 2600 6.00 are advised six additional workshop credits will be required to take the place of AP/CWR 2600 6.00 in their Major program.
Prospective students are reminded that Creative Writing is an Honours only program, obliging both prospective students and continuing students to maintain Honours Standing.
It is strongly recommended that students in the Honours BA program combine creative writing with another major or minor.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with an honours standing.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 48 credits in creative writing, including:
- AP/CWR 2600 6.00;
- 18 workshop credits chosen from AP/CWR 3600 6.00, AP/CWR 3610 6.00, AP/CWR 3612 3.00, AP/CWR 3620 6.00, AP/CWR 4600 6.00, AP/CWR 4610 6.00, AP/CWR 4620 6.00, FA/CMA 2121 6.00, FA/CMA 3120 6.00, FA/CMA 4120 6.00, FA/THEA 3290 6.00, FA/THEA 4290 6.00 including at least six credits at the 4000 level;
- 24 additional credits chosen from all courses in the English major, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, no more than 6 credits at the 1000 level, and a maximum of six additional creative writing workshop credits. Students may also fulfil this requirement through courses outside the English major, if those courses contain a significant literary component and if the student obtains the written permission of the Coordinator.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 21 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA program in Creative Writing may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 48 credits in creative writing and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet creative writing requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in creative writing and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
The 48 credits in creative writing must include:
- AP/CWR 2600 6.00;
- 18 workshop credits chosen from AP/CWR 3600 6.00, AP/CWR 3610 6.00, AP/CWR 3612 3.00, AP/CWR 3620 6.00, AP/CWR 4600 6.00, AP/CWR 4610 6.00, AP/CWR 4620 6.00, FA/CMA 2121 6.00, FA/CMA 3120 6.00, FA/CMA 4120 6.00, FA/THEA 3290 6.00, FA/THEA 4290 6.00 including at least six credits at the 4000 level;
- 24 additional credits chosen from all courses in the English major, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, no more than 6 credits at the 1000 level, and a maximum of six additional creative writing workshop credits. Students may also fulfil this requirement through courses outside the English major, if those courses contain a significant literary component and if the student obtains the written permission of the Coordinator.
- At least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students must take at least 30 credits in creative writing, including:
- AP/CWR 2600 6.00;
- 12 additional workshop credits chosen from the following list: AP/CWR 3600 6.00; AP/CWR 3610 6.00; AP/CWR 3612 3.00; AP/CWR 3620 6.00; AP/CWR 4600 6.00; AP/CWR 4610 6.00; AP/CWR 4620 6.00; FA/CMA 2121 6.00; FA/CMA 3120 6.00; FA/CMA 4120 6.00; FA/THEA 3290 6.00; or FA/THEA 4290 6.00
- 12 additional credits chosen from all courses in the English major, including at least 6 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, and no more than 6 credits at the 1000 level. Students may also fulfil this requirement through courses outside the English major, if those courses contain a significant literary component and if the student obtains the written permission of the Coordinator.
- At least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
Creative Writing Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in creative writing.
Workshop Course
- AP/CWR 2600 6.00
Honours Major Workshop Courses
- AP/CWR 3600 6.00
- AP/CWR 3610 6.00
- AP/CWR 3612 3.00
- AP/CWR 3620 6.00
- AP/CWR 4600 6.00
- AP/CWR 4610 6.00
- AP/CWR 4620 6.00
- FA/CMA 2121 6.00
- FA/CMA 3120 6.00
- FA/CMA 4120 6.00
- FA/THEA 3290 6.00
- FA/THEA 4290 6.00
Note: portfolios are required for admission to these courses. Please consult the program office for more information.
Literary Context Courses
All courses in the English major are considered Literary Context courses. Students may also fulfil this requirement through courses outside the English major, if those courses contain a significant literary component and if the student obtains the written permission of the Coordinator.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Students must achieve at least a grade of B (6.00) in AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1650 6.00) in order to be permitted to continue as a major in criminology, or to pursue additional criminology courses at the 2000, 3000 and 4000 levels. Under exceptional circumstances, non-majors who have not obtained at least a grade of B (6.00) in AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 may apply for special consideration to enrol in a criminology course for which AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 is a prerequisite. This application should be made to the coordinator of the Criminology program.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 54 credits in criminology, including:
- AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1650 6.00) (with a minimum grade of B);
- AP/CRIM 2650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2650 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2652 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2653 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from the list of 3000-level courses;
- 6 credits chosen from the list of 4000-level courses;
- 12 additional credits chosen from the extended list of criminology courses, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level. Students can take no more than two 6-credit CRIM 4000-level courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. Students can take no more than two 6-credit CRIM 4000-level courses.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Courses taken to meet the criminology requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the other Honours bachelor's degree program.
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits in criminology, including:
- AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1650 6.00) (with a minimum grade of B);
- AP/CRIM 2650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2650 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2652 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2653 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from the list of 3000-level courses;
- 6 credits chosen from the list of 4000-level courses;
- 6 additional credits at the 4000-level chosen from the extended list of criminology courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. Students can take no more than two 6-credit CRIM 4000-level courses.
Credits outside the major: students who are completing a double major are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Criminology may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 42 credits in criminology and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet the criminology requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in criminology and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 42 credits in criminology must include the following:
- AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1650 6.00) (with a minimum grade of B);
- AP/CRIM 2650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2650 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2652 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 2653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2653 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from the list of 3000-level courses;
- 6 credits chosen from the list of 4000-level courses.
Note: Students can take no more than two 6-credit CRIM 4000-level courses.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits in criminology, including:
- AP/CRIM 1650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1650 6.00) (with a minimum grade of B);
- AP/CRIM 2650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2650 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2652 6.00);
- AP/CRIM 2653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2653 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from the list of 3000-level courses;
- 6 credits chosen from the list of 4000-level courses;
- 6 additional credits at the 4000-level chosen from the extended list of criminology courses.
- At least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level. Students can take no more than two 6-credit CRIM 4000-level courses.
- AP/SOCI 3810 6.00 will not count for criminology major credit.
Criminology Courses
3000-Level Criminology Courses
- AP/CRIM 3652 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3652 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3654 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3654 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3655 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3655 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3656 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3656 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3657 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3657 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3658 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3658 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3659 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3659 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 3663 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3663 3.00)
4000-Level Criminology Courses
- AP/CRIM 4650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4650 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4652 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4653 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4654 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4654 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4655 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4655 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4657 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4657 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4658 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4658 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4659 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4659 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4661 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4661 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4662 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4662 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4663 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4663 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4664 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4664 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4665 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4665 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4666 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4666 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4667 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4667 6.00)
Extended List Courses
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in criminology. Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year. Criminology majors are not guaranteed spaces in courses offered by other Departments. Enrolment is subject to availability.
- AP/ANTH 3020 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3370 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4340 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4410 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 4410 3.00)
- AP/CRIM 4650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4650 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4652 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4653 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4654 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4654 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4655 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4655 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4656 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4656 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4657 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4657 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4658 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4658 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4659 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4659 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4660 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4660 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4663 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4663 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4664 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4664 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4665 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4665 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4666 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4666 6.00)
- AP/CRIM 4667 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4667 6.00)
- AP/COMN 3700 3.00
- AP/COMN 3701 3.00
- AP/COMN 3751 3.00
- AP/GWST 3506 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3506 6.00, GL/PHIL 3506 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4502 6.00, GL/SOSC 4602 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3850 6.00
- AP/HIST 4545 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3890 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1825 9.00
- AP/LING 2450 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2050 6.00
- AP/PHIL 3195 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4185 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4190 3.00
- AP/POLS 2200 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2200 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3065 3.00
- AP/POLS 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3135 3.00, GL/POLS 3135 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3136 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3136 3.00, GL/POLS 3136 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3200 3.00
- AP/POLS 3210 3.00
- AP/POLS 3255 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 3010 6.00)
- AP/POLS 4015 3.00
- AP/POLS 4065 3.00
- AP/POLS 4080 3.00
- AP/POLS 4103 3.00
- AP/POLS 4105 3.00
- AP/POLS 4125 3.00
- AP/POLS 4130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 4130 6.00)
- AP/POLS 4180 6.00
- AP/POLS 4200 6.00
- AP/POLS 4220 3.00
- AP/POLS 4260 3.00
- AP/POLS 4401 3.00
- AP/PPAS 2200 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 2200 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 2420 3.00
- AP/PPAS 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3135 3.00, GL/POLS 3135 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 4070 6.00
- AP/PPAS 4130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 4130 6.00)
- AP/SOCI 2070 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3450 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3690 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4200 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4360 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4440 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4810 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4830 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4840 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4840 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4850 3.00
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00
- AP/SOSC 3362 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3370 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3392 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3992 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4043 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4650 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4652 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4653 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4653 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4654 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4654 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4655 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4655 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4656 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4656 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4657 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4657 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4658 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4658 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4659 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4659 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4660 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4660 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4661 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4661 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4662 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4662 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4663 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4663 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4664 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4664 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4665 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4665 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4666 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4666 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4667 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 4667 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4710 6.00
- EU/ENVS 3420 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3050 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3140 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3310 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3500 3.00
- HH/PSYC 4030 6.00
- HH/PSYC 4050 6.00
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 54 credits including:
- 12 core credits including AP/CLTR 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2002 6.00) and AP/CLTR 3100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3201 6.00);
- students are expected to complete at least six credits from each of the four groups. The remaining credits may be taken from the list of program courses or from School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design course offerings by permission of the program coordinator.
Note: at least 12 credits must be at the 4000 level within the major.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
- 12 core credits including AP/CLTR 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2002 6.00) and AP/CLTR 3100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3201 6.00);
- students are expected to complete six credits from Group A and six credits from two of the remaining three groups. The remaining credits may be taken from the list of program courses or from School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design course offerings by permission of the program coordinator.
Note: at least 12 credits must be at the 4000 level within the major.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: a minimum of 30 credits including:
- 12 core credits including AP/CLTR 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2002 6.00) and AP/CLTR 3100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3201 6.00);
- the remaining 18 credits will be chosen from a list of program courses including at least six credits at the 4000 level. Students are expected to complete six credits from Group A and six credits from two of the remaining three groups.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 30 credits including:
- 12 core credits: AP/CLTR 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2002 6.00) and AP/CLTR 3100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3201 6.00);
- the remaining 18 credits will be chosen from a list of program courses including at least 12 credits in the major at a 3000 level or above. Students are expected to complete six credits from Group A and six credits from two of the remaining three groups.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: the 90 credits above must include at least 18 credits at the 3000 level or above.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
List of Program Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
Group A: Culture
- AP/CLTR 2210 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2210 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 2420 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2220 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 2610 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2230 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 2850 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2675 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3140 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3140 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3150 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3207 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3165 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3165 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3210 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3215 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3220 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3220 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3220 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3220 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3230 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3230 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3230 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3230 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3250 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3250 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3250 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3250 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3318 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3310 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3610 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3903 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3610 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3903 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3841 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3607 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3842 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3608 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 4000 3.00
- AP/CLTR 4000 6.00
- AP/CLTR 4135 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/PSYC 4160 3.00, AP/HUMA 4901 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 4210 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4902 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 4535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4535 3.00)
Group B: Literature/Humanities
- AP/CLTR 1953 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 1953 6.00, AP/HUMA 1953 6.00)
- AP/CLTR 3080 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3080 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3080 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3080 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4511 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2505 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2510 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3007 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3317 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3317 6.00, AP/MIST 3317 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3436 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3437 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3440 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3221 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3523 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLTR 3523 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3660 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3660 3.00, AP/MIST 3660 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3660 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3660 6.00, AP/MIST 3660 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3661 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3661 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3661 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3661 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3902 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLTR 3590 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4680 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4681 3.00
- AP/GWST 3545 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3545 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3546 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3546 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4515 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4515 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4550 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4550 6.00, GL/HUMA 3940 6.00, GL/HUMA 3940 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4551 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4551 6.00, GL/HUMA 4651 6.00)
Group C: Science/Philosophy/Health
- AP/PHIL 2130 3.00
Group D: Social Science/Psychology
- AP/SOCI 3780 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4500 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3575 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3575 6.00)
Specialized Honours BDEM: 120 Credits
Note: students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics (MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions) or equivalent prior to entry to the program. Students transferring into the program must have a minimum grade point average of 5.00.
Note: Students are recommended to consider, when choosing their 21 general education credits, the following course: AP/HIST 1777 6.00 Disasters and History: Humans and Nature make Disasters.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete the required 120 credits with a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.50.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 66 credits in total including:
- 39 core credits:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/DEMS 1701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 1701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 2700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2700 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (prerequisite for AP/HRM 3440 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3702 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3702 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3703 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3703 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3707 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4721 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4721 3.00);
- LE/ESSE 1410 6.00.
- at least 15 additional DEMS credits as listed in item (I) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
- to complete the credits in the major students must select up to 12 credits from Non-DEMS courses as listed in item (II) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits.
Honours BDEM: 120 Credits
Note: students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics (MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions) or equivalent prior to entry to the program. Students transferring into the program must have a minimum grade point average of 5.00.
Note: Students are recommended to consider, when choosing their 21 general eduation credits, the following course: AP/HIST 1777 6.00 Disasters and History: How Humans and Nature make Disasters.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete the required 120 credits with a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.50.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 57 credits including:
- 39 core credits:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/DEMS 1701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 1701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 2700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2700 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (prerequisite for AP/HRM 3440 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3702 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3702 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3703 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3703 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3707 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4721 3.00;
- LE/ESSE 1410 6.00.
- at least 12 additional DEMS credits as listed in item (I) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
- to complete the credits in the major students must select up to 6 credits from Non-DEMS courses as listed in item (II) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits.
Honours Double Major BDEM
The Honours BDEM program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties. Students wishing to combine a major in disaster and emergency management with a minor in another discipline or field of study must follow the requirements below. (This Honours option does not include a stream.)
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
- Students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics (MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions) or equivalent prior to entry to the program.
Major credits: 48 credits including:
- 39 core credits:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/DEMS 1701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 1701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 2700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2700 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (prerequisite for AP/HRM 3440 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3702 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3702 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3703 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3703 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3707 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4721 3.00;
- LE/ESSE 1410 6.00.
- at least 9 additional DEMS credits as listed in item (I) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BDEM
The Honours BDEM program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties. Students wishing to combine a major in disaster and emergency management with a minor in another discipline or field of study must follow the requirements below. (This Honours option does not include a stream.)
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
- Students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics (MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions) or equivalent prior to entry to the program.
Major credits: 57 credits including:
- 39 core credits:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/DEMS 1701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 1701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 2700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2700 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (prerequisite for AP/HRM 3440 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3702 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3702 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3703 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3703 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3707 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4721 3.00;
- LE/ESSE 1410 6.00.
- at least 12 additional DEMS credits as listed in item (I) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
- to complete the credits in the major students must select up to 6 credits from Non-DEMS courses as listed in item (II) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Minor
The BDEM Honours Minor in disaster and emergency management may be pursued jointly with any Honours Major degree program offered by the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, the Lassonde School of Engineering or Glendon that offers a major/minor option. Students must complete 33 credits in the minor and at least six credits must be at the 4000 level.
Note: students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics (MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions) or equivalent prior to entry to the program.
Minor credits: 33 credits including:
- 27 core credits:
- AP/DEMS 1701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 1701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 2700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2700 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3702 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3702 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3703 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3703 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3707 3.00);
- LE/ESSE 1410 6.00;
- at least 6 additional DEMS credits as listed in item (I) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
BDEM: 90 credits
Note: students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics (MDM4U Mathematics of Data Management or MHF4U Advanced Functions) or equivalent prior to entry to the program. Students transferring into the program must have a minimum grade point average of 5.00.
Note: Students are recommended to consider, when choosing their 21 general education credits, the following course: AP/HIST 1777 6.00 Disasters and History: How Humans and Nature make Disasters.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete the required 90 credits with a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 51 credits including:
- 39 core credits:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/DEMS 1701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 1701 3.00);
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (prerequisite for AP/HRM 3440 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 2700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2700 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3701 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3701 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3702 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3702 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3703 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3703 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3707 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4721 3.00;
- LE/ESSE 1410 6.00.
- at least 9 additional DEMS credits as listed in item (I) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
To complete the credits in the major students must select up to 3 credits from Non-DEMS courses as listed in item (II) of the Appendix - Course Categories.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits.
Appendix - Course Categories
(i) DEMS courses:
- AP/DEMS 3705 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3705 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3706 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3706 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 3708 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3708 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4704 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4704 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4705 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4705 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4707 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4707 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4708 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4708 3.00);
- AP/DEMS 4709 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4709 3.00).
(ii) Non-DEMS courses:
- AP/ADMS 3511 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3370 3.00;
- AP/ANTH 3200 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3400 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/HLST 3240 3.00) or AP/SOSC 3169 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3440 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3440 3.00), AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 is prerequisite;
- AP/POLS 3190 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3190 6.00);
- AP/POLS 3195 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 3140 3.00, AP/PPAS 3140 3.00);
- AP/SOCI 4430 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 3168 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 3400 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 3401 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 3450 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 4400 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 4402 3.00;
- EU/ENVS 4440 3.00;
- EU/GEOG 3340 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/GEOG 3340 3.00);
- EU/GEOG 3700 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/GEOG 3700 3.00);
- LE/ESSE 3600 3.00;
- LE/ESSE 4600 3.00;
- SC/STS 4780 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4088 3.00).
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
The East Asian Studies program offers a number of undergraduate degree programs, the requirements for which are described in detail in the following sections. These degree programs have certain characteristics in common:
- The focus of the degree programs is on the modern period. However, it is emphasized that students should also learn to appreciate the cultural traditions behind developments during the 19th and 20th centuries.
- East Asian studies is an interdisciplinary program. Students are trained to use the concepts, skills and information of at least two academic disciplines.
- Competence in an East Asian language (usually Chinese or Japanese or Korean) is a feature of all the degree programs except the Honours Minor.
Within the general guidelines and requirements, a student could choose from a rich array of course offerings every year to create a combination which best serves their academic interests and career aspirations. Students should consult the coordinator when designing their programs of study.
Program Distribution Requirements
- A student must complete courses in East Asian studies from at least two departments or divisions.
- A student must complete at least one course which is concerned mainly with pre-modern East Asia.
- Students concentrate in either Chinese or Japanese or Korean studies, but must also study other East Asian cultures outside their area of concentration:
- a student who concentrates in Chinese studies must complete at least 12 credits in non-Chinese subjects within East Asian studies;
- a student who concentrates in Japanese studies must complete at least 12 credits in non-Japanese subjects within East Asian studies;
- a student who concentrates in Korean studies must complete at least 12 credits in non-Korean subjects within East Asian studies;
- language/translation courses will not meet program distribution requirements.
- All students must complete at least one of the following core courses: AP/HUMA 1400 9.00 or AP/HIST 2710 6.00. Also, students must in Specialized Honours or Honours programs must meet language requirements specific to their degree programs (refer below).
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits in from the East Asian studies list of courses, including:
- at least one core course (AP/HUMA 1400 9.00 or AP/HIST 2710 6.00);
- at least 12 credits (other than language/translation courses) at the 4000 level. Demonstrated competence in an East Asian language (usually Chinese, Japanese or Korean) at the advanced level is required. This requirement would normally be met by successful completion of AP/CH 3000 6.00 or AP/JP 3000 6.00 or AP/KOR 3000 6.00. It may also be met by passing a competency test or by successful completion of another course recognized for the purpose.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits from the East Asian studies list of courses, including:
- at least one core course (AP/HUMA 1400 9.00 or AP/HIST 2710 6.00);
- at least 12 credits (other than language/translation courses) at the 4000 level. Demonstrated competence in an East Asian language (usually Chinese, Japanese or Korean) at the intermediate level is required. This requirement will normally be met by successful completion of AP/CH 2000 6.00 or AP/JP 2000 6.00 or AP/KOR 2000 6.00. It may also be met by passing a competency test or by successful completion of another course recognized for the purpose.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
East Asian studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits from the East Asian studies list of courses and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet East Asian studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits from the East Asian studies list of courses and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in East Asian studies comprises at least 30 credits from the East Asian studies list of courses (other than language/translation courses), including:
- at least one core course (AP/HUMA 1400 9.00 or AP/HIST 2710 6.00);
- six credits at the 4000 level;
- 18 of the 30 credits must be above the 2000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
East Asian Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in East Asian studies.
- AP/ANTH 1110 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3190 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3320 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3320 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3520 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4250 6.00
- AP/CH 1000 6.00
- AP/CH 1010 6.00
- AP/CH 2000 6.00
- AP/CH 2030 6.00
- AP/CH 2200 6.00
- AP/CH 3000 6.00
- AP/CH 3010 6.00
- AP/CH 3400 3.00
- AP/CH 3600 6.00
- AP/CH 3710 6.00
- AP/CH 3711 3.00
- AP/CH 3790 6.00
- AP/CH 3791 6.00
- AP/CH 4050 6.00
- AP/CH 4300 6.00
- AP/ECON 1900 3.00
- AP/ECON 3150 3.00
- AP/ECON 3550 3.00
- AP/ECON 3560 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3560 3.00)
- AP/ECON 4129 3.00
- AP/ECON 4190 3.00
- AP/HIST 1030 6.00
- AP/HIST 2710 6.00
- AP/HIST 3760 6.00
- AP/HIST 3762 6.00
- AP/HIST 3765 6.00
- AP/HIST 3766 3.00
- AP/HIST 3768 3.00
- AP/HIST 3770 6.00
- AP/HIST 3775 3.00
- AP/HIST 3776 6.00
- AP/HIST 4071 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4051 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4072 6.00
- AP/HIST 4760 6.00
- AP/HIST 4765 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1400 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1420 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1435 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1865 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2430 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3500 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3505 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/STS 3505 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3506 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/STS 3506 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3510 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3520 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3675 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3940 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4405 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4416 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4421 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4425 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4430 6.00
- AP/JP 1000 6.00
- AP/JP 2000 6.00
- AP/JP 2700 6.00
- AP/JP 3000 6.00
- AP/JP 4000 6.00
- AP/JP 4010 6.00
- AP/JP 4100 6.00
- AP/JP 4120 6.00
- AP/KOR 1000 6.00
- AP/KOR 2000 6.00
- AP/KOR 3000 6.00
- AP/KOR 3600 3.00
- AP/KOR 3700 3.00
- AP/KOR 4600 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2035 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3450 6.00
- AP/POLS 3220 3.00
- AP/POLS 3230 3.00
- AP/POLS 3510 3.00
- AP/POLS 3515 3.00
- AP/POLS 3591 3.00
- AP/POLS 4265 3.00
- AP/POLS 4285 3.00
- AP/POLS 4510 3.00
- AP/POLS 4595 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3415 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2430 3.00
- AP/SOSC 2430 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2435 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2600 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 1865 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3575 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3735 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4395 3.00
- FA/DANC 2510H 3.00
- FA/DANC 3510H 3.00
- FA/FILM 3610A 3.00
- FA/FILM 3610D 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1047 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1048 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1096 3.00
- FA/MUSI 2047 3.00
- FA/MUSI 2048 3.00
- FA/MUSI 2096 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3047 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3048 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3096 3.00
- FA/MUSI 4047 3.00
- FA/MUSI 4048 3.00
- FA/MUSI 4096 3.00
- FA/THEA 4220 6.00
- FA/VISA 2340 6.00
- FA/VISA 3343 3.00
- FA/VISA 3344 3.00
- FA/VISA 3345 3.00
- FA/VISA 4340A 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4405 6.00)
- FA/VISA 4800L 3.00
- GL/POLS 4685 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 4685 3.00)
The Economics program focuses on those aspects of social behaviour and those institutions which are involved in the allocation of scarce resources among alternative uses in the pursuit of the satisfaction of human wants. Through a unique teaching approach that blends theory and application, you will gain in-depth knowledge of the analytical and quantitative tools of economic analysis as you apply them to understand and solve of a wide range of individual and social problems about consumption and production in a variety of markets (product, labour, capital, etc., both nationally and internationally) which arise because of resource scarcity. You will be able to pursue a degree in Economics at the BA Specialized Honours, BA Honours, or BA level.
Prior to entering the Economics program, students are required to have completed 4U mathematics MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or an equivalent course.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 60 credits in economics including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 4010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 4020 3.00;
- AP/ECON 4210 3.00;
- 15 additional credits, including at least three credits at the 4000 level and at least six credits in writing courses.*
*Note: Economics writing courses are designated with a fourth digit of 9, e.g. AP/ECON 3259 3.00.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits in economics including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00;
- 18 additional credits, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level and six credits in writing courses.*
*Note: Economics writing courses are designated with a fourth digit of 9, e.g. AP/ECON 3259 3.00.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with any other Honours bachelor's degree program in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Economics may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Courses taken to meet economics requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in economics and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in economics including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00;
- 12 additional credits, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least 6 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor bachelor's degree program in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students must complete at least 39 credits in economics including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00;
- nine additional credits, including six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 39 credits in economics including:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00;
- nine additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting the economics program requirements.
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/ECON 1000 3.00 | GL/ECON 1000 3.00 |
AP/ECON 1010 3.00 | GL/ECON 1010 3.00 |
All students majoring or minoring in English must take one of the following courses or course sequences in their first year: AP/EN 1001 3.00 and AP/EN 1002 3.00; AP/EN 1101 6.00; AP/EN 1102 6.00; or AP/EN 1103 6.00. They must successfully complete AP/EN 1001 3.00 with a minimum grade of D (50%) before they may take AP/EN 1002 3.00, and complete AP/EN 1002 3.00 with a minimum grade of C (60%) before they will be permitted to continue in English. They must achieve a minimum grade of C (60%) in AP/EN 1101 6.00, AP/EN 1102 6.00 or AP/EN 1103 6.00 to continue in English. Students may only count six credits from a 1000-level English course towards their major or minor program.
Students majoring or minoring in English are required to take a minimum number of credits in courses focusing on literature from before the 20th century. Such courses fall into two categories: I) pre-18th century literature (from before 1700), and II) pre-20th century literature (from between 1700 and 1900). Students should fulfil this requirement within the overall number of credits required for their English degree. Students may not count more than six credits from the 2170 and/or 3170 series of AP/EN courses (the Popular Genres series) for major or minor credit in English.
Among the total number of credits required for:
- Honours BAs with English as a Minor, or Regular BAs, students pursuing those degrees must take at least three credits overall in courses from either group I or II;
- Honours BAs, Honours Double Major BAs, or Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BAs, or Honours Major/Minor BAs, students pursuing those degrees must take at least three credits in courses from group I and at least three credits in courses from group II; and
- Specialized Honours BAs, students pursuing those degrees must take at least nine credits in courses from groups I and II overall – they may satisfy this requirement by taking either: a) at least six credits from group I and at least three credits from group II, or b) at least three credits from group I and at least six credits from group II.
In short, Minors and Regular BAs may satisfy this requirement by accumulating at least three credits in courses from group I or II. Honours and Specialized Honours BAs must take courses in both groups I and II. Honours BAs must take at least six credits across the two groups. Specialized Honours BAs must take at least 9 credits across the two groups.
English courses in groups I and II will be identified on the English Department's web page. Students should check there to choose courses that satisfy this requirement and to see whether their previously completed courses satisfy this requirement.
This requirement applies to all first-, second-year students in these degree programs in Fall 2014, and all majors and minors in English thereafter.
For a complete list of courses and detailed reading lists, refer to the department's website at yorku.ca/laps/en/.
Students intending to proceed to graduate school should take a broad range of courses, should avoid concentration in only one period or genre and, in consultation with a member of the English Department, should plan a degree program with the understanding that certain traditional subjects may be regarded as essential by some graduate schools.
Students intending to teach in Ontario schools must meet the varied requirements of various Faculties of Education and are advised to construct a balanced degree program by doing at least some work in each major period in literary history; such students should consult specific Faculties of Education about their regulations.
Students are responsible for planning their course of study and for ensuring that all degree and major requirements are met. The department will provide advisers during the summer months, fall and winter terms to advise those students who have questions about their program or about English studies in general. Enquiries may be made through the Undergraduate Office, 524 Atkinson, 416-736-5166.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 60 credits in English, including:
- AP/EN 1001 3.00 and AP/EN 1002 3.00; or AP/EN 1101 6.00; or AP/EN 1102 6.00; or AP/EN 1103 6.00;
- 18 credits from 2000-level courses, including six credits in category C;
- 12 credits from 3000-level courses;
- 12 credits from 4000-level courses;
- 12 additional credits: six from 2000- or 3000-level courses and six from 3000- or 4000-level courses.
Students may not count more than six credits from the 2170 and 3170 series of AP/EN courses (the Popular Genres series) for major or minor credit in English.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 48 credits in English, including:
- AP/EN 1001 3.00 and AP/EN 1002 3.00; or AP/EN 1101 6.00; or AP/EN 1102 6.00; or AP/EN 1103 6.00;
- 18 credits from 2000-level courses, including six credits in category C;
- 12 credits from 3000-level courses;
- 12 credits from 4000-level courses.
Students may not count more than six credits from the 2170 and 3170 series of AP/EN courses (the Popular Genres series) for major or minor credit in English.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with any other Honours bachelor's degree program in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies or the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or with approved major degree programs in the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
English may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 42 credits in English and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet English requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level including at least 12 credits in English and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 42 credits in English must include:
- AP/EN 1001 3.00 and AP/EN 1002 3.00; or AP/EN 1101 6.00; or AP/EN 1102 6.00; or AP/EN 1103 6.00;
- 12 credits from 2000-level courses, including six credits from category C;
- 12 credits from 3000-level courses;
- 12 credits from 4000-level courses.
Students may not count more than six credits from the 2170 and 3170 series of AP/EN courses (the Popular Genres series) for major or minor credit in English.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor bachelor's degree program in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, or the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or with approved minor degree programs in the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Science or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Students must complete at least 48 credits in the major in conformity with the requirements of the program major, including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level and at least 30 credits in the minor in conformity with the requirements of the program minor, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Minor credits: students must take at least 30 credits in English, including:
- AP/EN 1001 3.00 and AP/EN 1002 3.00; or AP/EN 1101 6.00; or AP/EN 1102 6.00; or AP/EN 1103 6.00;
- 12 credits from 2000-level courses, including six credits from category C;
- six credits from 3000-level courses;
- six credits from 4000-level courses.
Students may not count more than six credits from the 2170 and 3170 series of AP/EN courses (the Popular Genres series) for major or minor credit in English.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must take at least 30 credits in English, including:
- AP/EN 1001 3.00 and AP/EN 1002 3.00; or AP/EN 1101 6.00; or AP/EN 1102 6.00; or AP/EN 1103 6.00;
- 12 credits from 2000-level courses, including six credits from category C;
- at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Students may not count more than six credits from the 2170 and 3170 series of AP/EN courses (the Popular Genres series) for major or minor credit in English.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
All English courses (above the 1000 level) are placed in various categories depending on year level. The categories are listed below. Not all courses are offered every year and additional courses may be added.
2000 Level
Category A: Approaches, Theories and Methods
- AP/EN 2000 6.00
- AP/EN 2001 3.00
- AP/EN 2002 3.00
- AP/EN 2010 6.00
- AP/EN 2011 3.00
- AP/EN 2012 3.00
- AP/EN 2020 3.00
Category B: Genres and Modes
- AP/EN 2100 3.00
- AP/EN 2100 6.00
- AP/EN 2120 3.00
- AP/EN 2120 6.00
- AP/EN 2130 3.00
- AP/EN 2130 6.00
- AP/EN 2140 3.00
- AP/EN 2140 6.00
Category C: Literatures
- AP/EN 2220 6.00
- AP/EN 2230 6.00
- AP/EN 2231 6.00
- AP/EN 2240 6.00
- AP/EN 2250 6.00
- AP/EN 2260 6.00
- AP/EN 2270 6.00
- AP/EN 2280 6.00
Category D: Popular Genres
- AP/EN 2170 3.00
- AP/EN 2171 3.00
- AP/EN 2172 3.00
- AP/EN 2173 3.00
- AP/EN 2174 3.00
- AP/EN 2176 3.00
- AP/EN 2177 3.00
- AP/EN 2178 3.00
A maximum of six credits from courses in the 2170 and/or 3170 series can be counted toward the major/minor.
3000 Level
Category A: Approaches and Methods; Theory and Culture
- AP/CLTR 3080 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3080 3.00)
- AP/CLTR 3080 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3080 6.00)
- AP/EN 3000 6.00
- AP/EN 3020 6.00
- AP/EN 3031 6.00
- AP/EN 3032 6.00
- AP/EN 3040 3.00
- AP/EN 3040 6.00
- AP/EN 3041 6.00
- AP/EN 3060 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3001 6.00)
- AP/EN 3061 6.00
- AP/EN 3070 6.00
- AP/EN 3073 6.00
Category B: Trans-Historical/National: Styles and Movements
- AP/EN 3121 6.00
- AP/EN 3125 6.00
- AP/EN 3126 6.00
- AP/EN 3131 3.00
- AP/EN 3132 3.00
- AP/EN 3140 3.00
- AP/EN 3155 3.00
- AP/EN 3160 6.00
- AP/EN 3161 3.00
- AP/EN 3162 3.00
- AP/EN 3163 6.00
- AP/EN 3180 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3180 6.00)
- AP/EN 3190 6.00
- AP/EN 3191 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3013 3.00)
- AP/EN 3193 3.00
- AP/EN 3193 6.00
Category C: Literatures in and Across History
- AP/CLTR 3090 3.00
- AP/CLTR 3090 6.00
- AP/EN 3210 6.00
- AP/EN 3220 3.00
- AP/EN 3220 6.00
- AP/EN 3230 6.00
- AP/EN 3231 6.00
- AP/EN 3235 6.00
- AP/EN 3240 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3839 3.00, AP/INDG 3839 3.00)
- AP/IT 3721 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3241 6.00)
- AP/MIST 3535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3535 3.00, AP/EN 3252 3.00, AP/HUMA 3535 3.00)
- AP/MIST 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3536 3.00, AP/EN 3253 3.00, AP/HUMA 3536 3.00)
- AP/EN 3305 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3305 3.00)
- AP/EN 3310 3.00
- AP/EN 3310 6.00
- AP/EN 3319 3.00
- AP/EN 3319 6.00
- AP/EN 3320 6.00
- AP/EN 3321 6.00
- AP/EN 3322 6.00
- AP/EN 3323 3.00
- AP/EN 3350 3.00
- AP/EN 3370 3.00
- AP/EN 3390 6.00
- AP/EN 3410 3.00
- AP/EN 3420 6.00
- AP/EN 3430 6.00
- AP/EN 3440 6.00
- AP/EN 3450 6.00
- AP/RU 3720 3.00
- AP/RU 3730 3.00
- AP/RU 3740 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3453 3.00)
- AP/RU 3750 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3454 3.00)
- AP/RU 3760 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3455 3.00)
- AP/EN 3500 6.00
- AP/EN 3505 6.00
- AP/EN 3506 6.00
- AP/EN 3515 6.00
- AP/EN 3520 6.00
- AP/EN 3524 6.00
- AP/EN 3525 6.00
- AP/EN 3535 6.00
- AP/EN 3536 6.00
- AP/EN 3540 6.00
- AP/EN 3545 3.00
- AP/EN 3545 6.00
- AP/EN 3550 6.00
- AP/EN 3551 6.00
- AP/EN 3552 3.00
- AP/EN 3553 3.00
- AP/EN 3555 6.00
- AP/EN 3560 6.00
- AP/EN 3570 6.00
- AP/EN 3591 6.00
- AP/EN 3592 6.00
- AP/EN 3625 6.00
Category D: Popular Genres
- AP/EN 3175 3.00
- AP/EN 3179 3.00
A maximum of six credits from courses in the 2170 and/or 3170 series can be counted toward the major/minor.
4000 Level
Category A: Inter- and Multidisciplinary
- AP/EN 4000 3.00
- AP/EN 4000 6.00
- AP/EN 4001 6.00
- AP/EN 4002 6.00
- AP/EN 4003 6.00
- AP/EN 4004 3.00
- AP/EN 4004 6.00
- AP/EN 4005 3.00
- AP/EN 4010 3.00
- AP/EN 4011 3.00
- AP/EN 4012 3.00
- AP/EN 4020 3.00
- AP/EN 4020 6.00
- AP/EN 4021 6.00
- AP/EN 4022 6.00
- AP/EN 4040 6.00
- AP/EN 4041 3.00
- AP/EN 4041 6.00
- AP/EN 4042 3.00
- AP/EN 4050 3.00
- AP/EN 4050 6.00
- AP/EN 4060 3.00
- AP/EN 4061 3.00
- AP/EN 4070 6.00
- AP/EN 4072 6.00
- AP/EN 4080 3.00
- AP/EN 4080 6.00
- AP/EN 4099 6.00
Category B: Trans-National and/or Historical Genre/s
- AP/EN 4101 6.00
- AP/EN 4113 6.00
- AP/EN 4115 6.00
- AP/EN 4116 3.00
- AP/EN 4120 6.00
- AP/EN 4130 3.00
- AP/EN 4130 6.00
- AP/EN 4140 3.00
- AP/EN 4140 6.00
- AP/EN 4142 6.00
- AP/EN 4143 3.00
- AP/EN 4143 6.00
- AP/EN 4146 3.00
- AP/EN 4161 3.00
- AP/EN 4161 6.00
- AP/EN 4163 3.00
- AP/EN 4163 6.00
- AP/EN 4165 6.00
- AP/EN 4166 6.00
- AP/EN 4170 6.00
- AP/EN 4181 6.00
- AP/EN 4191 3.00
- AP/EN 4191 6.00
- AP/EN 4192 6.00
Category C: Literatures in and Across History
Canadian Generic
- AP/EN 4200 3.00
- AP/EN 4200 6.00
- AP/EN 4209 3.00
- AP/EN 4209 6.00
- AP/EN 4220 6.00
- AP/EN 4230 3.00
- AP/EN 4230 6.00
- AP/EN 4236 6.00
Canadian Topics
- AP/EN 4250 3.00
- AP/EN 4250 6.00
- AP/EN 4251 3.00
- AP/EN 4251 6.00
- AP/EN 4252 3.00
- AP/EN 4252 6.00
- AP/EN 4253 3.00
- AP/EN 4253 6.00
- AP/EN 4254 3.00
- AP/EN 4254 6.00
- AP/EN 4255 3.00
- AP/EN 4255 6.00
- AP/EN 4256 6.00
- AP/EN 4284 3.00
- AP/EN 4315 3.00
- AP/EN 4331 3.00
- AP/EN 4332 3.00
- AP/EN 4333 3.00
- AP/EN 4335 3.00
- AP/EN 4341 3.00
- AP/EN 4352 3.00
- AP/EN 4360 3.00
- AP/EN 4371 3.00
- AP/EN 4384 3.00
- AP/EN 4390 6.00
- AP/EN 4400 6.00
- AP/EN 4410 3.00
- AP/EN 4410 6.00
- AP/EN 4411 3.00
- AP/EN 4412 3.00
- AP/EN 4420 6.00
- AP/EN 4421 3.00
- AP/EN 4422 3.00
- AP/EN 4425 3.00
- AP/EN 4500 6.00
- AP/EN 4504 6.00
- AP/EN 4505 6.00
- AP/EN 4510 6.00
- AP/EN 4511 6.00
- AP/EN 4515 6.00
- AP/EN 4516 6.00
- AP/EN 4520 3.00
- AP/EN 4520 6.00
- AP/EN 4521 6.00
- AP/EN 4522 3.00
- AP/EN 4523 3.00
- AP/EN 4523 6.00
- AP/EN 4530 6.00
- AP/EN 4531 3.00
- AP/EN 4531 6.00
- AP/EN 4535 6.00
- AP/EN 4540 3.00
- AP/EN 4550 6.00
- AP/EN 4551 3.00
- AP/EN 4560 6.00
- AP/EN 4561 6.00
- AP/EN 4562 6.00
- AP/EN 4570 6.00
- AP/EN 4571 3.00
- AP/EN 4572 6.00
- AP/EN 4573 3.00
- AP/EN 4574 3.00
- AP/EN 4574 6.00
- AP/EN 4575 6.00
- AP/EN 4576 6.00
- AP/EN 4577 3.00
- AP/EN 4578 6.00
- AP/EN 4579 6.00
- AP/EN 4580 6.00
- AP/EN 4581 3.00
- AP/EN 4582 3.00
- AP/EN 4582 6.00
- AP/EN 4583 3.00
- AP/EN 4584 3.00
- AP/EN 4585 3.00
- AP/EN 4585 6.00
- AP/EN 4591 3.00
- AP/EN 4591 6.00
- AP/EN 4592 6.00
- AP/EN 4593 3.00
- AP/EN 4593 6.00
- AP/EN 4594 6.00
- AP/EN 4595 3.00
- AP/EN 4722 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 4722 6.00)
- AP/EN 4723 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 4723 3.00)
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
The Specialized Honours degree in English and Professional Writing (ENPR) requires 78 credits in the major. The specialized nature of this program lies in the blending of English and Professional Writing into a single degree program that highlights and enhances the relationship between the two fields of study. Such a degree option will provide students with a course of study that is more coherent and viable than an English and Professional Writing double major or major/minor, degrees in which the two fields are treated as separate rather than complementary areas of study.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 78 credits in English and Professional Writing, including:
(i) Program Core Courses
1000-level (15 credits)
- AP/EN 1001 3.00 (F)
- AP/EN 1002 3.00 (W)
- AP/WRIT 1003 6.00
- AP/WRIT 1004 3.00
2000-level (21 credits)
- AP/PRWR 2006 3.00
- AP/PRWR 2007 3.00
- AP/WRIT 2003 6.00 (Y)
- AP/WRIT 2004 3.00
- six additional credits from 2000-level AP/EN courses, not in Professional Writing
Note: students may complete a maximum of six (6) credits from the 2200 series of AP/EN courses for major credit in English and Professional Writing.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits outside of the Writing Department and English Department.
(ii) Upper-Year Requirements
For the Professional Writing portion of the ENPR program, students will choose from the Writing Department's Keystone and Capstone courses. The 3000-level Keystone courses serve as prerequisites for the 4000-level Capstone courses. Therefore, to select from the 4000-level Capstone courses, students must first complete the correlating and prerequisite 3000-level Keystone courses (for example, students will complete AP/WRIT 3001 3.00 before beginning AP/WRIT 4001 6.00).
The experiential Capstone courses build on the theoretical and critical knowledge and practical skills developed throughout the first three years of the Professional Writing Program.
3000-level (18 credits)
- six (6) credits chosen from:
- AP/WRIT 3001 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3002 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3003 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3004 3.00
- six (6) additional credits in Professional Writing
- six (6) credits in 3000-level AP/EN courses, not in Professional Writing
4000-level (24 credits)
- Twelve (12) credits chosen from the Writing Department's current list of experiential capstone courses:
- AP/WRIT 4001 6.00
- AP/WRIT 4002 6.00
- AP/WRIT 4003 6.00
- AP/WRIT 4004 6.00 **
- twelve (12) credits in 4000-level AP/EN courses, not in Professional Writing
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Note: students may complete a maximum of six (6) credits from AP/EN 3170-3179 courses for major credit in English and Professional Writing
English Course Requirements
Students must conform to the English Department guidelines for choosing courses at each year level. Please refer to the English Department guidelines for this information.
Please also note that that students must achieve a mark of 60 per cent (C) or better in AP/EN 1002 3.00 to continue in the program. This is a programmatic requirement for all English degrees.
Out-of-Faculty Courses
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, out-of-Faculty courses may normally count for program credit toward a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree.
The following out-of-Faculty courses will not count for program credit toward a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree in English and professional writing:
- GL/EN 2585 3.00;
- GL/EN 2605 6.00;
- GL/EN 3240 6.00;
- GL/EN 3606 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/LIN 3606 3.00);
- GL/EN 3608 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/LIN 3608 3.00);
- GL/EN 3609 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/LIN 3609 3.00).
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting English and Professional Writing program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/WRIT 1004 3.00 | AP/WRIT 3988 3.00 |
AP/WRIT 3700 6.00 | AP/EN 3180 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3180 6.00) |
The Financial and Business Economics program combines a rigorous quantitative and analytical approach with practical application designed for students who are particularly interested in pursuing careers in the financial sector and/or graduate education in financial economics. The program is highly structured and provides a broad understanding of the economic framework upon which financial theory is based. Through a blend of economic theory and applied tools of modern finance, you will develop a solid knowledge of the microeconomic principles underlying financial markets and instruments, the macroeconomic role of finance, and the quantitative tools commonly used for analyzing financial markets. You will be able to pursue a degree in financial and business economics at the Specialized Honours BA level.
Prior to entering the Financial and Business Economics program, students are required to have completed 4U mathematics MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or an equivalent course.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 78 credits including:
- the following 60 credits:
- AP/ADMS 2500 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2510 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1530 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1540 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2300 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2350 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2450 3.00;
- AP/ECON 2500 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3210 3.00
- AP/ECON 3430 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3440 3.00;
- AP/ECON 3580 3.00;
- AP/ECON 4140 3.00;
- AP/ECON 4400 3.00;
- AP/ECON 4410 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00 or AP/ECON 1280 3.00;
- SC/MATH 1581 3.00;
- 18 credits to be selected from the list below including:
- at least nine credits at the 4000 level;
- at least nine credits from economics;
- at least three of the economics credits at the 4000 level.- AP/ADMS 2610 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3510 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3531 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3541 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3585 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3595 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3620 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4501 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4503 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4504 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4520 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4541 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4542 3.00
- AP/ADMS 4570 3.00
- AP/ECON 3150 3.00
- AP/ECON 3200 3.00
- AP/ECON 3240 3.00
- AP/ECON 3411 3.00
- AP/ECON 3473 3.00
- AP/ECON 3500 3.00
- AP/ECON 3530 3.00
- AP/ECON 3810 3.00
- AP/ECON 4010 3.00
- AP/ECON 4020 3.00
- AP/ECON 4039 3.00
- AP/ECON 4070 3.00
- AP/ECON 4080 3.00
- AP/ECON 4130 3.00
- AP/ECON 4190 3.00
- AP/ECON 4200 3.00
- AP/ECON 4350 3.00
- AP/ECON 4420 3.00
- AP/ECON 4759 3.00
Note: many of the ADMS courses listed above have prerequisites and students are advised to consult the Undergraduate Calendar and/or unit in planning their course selections.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting the economics program requirements.
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/ECON 1000 3.00 | GL/ECON 1000 3.00 |
AP/ECON 1010 3.00 | GL/ECON 1010 3.00 |
The Department of French Studies offers courses in three curricular areas: language, linguistics and literature.
The language sequence is a required series of language-skills courses which prepare the student for further study in the areas of linguistics and literature. AP/FR 1080 6.00 is a prerequisite to all other 2000-level courses in the department. Students who have successfully completed AP/FR 1030 6.00 or its equivalent will be eligible to take AP/FR 1080 6.00. Students enrolling in a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies French course for the first time must complete a French language questionnaire prior to enrolment. Failure to do so will result in denial of access to the course and/or de-enrolment from the course.
In order to proceed to any French studies course offered at a higher level, students must obtain a minimum grade of C in each course taken within the language sequence. Students majoring or minoring in French studies must take all levels of the language sequence courses unless they are exempted from one or more levels on the recommendation of the department.
To this core of language-skills courses, majors will add further courses in French linguistics and in French literature. Students are advised that their choice of courses is also governed by departmental regulations specifying the numbers and levels of courses taken to satisfy the various program requirements. Students are encouraged to meet with the undergraduate program director.
The Department of French Studies offers the following French language courses for non-majors/minors: AP/FR 1020 6.00, AP/FR 1030 6.00, AP/FR 1060 6.00, AP/FR 2060 3.00, AP/FR 2061 3.00, AP/FR 3060 3.00 and AP/FR 3061 3.00.
Students may spend one semester or one full academic year at a francophone university. In the case of students entering this program after the completion of 24 credits, a grade of B+ in AP/FR 1080 6.00 is the minimum requirement. For students entering the program after the successful completion of 48 credits, a grade of B+ in AP/FR 2081 3.00 or AP/FR 2082 3.00 is the minimum requirement. A minimum grade of B in either AP/FR 2100 6.00 or AP/FR 2200 6.00 is also required. In all cases, the student must have a sessional average of 6.00 (B) or above. Detailed information concerning this extra-mural year is available from the Department of French Studies or York International.
For graduate programs in French Literature, several periods of French literature may be required. For graduate programs in French Linguistics, for certain French teaching programs (BEd, MEd, M.A.T.), or for schools of translation and interpretation, an undergraduate concentration in French linguistics may be favoured. Degree students may take more than the minimum number of required courses at any level.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 60 credits in French studies, including:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- at least nine credits chosen from: AP/FR 2081 3.00, AP/FR 2082 3.00, AP/FR 3080 6.00, AP/FR 3081 3.00 or AP/FR 3082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- 33 additional credits, including at least six credits at the 3000 level and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take a minimum of 48 credits in French studies including:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- at least nine credits chosen from: AP/FR 2081 3.00, AP/FR 2082 3.00, AP/FR 3080 6.00, AP/FR 3081 3.00 or AP/FR 3082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- 21 additional credits, including at least six credits at the 3000 level and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described below may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students will take a minimum of 45 credits in French studies, including:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- at least nine credits chosen from: AP/FR 2081 3.00, AP/FR 2082 3.00, AP/FR 3080 6.00, AP/FR 3081 3.00 or AP/FR 3082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- 18 additional credits, including at least six credits at the 3000 level and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
French studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 45 credits in French studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet French studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in French studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 45 credits in French studies must include the following:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- at least nine credits chosen from: AP/FR 2081 3.00, AP/FR 2082 3.00, AP/FR 3080 6.00, AP/FR 3081 3.00 or AP/FR 3082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- 18 additional credits, including at least six credits at the 3000 level and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in French studies comprises at least 36 credits in French studies, including:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- AP/FR 2081 3.00 or AP/FR 2082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- 15 additional credits, including at least six credits at the 3000 level and at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 36 credits in French studies, including:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- at least nine credits chosen from: AP/FR 2081 3.00, AP/FR 2082 3.00, AP/FR 3080 6.00, AP/FR 3081 3.00 or AP/FR 3082 3.00;
- nine additional credits at the 3000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will complete one of the following program options in consultation with the program coordinator.
Option A
Students will take a minimum of 45 credits in French studies including:
- AP/FR 1080 6.00;
- AP/FR 2081 3.00;
- AP/FR 2082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- AP/FR 3080 6.00 or (AP/FR 3081 3.00 and AP/FR 3082 3.00);
- 15 additional credits, including at least three credits at the 3000 level and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Option B
Students will take a minimum of 45 credits in French studies including:
- AP/FR 2081 3.00;
- AP/FR 2082 3.00;
- AP/FR 2100 6.00;
- AP/FR 2200 6.00;
- AP/FR 3080 6.00 or (AP/FR 3081 3.00 and AP/FR 3082 3.00);
- AP/FR 4090 6.00;
- 15 additional credits, including at least three credits at the 3000 level and at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program in French Studies described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting French Studies program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitute |
AP/FR 1020 6.00 | GL/FRLS 0400 6.00 |
AP/FR 1030 6.00 | GL/FRLS 1500 6.00 |
The Gender and Women's Studies Program offers interdisciplinary courses on women and gender that encourage students to develop the practical, theoretical, communication and organizational skills to think, write and act critically and creatively. Students will gain the skills necessary to conduct research and transform the knowledge gained into any future career they may choose, including an ongoing career as a graduate student. Our interdisciplinary courses explore relations of power in the lives of individuals, groups and cultures in a multiplicity of settings and sites locally and transnationally. The rich, interdisciplinary feminist scholarship in women's and gender studies pushes students to interrogate constructions and intersections of gender, race, class, age, ability and sexuality in daily life, popular culture, the arts, the sciences, politics, society, the economy etc. We encourage students to engage individually and collectively in the transformative processes of feminist scholarship, practices and politics.
The School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies unites academic resources at York University in gender and women's studies and sexuality studies, bringing together the undergraduate and graduate programs, the non-credit Bridging Program for Women and the Centre for Feminist Research. Courses may be taken at the Glendon Campus in English or in French and in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major, minor or certificate.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Please consult the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies website for further information, available at yorku.ca/laps/gsws/gwst/ or contact the School's main office, 206 Founders College, 416-650-8144 (press 1).
Required Courses
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00 or AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00): required for all gender and women's studies majors;
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00) or AP/GWST 3556 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3556 6.00): required for all gender and women's studies majors;
- AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00): required for all gender and women's studies majors in an Honours BA program.
Core Courses
The core courses are offered by the Gender and Women's Studies program and, like the required courses, have the second digit five (5) in the course number, e.g. GWST 1502 6.00. Students are required to select between 12 and 24 credits of core courses depending on their degree program. Core courses cover themes deemed essential to gender and women's studies courses and will explicitly aim to develop critical reading, writing and oral presentation skills, research skills and more advanced research and theoretical skills as appropriate to the course and year level. The required and core courses will:
- focus primarily on gender and women;
- be taught from feminist perspectives;
- be interdisciplinary;
- address the intersections of race, ethnicity, disability, sexual identity and gender;
- acknowledge the different perspectives on gender and women in a global context;
- explicitly identify the critical skills to be developed in the course.
Non-Core Courses
Non-core courses are courses offered by other teaching units that may be accepted for program credit or cross-listed with the Gender and Women's Studies program. These courses will count towards the major requirements in gender and women's studies. For those available in a given year, please consult the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies website.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 54 credits including:
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00 or AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00);
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00) or AP/GWST 3556 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3556 6.00);
- AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00);
- at least 24 additional credits from gender and women's studies course offerings; of these 24 credits at least 18 credits from the core gender and women's studies course offerings;
- at least 12 credits in gender and women's studies at the 4000 level, in addition to AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00).
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00 or AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00);
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00) or AP/GWST 3556 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3556 6.00);
- AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00);
- at least 18 additional credits from gender and women's studies course offerings; of these 18 credits at least 12 credits from the core gender and women's studies offerings;
- additional six credits in gender and women's studies at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Gender and Women's Studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in gender and women's studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet gender and women's studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in gender and women's studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: 36 credits in gender and women's studies including:
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00 or AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00);
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00) or AP/GWST 3556 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3556 6.00);
- AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00);
- at least 12 additional credits from the core gender and women's studies course offerings;
- an additional six credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00 or AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00);
- at least 12 additional credits from the core gender and women's studies course offerings;
- at least 12 credits in the minor must be at the 3000 level or above including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 30 credits including:
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00 or AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00);
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00) or AP/GWST 3556 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3556 6.00);
- at least 12 additional credits from the core gender and women's studies course offerings;
- at least six credits in the major must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Core Courses
- AP/GWST 1500 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1500 6.00)
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00
- AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2502 6.00, GL/HUMA 2960 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2503 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/FRAN 2980 6.00, GL/GWST 2503 6.00, GL/HUMA 2980 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2504 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2504 3.00, GL/ILST 2600 3.00, GL/SOSC 2600 3.00)
- AP/GWST 2504 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2504 6.00, GL/ILST 2600 6.00, GL/SOSC 2600 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2511 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2511 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2512 6.00
- AP/GWST 2513 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2513 6.00, GL/SOSC 2511 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2515 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2515 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SXST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3500 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3500 6.00, GL/HUMA 3610 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3502 6.00, GL/SOSC 3602 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3504 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3504 6.00, GL/HUMA 3604 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3505 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3791 3.00, GL/GWST 3505 3.00, GL/SOSC 3617 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3506 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3506 6.00, GL/PHIL 3606 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3507 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3507 6.00, GL/NATS 3995 6.00, GL/SOSC 3995 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3509 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3125 6.00, GL/GWST 3509 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3510 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3130 6.00, GL/GWST 3510 6.00, GL/WKST 3610 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3511 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3511 3.00, GL/SOSC 3625 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3513 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3513 6.00, GL/SOSC 3975 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3514 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3695 6.00, AP/SOSC 3695 6.00, GL/CDNS 3695 6.00, GL/GWST 3514 6.00, GL/ILST 3695 6.00, GL/SOCI 3695 6.00, GL/SOSC 3695 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3520 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3520 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3521 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3521 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3522 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3522 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3524 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3524 3.00, GL/HIST 3658 3.00, GL/ILST 3658 3.00, GL/SOCI 3658 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3525 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3525 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3526 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3526 3.00, GL/SOSC 3626 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3527 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3527 3.00, GL/POLS 3627 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3529 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3529 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3531 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3531 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3533 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3533 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3534 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3534 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3536 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3537 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3537 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3538 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3538 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3539 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3539 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3540 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3540 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3541 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3541 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3542 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3542 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3543 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3543 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3544 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3544 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3545 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3545 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3546 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3546 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3547 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3547 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3548 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3548 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3550 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3550 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3551 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3551 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3552 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3552 6.00, GL/ILST 3552 6.00, GL/SOCI 3552 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3553 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3553 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3554 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3554 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3556 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3556 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3557 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3557 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3558 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3558 6.00, GL/ILST 3558 6.00, GL/SOCI 3558 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3559 3.00
- AP/GWST 3560 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3560 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3561 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3561 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3569 3.00
- AP/GWST 4500 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4160 6.00, GL/GWST 4500 6.00, GL/SOCI 4685 6.00, GL/SOSC 4685 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4502 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4502 3.00, GL/SOSC 4602 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4502 6.00, GL/SOSC 4602 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4503 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 4155 3.00, GL/GWST 4503 3.00, GL/POLS 4603 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4505 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4505 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4506 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4506 3.00, GL/HIST 4606 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4507 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4507 3.00, GL/HIST 4670 3.00, GL/SOSC 4670 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4508 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4508 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4509 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4509 3.00, AP/MIST 4509 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4510 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4510 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4512 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4512 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4513 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4513 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4514 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4514 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4515 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4515 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4516 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4516 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4518 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4518 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4519 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4519 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4521 6.00
- AP/GWST 4524 6.00
- AP/GWST 4525 3.00 (This course requires a vulnerable sector screening due to an experiential education opportunity with vulnerable populations.)
- AP/GWST 4550 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4550 6.00, GL/HUMA 3940 6.00, GL/HUMA 4940 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SXST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4801 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4801 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4801 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4801 6.00)
- AP/SXST 3601 3.00
- AP/SXST 3602 3.00
- AP/SXST 3603 3.00
- AP/SXST 3604 3.00
- AP/SXST 3901 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 3901 3.00)
- AP/SXST 3901 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 3901 6.00)
- AP/SXST 4601 6.00
- AP/SXST 4901 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 4901 3.00)
- AP/SXST 4901 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 4901 6.00)
Non-Core Courses
- AP/ADMS 3120 3.00
- AP/ANTH 2170 3.00
- AP/ANTH 2190 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3090 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3160 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3230 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3240 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3330 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4420 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4600 3.00
- AP/CH 3400 3.00
- AP/CH 3710 6.00
- AP/CH 3711 3.00
- AP/CLTR 3090 6.00
- AP/CLTR 3090 3.00
- AP/ECON 3700 3.00
- AP/ECON 3709 3.00
- AP/ECON 3790 6.00
- AP/EN 2011 3.00
- AP/EN 2012 3.00
- AP/EN 3150 6.00
- AP/EN 3155 3.00
- AP/EN 3235 6.00
- AP/EN 4010 3.00
- AP/EN 4113 6.00
- AP/EN 4191 3.00
- AP/EN 4191 6.00
- AP/EN 4315 3.00
- AP/EN 4511 6.00
- AP/EN 4515 6.00
- AP/EN 4516 6.00
- AP/EN 4521 6.00
- AP/EN 4551 3.00
- AP/EN 4571 3.00
- AP/EN 4576 6.00
- AP/EN 4578 6.00
- AP/EN 4579 6.00
- AP/EN 4583 3.00
- AP/FR 4390 6.00
- AP/GER 3640 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3602 3.00)
- AP/GER 4640 3.00
- AP/GWST 3568 6.00
- AP/HIST 1076 6.00
- AP/HIST 3160 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3160 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3233 6.00
- AP/HIST 3533 6.00
- AP/HIST 3234 3.00
- AP/HIST 3620 6.00
- AP/HIST 3645 3.00
- AP/HIST 4051 6.00
- AP/HIST 4060 6.00
- AP/HIST 4752 6.00
- AP/HIST 4765 6.00
- AP/HIST 4820 6.00
- AP/HND 3600 3.00
- AP/HUMA 1950 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1951 9.00
- AP/HUMA 3002 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3006 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3007 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3008 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3012 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3104 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3104 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3316 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3436 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3437 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3490 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3515 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3518 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3519 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3539 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CDNS 3539 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3814 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3818 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3820 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3821 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3856 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3950 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3970 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/STS 3970 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3970 6.00 (cross-listed to: SC/STS 3970 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4150 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4421 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4656 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4755 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4816 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4816 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4822 3.00
- AP/HREQ 1700 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1700 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 1900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1900 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 1920 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1920 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 3891 3.00
- AP/HREQ 4400 3.00
- AP/LING 2400 3.00
- AP/LING 2430 3.00
- AP/LING 2450 3.00
- AP/MIST 3370 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3801 6.00, GL/GWST 3801 6.00)
- AP/MIST 4081 6.00
- AP/PERS 3801 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2250 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2500 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3510 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3519 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4260 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4500 3.00
- AP/POLS 3011 3.00
- AP/POLS 3455 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3517 3.00, AP/SOSC 3175 3.00, GL/GWST 3517 3.00)
- AP/POLS 4125 3.00
- AP/POLS 4245 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4802 3.00, GL/GWST 4802 3.00)
- AP/POLS 4907 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3450 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3645 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3645 6.00)
- AP/SOCI 3660 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3690 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3820 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3850 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 3850 6.00)
- AP/SOCI 3860 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 3860 6.00)
- AP/SOCI 4060 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4070 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4075 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4345 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4345 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4450 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4470 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4610 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4615 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4680 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4685 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4810 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4830 3.00
- AP/SOSC 1185 9.00
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00
- AP/SOSC 2150 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2791 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2811 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3190 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3411 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3543 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4140 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4141 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4150 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4150 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4170 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4355 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4451 6.00
- EU/ENVS 3160 3.00
- EU/ENVS 3320 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4320 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3400 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4060 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4090 3.00
- FA/FACS 3500 3.00 (cross-listed to: FA/THEA 3235 3.00)
- FA/FACS 4220 3.00
- FA/THEA 4270B 3.00
- FA/THEA 4270I 3.00
- FA/THEA 4270I 6.00
- FA/FILM 3810 3.00
- FA/VISA 3001X 3.00
- FA/VISA 3562 3.00
- FA/VISA 3680M 3.00
- FA/VISA 4800E 3.00
- GL/EN 4681 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/WMST 4681 3.00)
- GL/EN 4681 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/WMST 4681 6.00)
- GL/FRAN 3608 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3608 3.00, GL/HUMA 3608 3.00)
- GL/FRAN 3647 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 3647 3.00, GL/WMST 3647 3.00)
- GL/FRAN 4630 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 4630 3.00, GL/WMST 4630 3.00)
- GL/HIST 2605 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/WMST 2605 6.00)
- GL/HIST 3690 6.00
- GL/NATS 3655 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOSC 3655 6.00, GL/WMST 3655 6.00)
- GL/SOCI 2680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOSC 2680 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 2685 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2685 3.00, GL/SOSC 2685 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3600 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3600 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3910 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3910 3.00, GL/ILST 3910 3.00)
- HH/KINE 3360 3.00
- HH/NURS 4620 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3480 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3630 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3670 3.00
German Studies is an interdisciplinary program that embraces subjects ranging from language, literature and film studies to intellectual and cultural history, urban studies, political science, museum studies, art history and women's studies. Students may opt for an Honours BA, an Honours iBA, a BA, an Honours Double Major, an Honours Double Major (Interdisciplinary), an Honours Major/Minor or an Honours Minor. The Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics also offers a Certificate of Proficiency in German Language.
Students can choose from the following degree options: German Studies: German Language, Literature and Culture Stream, German Studies: German Culture and Society Stream and iBA German studies. Each of these consists of core courses taught by our faculty.
The degree option in German Studies: German Language, Literature and Culture Stream requires an advanced knowledge of the German language and courses in German literature and culture, most of which have the German language component.
The degree in German Studies: German Culture and Society Stream requires an intermediate knowledge of the German language and courses in German culture, as well as courses with significant German content taught by other departments.
The iBA German studies has the same requirements as the Honours BA German studies and also includes an international component in which students can spend one full term abroad in a German-speaking country as a full-time student at one of our exchange universities. Students entering this program must make an appointment with the program coordinator of German studies prior to enrolment.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Students who are exempted from German language courses based on their knowledge of German must still successfully complete the total number of credits required for their chosen stream.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 42 credits from one of the streams below.
German Language, Literature and Culture Stream
Students will take at least 42 credits, including the following:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3000 6.00 or (AP/GER 3001 3.00 and AP/GER 3002 3.00);
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 18 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level in courses with a AP/GER prefix (taught in German), including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
German Culture and Society Stream
Students will take at least 42 credits, including the following (with at least 12 credits at the 4000 level):
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3989 6.00;
- 15 additional credits in courses with a GER prefix (taught either in English or German);
- six credits chosen from: AP/HIST 3320 6.00, AP/HIST 4330 6.00, AP/POLS 3520 3.00, AP/POLS 4205 3.00, AP/POLS 4445 3.00, or equivalent;
- nine additional credits chosen from the list of German studies courses.
Note: a maximum of 12 credits in German language courses may be taken for credit towards the German culture and society stream.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
German Studies may be linked with any Honours (Double Major) Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in German Studies and 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet German Studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of 18 credits at the 4000-level including at least 6 credits in German and 6 credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details on requirements, see the listing for specific Honours (Double Major) Interdisciplinary BA Programs.
German Language, Literature and Culture Stream
Students will take at least 36 credits, including the following:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3000 6.00 or (AP/GER 3001 3.00 and AP/GER 3002 3.00);
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 18 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level in courses with a GER prefix (taught in German).
German Culture and Society Stream
Students will take at least 36 credits, including the following (with at least 6 credits at the 4000 level):
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3989 6.00;
- six credits chosen from: AP/HIST 3320 6.00, AP/HIST 4330 6.00, AP/POLS 3520 3.00, AP/POLS 4205 3.00, AP/POLS 4515 3.00, or equivalent;
- 18 additional credits chosen from the German Studies list of program courses.
Note: a maximum of 12 credits in German language courses may be taken for credit towards the German Culture and Society Stream.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: 30 credits chosen from one of the streams below.
German Language, Literature and Culture Stream
Students will take at least 30 credits, including the following:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3000 6.00 or (AP/GER 3001 3.00 and AP/GER 3002 3.00);
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 12 additional credits in courses with a AP/GER prefix (taught in German) at the 4000 level.
German Culture and Society Stream
Students will take at least 30 credits, including the following and including at least six credits at the 4000 level:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from: AP/HIST 3320 6.00, AP/HIST 4330 6.00, AP/POLS 3520 3.00, AP/POLS 3521 3.00, AP/POLS 4205 3.00, or equivalent.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level. A maximum of 12 credits in German language courses may be taken for credit towards the German culture and society stream.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 30 credits from one of the streams below.
German Language, Literature and Culture Stream
Students will take at least 30 credits, including the following:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3000 6.00 or (AP/GER 3001 3.00 and AP/GER 3002 3.00);
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 12 additional credits in courses with a AP/GER prefix (taught in German) at the 3000 or 4000 level.
German Culture and Society Stream
Students will take at least 30 credits, including the following:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from: AP/HIST 3320 6.00, AP/HIST 4330 6.00, AP/POLS 3520 3.00, AP/POLS 3521 3.00, AP/POLS 4205 3.00, or equivalent.
Note: a maximum of 12 credits in German language courses may be taken for credit towards the German culture and society stream. At least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in German studies including:
- AP/GER 2000 6.00 or AP/GER 2020 6.00;
- AP/GER 3000 6.00 or (AP/GER 3001 3.00 and AP/GER 3002 3.00);
- AP/GER 3989 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3989 6.00);
- 24 additional AP/GER credits at the 3000 and 4000 level in courses with a GER prefix (taught in German), including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
For more detailed information regarding the Honours iBA program requirements, please consult the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Double Major BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting German Studies program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/GER 3000 6.00 | (AP/GER 3001 3.00 and AP/GER 3002 3.00) |
German Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in German studies.
- AP/HIST 2220 6.00
- AP/HIST 2300 6.00
- AP/HIST 3320 6.00
- AP/HIST 3365 3.00
- AP/HIST 4330 6.00
- AP/HIST 4350 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2190 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 2790 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 3600 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3600 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3601 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3601 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3984 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3791 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3985 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3792 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3986 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3793 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4601 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4700 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 4700 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4720 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 4720 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4725 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 4725 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4881 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 4620 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4882 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 4750 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4883 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 4820 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 3640 3.00
- AP/POLS 3520 3.00
- AP/POLS 3521 3.00
- AP/POLS 4205 3.00
- FA/FILM 2791 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 2791 6.00)
- FA/FILM 3792 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3792 3.00)
- FA/FILM 3793 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3793 3.00)
- FA/FILM 3794 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GER 3794 3.00)
- FA/VISA 2620 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2170 6.00)
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 60 credits including:
- AP/GLBL 1000 6.00;
- AP/GLBL 2000 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 2201 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 2400 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 3000 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 4000 6.00;
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 15 credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3200 series or AP/GLBL 4200 series of courses, including at least six credits from the AP/GLBL 4200 series;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3400 series of courses;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3500 series of courses;
- six credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 4400 or AP/GLBL 4500 series of courses;
- six additional credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3400, AP/GLBL 3500, AP/GLBL 4400 or AP/GLBL 4500 series of courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits including:
- AP/GLBL 1000 6.00
- AP/GLBL 2000 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 2201 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 2400 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 3000 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 4000 6.00;
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- nine credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3200 series or AP/GLBL 4200 series of courses, including at least three credits from the AP/GLBL 4200 series;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3400 series of courses;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3500 series of courses;
- six credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 4400 or AP/GLBL 4500 series of courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculties of the Environment and Urban Change, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits including:
- AP/GLBL 1000 6.00;
- AP/GLBL 2000 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 2201 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 2400 3.00;
- AP/GLBL 3000 3.00
- AP/GLBL 4000 6.00
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- Nine credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3200 series or AP/GLBL 4200 series of courses, including at least three credits from the AP/GLBL 4200 series;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3400 series of courses;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3500 series of courses;
- six credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 4400 or AP/GLBL 4500 series of courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Global Political Studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 48 credits in Global Political Studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet Global Political Studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in Global Political Studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits including:
- AP/GLBL 1000 6.00
- AP/GLBL 2000 3.00
- AP/GLBL 2201 3.00
- AP/GLBL 2400 3.00
- AP/GLBL 3000 3.00
- AP/GLBL 4000 6.00.
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00
- Nine credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3200 series or AP/GLBL 4200 series of courses, including at least three credits from the AP/GLBL 4200 series;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3400 series of courses;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3500 series of courses;
- six credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 4400 or AP/GLBL 4500 series of courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the
Faculties of the Environment and Urban Change, Health, Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued
jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Specialized Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 54 credits in Global Political Studies, including:
- AP/GLBL 1000 6.00
- AP/GLBL 2000 3.00
- AP/GLBL 3000 3.00
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00
- Nine credits at the 2000 level, including AP/GLBL 2201 3.00 or AP/GLBL 2400 3.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 level, including AP/GLBL 3000 3.00;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level, including AP/GLBL 4000 6.00.
In addition, students in the Specialized Honours iBA program must fulfill the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills completed before the term or terms abroad. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major.
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least nine credits of internationally-oriented courses chosen outside the major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a fulltime student at one of York University’s exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 (including AP/GLBL 3000 3.00) and/or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level (including AP/GLBL 4000 6.00).
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Specialized Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement).
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 48 credits in Global Political Studies, including:
- AP/GLBL 1000 6.00
- AP/GLBL 2000 3.00
- AP/GLBL 2400 3.00
- AP/GLBL 3000 3.00
- AP/GLBL 4000 6.00
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00
- Nine credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3200 series or AP/GLBL 4200 series of courses, including at least three credits from the AP/GLBL 4200 series;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3400 series of courses;
- three credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 3500 series of courses;
- six credits chosen from the AP/GLBL 4400 or AP/GLBL 4500 series of courses.
In addition, students in the Specialized Honours iBA program must fulfill the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills completed before the term or terms abroad. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major.
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least nine credits of internationally-oriented courses chosen outside the major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a fulltime student at one of York University’s exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 (including AP/GLBL 3000 3.00) and/or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level (including AP/GLBL 4000 6.00).
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Specialized Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement).
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once, toward major credit or minor credit.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting global political studies program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00) | GL/POLS 1400 6.00 |
AP/POLS 2900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00) | GL/PHIL 2630 6.00 |
AP/POLS 2910 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00) | GL/POLS 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 2600 6.00) |
AP/POLS 2940 6.00 | GL/ILST 2300 3.00 or GL/ILST 2622 3.00 plus any three credits in POLS at the 2000 level or above in the international relations field; GL/POLS 2920 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 2920 6.00) |
AP/POLS 2950 6.00 | GL/ILST 2300 3.00 or GL/ILST 2622 3.00 plus an additional three credits in POLS at the 2000 level or above in the comparative field |
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 51 credits in health and society including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1801 6.00 or AP/SOSC 1809 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2110 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00;
- 3 additional credits at the 2000 level to be chosen from AP/SOSC 2101 3.00, AP/SOSC 2102 3.00, AP/SOSC 2112 3.00, AP/SOSC 2150 3.00, AP/SOSC 2152 3.00.
- 15 additional credits at the 3000 level or above chosen from the list of health and society courses, including at least six credits from the Department of Social Science;
- AP/SOSC 4140 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 4144 6.00;
- six additional social science credits at the 4000 level chosen from the list of health and society courses.
Note: Students enrolling in AP/SOSC 4144 6.00 will be supported in finding placements to complete the course.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA program described above may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 42 credits in health and society and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet health and society requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level including at least 12 credits in health and society and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in health and society comprises at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1801 6.00 or AP/SOSC 1809 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2110 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00;
- nine additional credits at the 3000 level or above chosen from the health and society list of program courses, including at least six credits from the Department of Social Science;
- six social science credits at the 4000 level chosen from the list of health and society courses.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 33 credits in health and society including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1801 6.00 or AP/SOSC 1809 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2110 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00;
- 3 additional credits at the 2000 level to be chosen from AP/SOSC 2101 3.00, AP/SOSC 2102 3.00, AP/SOSC 2112 3.00, AP/SOSC 2150 3.00, AP/SOSC 2152 3.00.
- 15 additional credits at the 3000 level or above chosen from the list of health and society courses, including at least six credits from the Department of Social Science.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Health and Society Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in health and society.
- AP/ANTH 3190 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3190 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3200 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3280 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3330 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4160 3.00
- AP/GWST 3511 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3511 3.00, GL/SOSC 3625 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3548 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3548 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3554 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3554 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3320 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3320 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 3830 6.00
- AP/POLS 3170 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3761 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3300 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3300 6.00, AP/SOCI 3030 6.00)
- AP/SOCI 3550 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3820 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3850 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3950 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4072 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4300 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3090 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3880 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3101 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3112 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3113 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3116 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3118 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3121 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3168 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3169 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3362 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3780 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3920 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3921 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4140 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4141 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4142 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4143 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4143 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4144 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4145 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 4570 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 4146 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4148 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4150 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4150 6.00
- HH/HLST 3015 3.00
- HH/HLST 3230 3.00
- HH/HLST 3510 3.00
- HH/HLST 4130 3.00
- HH/HLST 4140 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3170 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3490 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3560 3.00
- SC/STS 3750 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3750 6.00)
- SC/STS 3780 3.00
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits selected from the Hellenic studies list of courses, including:
- at least 12 credits at the 4000 level;
- and at least six credits in Ancient Greek language and literature (AP/GK);
- and six credits in Modern Greek language and literature (AP/GKM).
Students must include in their selection at least 12 credits covering Ancient Greece and 12 credits covering Modern Greece.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA program in Hellenic Studies described above may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in Hellenic studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet Hellenic studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in Hellenic studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 36 credits selected from the Hellenic studies list of courses must include:
- at least six credits in Ancient Greek language and literature (AP/GK);
- and six credits in Modern Greek language and literature (AP/GKM).
Students must include in their selection at least 12 credits covering Ancient Greece and 12 credits covering Modern Greece.
Note: at least 12 credits in Hellenic Studies at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 30 credits selected from the Hellenic studies list of courses, including:
- at least six credits at the 4000 level;
- and at least six credits in Ancient Greek language and literature (AP/GK) or Modern Greek language and literature (AP/GKM).
Students must include in their selection at least six credits covering Ancient Greece and six credits covering Modern Greece.
Upper-level credits: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits selected from the Hellenic studies list of courses, including:
- at least 12 credits at the 3000 level or 4000 level;
- and at least six credits in Ancient Greek language and literature (AP/GK) or Modern Greek language and literature (AP/GKM).
Students must include in their selection at least six credits covering Ancient Greece and six credits covering Modern Greece.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Hellenic Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in Hellenic studies.
Ancient Greece
Ancient Greek Language and Literature
- AP/GK 3030 3.00
- AP/GK 3040 3.00
- AP/GK 3050 3.00
- AP/GK 3060 3.00
- AP/GK 3070 3.00
- AP/GK 3080 3.00
- AP/GK 4010 3.00
- AP/GK 4030 3.00
- AP/GK 4040 3.00
- AP/GK 4050 3.00
- AP/GK 4060 3.00
- AP/GK 4070 3.00
- AP/GK 4080 3.00
- AP/GK 4130 6.00
- AP/GK 4140 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1106 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1106 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2110 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 2830 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2830 6.00)
Ancient Greek History
- AP/HIST 3120 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3120 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3125 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3125 3.00)
- AP/HIST 3150 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3150 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3152 6.00
- AP/HIST 3153 6.00
- AP/HIST 4016 6.00
- AP/HIST 4122 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4122 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4140 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4140 6.00)
Ancient Greek Literature and Culture
- AP/HUMA 2100 9.00
- AP/HUMA 2110 9.00
- AP/HUMA 2830 9.00
- AP/HUMA 3100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3100 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3105 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3105 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3106 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3115 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3115 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3421 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3421 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3422 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3422 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3458 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3459 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4103 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4103 6.00)
Ancient Greek Philosophy
- AP/HUMA 3457 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3457 6.00
- AP/PHIL 2010 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2010 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 2015 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2015 3.00)
- AP/PHIL 3600 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4030 3.00
Classical Greek Art and Architecture
- FA/VISA 2520 3.00
The following courses are largely, but not exclusively, concerned with the Hellenic world. No more than 12 credits may satisfy degree requirements in Hellenic studies.
- AP/HIST 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2100 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3160 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3160 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4010 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4010 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4160 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4160 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 1100 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1105 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1105 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 1110 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1115 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1115 9.00)
- AP/HUMA 1710 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2515 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3106 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3106 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4104 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4105 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4105 6.00)
- FA/VISA 4800E 3.00
Modern Greece
Modern Greek Language and Literature
- AP/GKM 1000 6.00
- AP/GKM 2000 6.00
- AP/GKM 3600 6.00
- AP/GKM 4600 6.00
Byzantine and Modern Greek History
- AP/HIST 3355 6.00
- AP/HIST 3356 6.00
- AP/HIST 4375 6.00
- Students are required to complete six credits in history at the 1000 level. 1000-level courses at the Glendon Campus or other universities do not satisfy this requirement. Exemptions may only be granted, at the discretion of the director of undergraduate studies, to students who have taken a minimum of 18 credits in history and have earned a minimum B+ history grade point average. Students granted an exemption must take a substitute six-credit upper-level course in history. No more than six credits in history at the 1000 level may count towards the major.
- The department offers two types of 4000-level courses: Honours seminars and colloquia. Honours seminars normally enrol about 18 students and have a substantial research component. Colloquia normally enrol 30 students. Honours major degree students must take at least one 4000-level seminar (six credits). Specialized Honours degree students must take two 4000-level seminars (12 credits). For a list of approved 4000-level History seminar courses, please refer below*.
- AP/HIST 4000 6.00 and AP/HIST 4991 3.00 / AP/HIST 4991 6.00 count as seminars. AP/HIST 4990 3.00 / AP/HIST 4990 6.00 counts as a colloquium.
- 4000-level history courses taken at the Glendon Campus will count as seminars if they have planned enrolments of fewer than 20 students.
- Honours students may register online for 4000-level history courses after successful completion of 84 credits including the prerequisite course or courses officially listed for each 4000-level course. If they do not meet these requirements, students who have completed at least 78 credits may apply to the director of undergraduate studies for permission to enrol in 4000-level history courses. Students will be asked to show some previous coursework that prepares them in the field of study.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 54 credits including:
- six credits in history at the 1000 level (refer to Note 1 at the beginning of this section);
- at least 48 additional credits in history;
- no more than 12 credits in history at the 2000 level will count towards the major;
- at least 18 credits in history at the 4000 level with at least 12 credits in Honours seminars (refer to Note 2 at the beginning of this section);
- one 4000 level course must deal with history outside Canada and USA; this presumes suitable preparation.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
- six credits in history at the 1000 level (refer to Note 1 at the beginning of this section);
- at least 36 additional credits in history;
- no more than 12 credits in history at the 2000 level will count towards the major;
- at least 24 credits in history must be at the 3000 and 4000 levels;
- at least six credits in history above the 1000 level that deals with history outside Canada and USA;
- at least 12 credits in history must be at the 4000 level (refer to Note 2 at the beginning of this section).
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
History may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in history and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet history requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in history and six credits in the interdisciplinary program.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: 36 credits including:
- six credits in history at the 1000 level (refer to Note 1 at the beginning of this section);
- at least 30 additional credits in history;
- no more than 12 credits in history at the 2000 level will count towards the major;
- at least 18 credits in history must be at the 3000 and 4000 levels;
- at least six credits in history above the 1000 level that deals with history outside Canada and USA;
- at least 12 credits in history must be at the 4000 level (refer to Note 2 at the beginning of this section).
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
- six credits in history at the 1000 level (refer to Note 1 at the beginning of this section);
- at least 24 additional credits in history;
- no more than 12 credits in history at the 2000 level will count towards the major;
- at least six credits in history above the 1000 level that deals with history outside Canada and USA;
- at least six credits in history at the 4000 level (either a seminar or a colloquium) after completion of at least 84 total credits for the degree (refer to Note 2 at the beginning of this section).
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 30 credits including:
- six credits in history at the 1000 level (refer to Note 1);
- at least 24 additional credits in history;
- no more than 12 credits in history at the 2000 level will count towards the major;
- at least six credits in history above the 1000 level that deals with history outside Canada and USA;
- at least 12 credits in history must be at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
- six credits in history at the 1000 level (refer to Note 1);
- at least 36 additional credits in history;
- no more than 12 credits in history at the 2000 level will count towards the major;
- at least 24 credits in history must be at the 3000 and 4000 levels;
- at least six credits in history above the 1000 level that deals with history outside Canada and USA;
- at least 12 credits in history must be at the 4000 level (refer to Note 2).
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program in History may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
*Approved 4000-level History Seminar Courses
- AP/HIST 4000 6.00
- AP/HIST 4100 6.00
- AP/HIST 4116 6.00
- AP/HIST 4122 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4122 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4130 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4131 6.00
- AP/HIST 4132 6.00
- AP/HIST 4140 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4140 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4160 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4160 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4200 6.00
- AP/HIST 4220 6.00
- AP/HIST 4230 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 4480 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4240 6.00
- AP/HIST 4250 6.00
- AP/HIST 4260 6.00
- AP/HIST 4270 6.00
- AP/HIST 4330 6.00
- AP/HIST 4340 6.00
- AP/HIST 4350 6.00
- AP/HIST 4360 6.00
- AP/HIST 4370 6.00
- AP/HIST 4375 6.00
- AP/HIST 4380 6.00
- AP/HIST 4385 6.00
- AP/HIST 4321 6.00
- AP/HIST 4322 6.00
- AP/HIST 4323 6.00
- AP/HIST 4324 6.00
- AP/HIST 4500 6.00
- AP/HIST 4508 6.00
- AP/HIST 4511 6.00
- AP/HIST 4515 6.00
- AP/HIST 4520 6.00
- AP/HIST 4530 6.00
- AP/HIST 4535 6.00
- AP/HIST 4540 6.00
- AP/HIST 4545 6.00
- AP/HIST 4550 6.00
- AP/HIST 4555 6.00
- AP/HIST 4560 6.00
- AP/HIST 4565 6.00
- AP/HIST 4570 6.00
- AP/HIST 4581 6.00
- AP/HIST 4640 6.00
- AP/HIST 4670 6.00
- AP/HIST 4676 6.00
- AP/HIST 4690 6.00
- AP/HIST 4699 6.00
- AP/HIST 4725 6.00
- AP/HIST 4750 6.00
- AP/HIST 4752 6.00
- AP/HIST 4753 6.00
- AP/HIST 4755 6.00
- AP/HIST 4760 6.00
- AP/HIST 4761 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4761 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4763 6.00
- AP/HIST 4765 6.00
- AP/HIST 4766 6.00
- AP/HIST 4770 6.00
- AP/HIST 4791 6.00
- AP/HIST 4799 6.00
- AP/HIST 4800 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4220 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4820 6.00
- AP/HIST 4830 6.00
- AP/HIST 4840 6.00
- AP/HIST 4850 6.00
- AP/HIST 4990 6.00**
- AP/HIST 4991 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4227 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4810 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4803 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4225 6.00)
- GL/HIST 4161 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4161 6.00, AP/HIST 4161 6.00)
- GL/HIST 4220 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4505 6.00)
**Note: at the discretion of the director of undergraduate studies and the course director, AP/HIST 4990 6.00 may be counted toward the seminar requirement in exceptional circumstances.
Honours Minor
The Minor in English Language Studies is offered by the English as a Second Language (ESL) Section of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. This program may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Entry requirements: This program is open to students who use English as a second language and self-identify or are advised to enhance their language proficiency in order to fulfill their potential as degree students. Students are required to seek permission from the ESL program in order to be accepted to the program. Students must complete 15 credits of the required credits before they are able to enroll in electives.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
1. English Language Studies Core: 24 credits (compulsory):
- AP/ESL 1450 6.00
- AP/ESL 2000 6.00
- AP/ESL 3010 3.00
- AP/ESL 3020 3.00
- AP/ESL 4015 3.00
- AP/ESL 4025 3.00
2. Six additional credits (electives) chosen from:
- AP/LING 2400 3.00
- AP/LING 2430 3.00
- AP/TESL 3600 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3003 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3989 3.00
- GL/ENSL 2400 3.00
- GL/ENSL 3501 3.00
- GL/ENSL 3510 3.00
- GL/ENSL 3800 3.00
- The Human Resources Professionals Association, HRPA requires AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 or both AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 and AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 in order to be approved as having met the academic requirements for the Certified Human Resources Professional (CHRP) designation.
- Under the certification process, HRPA requires an average of 70 per cent with the lowest acceptable grade in any required course of 65 per cent.
Specialized Honours BHRM: 120 Credits
Entry requirement: Prior to entering the Bachelor of Human Resources students are required to have completed one 4U mathematics course or the equivalent.Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
General education:
- a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 81 credits in total including:
(i) 42 program core credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 1500 3.00*;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00;
- AP/HRM 1000 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3400 3.00 (cross-listed to HH/HLST 3240 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3422 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3430 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3440 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3440 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3450 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3450 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3490 3.00.
*The combination of AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 and AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 is an acceptable substitute for AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 if courses are completed prior to entry to the program.
(ii) plus the following 18 credits:
- AP/HRM 4410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4430 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4430 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4490 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4490 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4500 3.00.
(iii) 21 additional credits chosen from the following list of course options below:
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3660 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4444 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 4444 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3460 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4050 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4425 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4440 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4475 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOCI 4475 6.00, AP/SOSC 4475 6.00);
- AP/HRM 4480 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4480 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4481 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4485 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4495 3.00;
- AP/SOCI 3860 6.00;
- HH/PSYC 3140 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3430 3.00.
Note: at least 18 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits
Honours BHRM: 120 Credits
Entry requirement: Prior to entering the Bachelor of Human Resources students are required to have completed one grade 4U mathematics course or the equivalent.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 66 credits in total including:
(i) 42 credits (program core) as follows:
- AP/ADMS 1500 3.00*;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00;
- AP/HRM 1000 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3400 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/HLST 3240 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3422 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3430 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3440 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3440 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3450 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3450 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3490 3.00.
* The combination of AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 and AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 is an acceptable substitute for AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 if courses are completed prior to entry to the program.
(ii) plus the following 12 credits:
- AP/HRM 4410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4430 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4430 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4490 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4490 3.00).
(iii) 12 additional credits chosen from the following list of course options below:
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3660 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4444 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 4444 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3460 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4425 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4440 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4475 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOCI 4475 6.00; cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4475 6.00);
- AP/HRM 4480 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4480 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4481 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4485 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4495 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4500 3.00;
- AP/SOCI 3860 6.00;
- HH/PSYC 3140 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3430 3.00.
Note: at least 18 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major and ADMS: 18 credits (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor BHRM
The Honours BHRM program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, the Lassonde School of Engineering, or Glendon. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
BHRM: 90 Credits
Entry requirement: Prior to entering the Bachelor of Human Resources students are required to have completed one grade 4U mathematics course or the equivalent.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 51 credits including the following:
(i) 42 credits (program core) as follows:
- AP/ADMS 1500 3.00*;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00;
- AP/HRM 1000 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3400 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/HLST 3240 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3422 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3430 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3440 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3440 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3450 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3450 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 3490 3.00.
* The combination of AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 and AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 is an acceptable substitute for AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 if courses are completed prior to entry to the program.
(ii) 9 additional credits chosen from the following list of course options:
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3660 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4444 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 4444 3.00);
- AP/HRM 3460 3.00
- AP/HRM 4425 3.00
- AP/HRM 4410 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4420 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4430 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4430 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4440 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4470 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4475 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOCI 4475 6.00, AP/SOSC 4475 6.00);
- AP/HRM 4480 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4480 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4481 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4485 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4490 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 4490 3.00);
- AP/HRM 4495 3.00;
- AP/HRM 4500 3.00;
- AP/SOCI 3860 6.00;
- HH/PSYC 3140 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3410 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 3430 3.00.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits.
Minor in Human Resources Management
The Minor program described may be combined with any approved program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, the Lassonde School of Engineering or Glendon. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Entry requirements: Students must have completed 30 University credits or the equivalent and maintain honours standing for major/minor combinations.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
- AP/ADMS 1500 3.00*
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00
- AP/HRM 1000 3.00
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00
- AP/HRM 3400 3.00 (cross-listed to: HH/HLST 3240 3.00)
- AP/HRM 3410 3.00
- AP/HRM 3422 3.00
- AP/HRM 3430 3.00
- AP/HRM 3470 3.00
- AP/HRM 3490 3.00
* The combination of AP/ADMS 25003.00 and AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 is an acceptable substitute for AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 if courses are completed prior to entry to the program.
To graduate with a minor in human resource management, students must satisfy degree and program requirements.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: A minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of 5.00 or higher
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 60 credits including:
(i) 30 credits core courses:
- AP/HREQ 1010 6.00 (previously: AP/HREQ 2010 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2030 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3100 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4600 6.00)
- 24 additional credits at the 2000 or 3000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the extended list of program courses)
(ii) Electives - 39 credits
Note: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 or higher
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 48 credits including:
(i) 24 credits core courses:
- AP/HREQ 1010 6.00 (previously: AP/HREQ 2010 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2030 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3100 6.00
- 12 additional credits at the 2000 or 3000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the extended list of program courses)
(ii) Electives: 51 credits
Note: For the Honours Degree Program, at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits outside the major
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours program BA described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a Double Major Program, a course may count only once toward major credit requirement.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 or higher
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
(i) 24 credits core courses:
- AP/HREQ 1010 6.00 (previously: AP/HREQ 2010 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2030 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3100 6.00
- 6 additional credits at the 2000 or 3000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the extended list of program courses)
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits outside the major
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours Program BA described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: In a Major/Minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit requirement.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 or higher
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
(i) 24 credits core courses:
- AP/HREQ 1010 6.00 (previously: AP/HREQ 2010 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2030 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3100 6.00
- 6 additional credits at the 2000 or 3000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the extended list of program courses)
Note: For the Honours Major/Minor degree program, at least 12 credits in the major MUST be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits outside the major
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit requirement.
Minor: 30 credits including:
(i) 21 credits core courses:
- AP/HREQ 1010 6.00 (previously: AP/HREQ 2010 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2030 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3100 6.00
- 6 additional credits at the 2000 or 3000 level (selected from list of program courses)
- 6 additional credits at the 4000 level (selected from the extended list of program courses)
Note: at least six credits in the minor MUST be at the 4000 level
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30-course credits and at least half (50 percent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 36 credits including:
(i) 24 credits core courses:
- AP/HREQ 1010 6.00 (previously: AP/HREQ 2010 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2030 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3100 6.00
- 12 additional credits at the 2000 or 3000 level (selected from the list of program courses).
Electives: 33 credits
Note: at least 12 credits in the major MUST be at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 level.
Credits outside the major: At least 18 credits.
Program Courses
HREQ Extended List of Program Courses
- AP/HREQ 4450 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4652 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4740 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4770 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4820 6.00
HREQ List of Program Courses
- AP/HREQ 2020 6.00
- AP/HREQ 2310 6.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 2310 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 2440 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3005 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3010 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3020 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3120 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3150 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3240 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3350 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3370 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3410 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3450 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3485 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3561 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3562 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3580 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3604 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3605 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3610 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3624 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3645 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3680 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3800 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3800 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3830 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3890 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3892 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3961 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3962 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3963 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3964 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3990 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3990 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4040 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4050 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4050 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4081 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4600 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4650 3.00
- AP/HREQ 4651 3.00
- AP/HREQ 4652 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4720 3.00
- AP/HREQ 4720 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4740 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4770 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4772 3.00
- AP/HREQ 4780 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4800 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4820 6.00
- AP/INDG 2030 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 2060 6.00)
- AP/PPAS 4052 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 4052 3.00)
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Students may count a maximum of six humanities credits at the 1000 level for credit towards the major/minor in humanities.
Students wishing to major or minor in humanities must contact the Humanities Program Coordinator, 203 Vanier College, in order to discuss their proposed program of study and arrange for a program adviser with congruent academic interests.
The following interdisciplinary Honours programs are associated with the Department of Humanities: Children, Childhood, and Youth program (formerly Children's Studies), Classical Studies, Classics, East Asian Studies, Hellenic Studies, Jewish Studies, Indigenous Studies, and Religious Studies. Each of these programs is designed to permit students to follow a flexible curriculum of studies with various departments and other area studies programs, along with interdisciplinary courses in the Department of Humanities. For more information, please consult the listings for specific interdisciplinary programs.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits in humanities of which at least 36 credits must be at the 3000 level or above, including:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00 - 12 credits in AP/HUMA 4000-level seminars.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits for majors declaring a stream: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits in the selected stream and at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in humanities of which at least 24 credits must be at the 3000 level or above, including:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00 - 12 credits in AP/HUMA 4000-level seminars.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits for majors declaring a stream: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits in the selected stream and at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Humanities may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits in humanities and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program including:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00 - 12 credits in AP/HUMA 4000-level seminars.
Upper-level credits for majors declaring a stream: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits in the selected stream and at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Courses taken to meet humanities requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in humanities and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor BA program in Humanities comprises at least 30 credits in humanities including at least 18 credits at the 3000 level or above, of which at least six credits must be at the 4000 level including:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00
Upper-level credits: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits in humanities of which at least 18 credits must be at the 3000 or 4000 level including:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits for majors declaring a stream: at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level in the selected stream.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in humanities of which at least 24 credits must be at the 3000 level or above, including:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00;
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00 - 12 credits in AP/HUMA 4000-level seminars.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits for majors declaring a stream: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits in the selected stream and at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program in Humanities described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Power, Diaspora and Race Stream
This stream attends to cultures affected by conquest, colonization and other forms of systemic oppression and the effects of the legacy of that domination on the history, philosophy, literature, and artistic expression of those cultures, exploring both their unique traditions, and their dialogues of resistance.
Humanities majors across all degree options and streams will complete 18 core and capstone credits as follows:
12 credits in core courses:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00
6 credits in a capstone course selected from:
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00
The number of major credits and upper-level requirements in the stream will vary by degree option. Please refer to the Calendar section for
your degree option. Courses include:
Major courses:
- AP/HUMA 2310 6.00
Upper-level major courses:
- AP/HUMA 3165 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3225 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3225 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3255 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3305 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3310 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3315 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3316 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3318 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3320 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3510 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3523 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3523 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3530 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3535 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3538 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3539 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3660 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3660 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3661 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3661 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3662 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3665 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3688 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3814 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3815 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3829 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3835 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3855 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3856 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4301 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4302 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4303 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4305 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4306 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4306 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4410 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4656 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4750 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4824 3.00
Arts, Material and Popular Cultures Stream
This stream explores the dynamic relationship between the creative human imagination and the diverse cultural settings that ignite it.
Humanities majors across all degree options and streams will complete 18 core and capstone credits as follows:
12 credits in core courses:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00
6 credits in a capstone course selected from:
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00
The number of major credits and upper-level requirements in the stream will vary by degree option. Please refer to the Calendar section for your degree option. Courses can be selected from:
Major courses:
- AP/HUMA 1953 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2215 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2220 3.00
- AP/HUMA 2230 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2670 6.00
Upper-level major courses:
- AP/HUMA 3018 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3019 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3080 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3080 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3085 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3085 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3090 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3090 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3095 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3095 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3160 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3160 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3165 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3201 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3210 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3210 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3250 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3255 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3305 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3318 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3523 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3523 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3519 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3595 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3595 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3603 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3605 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3605 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3609 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3901 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3901 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3902 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3902 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3904 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3906 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3906 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3907 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3908 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4135 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4156 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4156 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4160 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4178 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4180 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4180 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4301 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4302 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4303 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4306 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4306 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4520 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4730 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4812 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4901 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4903 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4903 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4904 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4904 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4906 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4906 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4907 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4907 6.00
Digital, Technological & Natural Worlds Stream
This stream considers our increasingly, mediated world, and the ways in which new technologies, scientific concepts, and digital media have changed our perceptions and understandings of natural and human worlds.
Humanities majors across all degree options and streams will complete 18 core and capstone credits as follows:
12 credits in core courses:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00
6 credits in a capstone course selected from:
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00
The number of major credits and upper-level requirements in the stream will vary by degree option. Please refer to the Calendar section for your degree option. Courses can be selected from:
Major courses:
- AP/HUMA 2205 3.00
- AP/HUMA 2210 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2225 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2920 6.00
Upper-level major courses:
- AP/HUMA 3016 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3140 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3226 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3230 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3230 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3916 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3925 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3970 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3975 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4156 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4156 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4157 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4215 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4215 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4226 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4226 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4228 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4230 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4900 6.00
Texts, Contexts, Canons Stream
This stream develops an appreciation of the “Great Books”, major texts, oral and written, produced in diverse historical and cultural contexts.
Humanities majors across all degree options and streams will complete 18 core and capstone credits as follows:
12 credits in core courses:
- AP/HUMA 1781 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2001 6.00
6 credits in a capstone course selected from:
- AP/HUMA 3207 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4207 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3208 6.00 / AP/HUMA 4208 6.00
The number of major credits and upper-level requirements in the stream will vary by degree option. Please refer to the Calendar section for your degree option. Courses can be selected from:
Major courses:
- AP/HUMA 2195 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2200 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2325 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2610 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2640 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2805 6.00
Upper-level major courses:
- AP/HUMA 3014 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3104 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3109 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3109 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3200 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3220 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3220 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3320 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3438 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3460 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3510 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3539 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3603 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3609 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3675 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3685 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3685 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4605 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4607 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4607 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4803 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4812 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4813 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4813 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4824 3.00
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
- students are advised to take AP/HREQ 1960 6.00 Indigenous Resistance in Global Context as their social science General Education course
Major credits: 60 credits including:
(i) 36 credits in core courses:
- AP/INDG 1050 6.00
- AP/INDG 2050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3310 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3530 6.00)
- AP/INDG 4705 6.00
- AP/HREQ 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4600 6.00)
(ii) 24 credits from this list of optional Indigenous Studies courses:
- AP/CLTR 3255 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3255 3.00, FA/CMA 3255 3.00)
- AP/INDG 1070 6.00
- AP/INDG 2060 6.00
- AP/INDG 2780 3.00
- AP/INDG 3060 3.00
- AP/INDG 3380 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3380 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3470 6.00
- AP/INDG 3535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3252 3.00, AP/HUMA 3535 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3253 3.00, AP/HUMA 3536 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3538 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3538 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3531 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3531 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3650 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 6.00
- AP/INDG 4060 6.00
- AP/INDG 4070 3.00
- AP/INDG 4070 6.00
- AP/INDG 4750 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 6.00
- AP/INDG 4770 3.00
- AP/INDG 4770 6.00
- AP/INDG 4800 6.00
- AP/INDG 4990 3.00
- AP/INDG 4990 6.00
- AP/GWST 3571 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3615 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4526 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4701 6.00)
- AP/HIST 1025 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 1025 6.00)
- AP/HIST 2900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 2900 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4050 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4050 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3839 3.00, AP/INDG 3839 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4301 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4301 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4302 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4302 3.00)
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
- students are advised to take AP/HREQ 1960 6.00 Indigenous Resistance in Global Context as their social science General Education course
Major credits: 42 credits including:
(i) 30 credits in core courses:
- AP/INDG 1050 6.00
- AP/INDG 2050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3310 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3530 6.00)
- AP/INDG 4705 6.00
(ii) 12 credits from this list of optional Indigenous Studies courses:
- AP/CLTR 3255 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3255 3.00, FA/CMA 3255 3.00)
- AP/INDG 1070 6.00
- AP/INDG 2060 6.00
- AP/INDG 2780 3.00
- AP/INDG 3060 3.00
- AP/INDG 3380 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3380 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3470 6.00
- AP/INDG 3535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3252 3.00, AP/HUMA 3535 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3253 3.00, AP/HUMA 3536 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3538 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3538 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3650 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 6.00
- AP/INDG 4060 6.00
- AP/INDG 4070 3.00
- AP/INDG 4070 6.00
- AP/INDG 4750 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 6.00
- AP/INDG 4770 3.00
- AP/INDG 4770 6.00
- AP/INDG 4990 3.00
- AP/INDG 4990 6.00
- AP/GWST 3571 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3615 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4526 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4701 6.00)
- AP/HIST 1025 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 1025 6.00)
- AP/HIST 2900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 2900 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4050 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4050 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4600 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3839 3.00, AP/INDG 3839 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4301 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4301 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4302 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4302 3.00)
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
(i) 12 credits in core courses:
- AP/INDG 1050 6.00
- AP/INDG 4705 6.00
(ii) 18 credits from this list of optional Indigenous Studies courses:
- AP/CLTR 3255 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3255 3.00, FA/CMA 3255 3.00)
- AP/INDG 1070 6.00
- AP/INDG 2050 6.00
- AP/INDG 2060 6.00
- AP/INDG 2780 3.00
- AP/INDG 3050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3060 3.00
- AP/INDG 3310 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3530 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3380 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3380 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3470 6.00
- AP/INDG 3535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3252 3.00, AP/HUMA 3535 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3253 3.00, AP/HUMA 3536 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3538 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3538 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3650 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 6.00
- AP/INDG 4060 6.00
- AP/INDG 4070 3.00
- AP/INDG 4070 6.00
- AP/INDG 4750 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 6.00
- AP/INDG 4770 3.00
- AP/INDG 4770 6.00
- AP/GWST 3571 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3615 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4526 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4701 6.00)
- AP/HIST 1025 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 1025 6.00)
- AP/HIST 2900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 2900 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4600 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3839 3.00, AP/INDG 3839 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4301 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4301 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4302 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4302 3.00)
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
- students are advised to take AP/HREQ 1960 6.00 Indigenous Resistance in Global Context as their social science General Education course
Major credits: 36 credits including:
(i) 18 credits in core courses:
- AP/INDG 1050 6.00
- AP/INDG 2050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3310 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3530 6.00)
(ii) 18 credits from this list of optional Indigenous Studies courses:
- AP/CLTR 3255 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3255 3.00, FA/CMA 3255 3.00)
- AP/INDG 1070 6.00
- AP/INDG 2060 6.00
- AP/INDG 2780 3.00
- AP/INDG 3050 6.00
- AP/INDG 3060 3.00
- AP/INDG 3380 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3380 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3470 6.00
- AP/INDG 3535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3252 3.00, AP/HUMA 3535 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3253 3.00, AP/HUMA 3536 3.00)
- AP/INDG 3538 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3538 6.00)
- AP/INDG 3650 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 3.00
- AP/INDG 3990 6.00
- AP/INDG 4060 6.00
- AP/INDG 4070 3.00
- AP/INDG 4070 6.00
- AP/INDG 4705 6.00
- AP/INDG 4750 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 3.00
- AP/INDG 4765 6.00
- AP/INDG 4770 3.00
- AP/INDG 4770 6.00
- AP/GWST 3571 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3615 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4526 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4701 6.00)
- AP/HIST 1025 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 1025 6.00)
- AP/HIST 2900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 2900 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4600 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 3839 3.00, AP/INDG 3839 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4301 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4301 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4302 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/INDG 4302 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3537 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3839 3.00, AP/INDG 3839 3.00)
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
The Specialized Honours program in Individualized Studies is designed for students who wish to pursue a topic or line of enquiry that requires drawing together courses from several of the University's disciplines or fields of study.
Students interested in pursuing an individualized studies degree will be asked by the coordinator to prepare a statement describing the particular subject they wish to pursue. They will also be asked to identify a set of courses, from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and elsewhere, which are relevant to this theme. If the coordinator is satisfied that the proposed subject cannot be adequately pursued under an established program or departmental major and that sufficient courses and faculty expertise exist to support individualized study in the area in question, the student will be permitted to enter the Individualized Studies program. Normally, students are eligible to join the program if they have completed at least 24 credits and no more than 66 credits by the start of the academic year.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students in individualized studies must successfully complete and follow all the regulations for a degree in Specialized Honours in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. In addition, they must take, as part of the 54 credits relevant to their theme, the Individualized Studies Thesis Course, AP/INDV 4000 6.00. This course is to be taken during the student's final year of study.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Students prior to entering ITEC are required to have completed one 4U mathematics course or the equivalent with in the last five years.
General prerequisites for all 3000 level or above courses: students must have successfully completed all 1000 and 2000 level required courses in information technology, mathematics and writing required for their program option before taking courses in information technology at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Students must obtain a minimum grade of C in either AP/ITEC 2610 3.00 or AP/ITEC 3010 3.00 in order to graduate.
Program note: students combining a Honours ITEC major with a second major or minor are not required to complete a stream.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 66 credits including:
(i) 63 credits consisting of the following:
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2610 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3030 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3500 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3505 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4030 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4040 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4305 3.00;
(ii) 3 credits from other ITEC courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits including SC/MATH 1190 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00; AP/WRIT 3988 3.00 or AP/WRIT 2201.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 60 credits including:
(i) 42 credits consisting of the following:
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2610 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3030 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4020 3.00;
(ii) 18 credits from other ITEC courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits including SC/MATH 1190 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00; AP/WRIT 3988 3.00 or AP/WRIT 3989 3.00. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering, except for computer science. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties. Students wishing to combine a major in ITEC with a major in another discipline or field of study must follow the requirements below.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major information technology: 45 credits including:
(i) 39 credits consisting of the following:
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2610 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4020 3.00;
(ii) 6 credits from other ITEC courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Required non-ITEC credits: SC/MATH 1190 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00; AP/WRIT 3988 3.00 or AP/WRIT 3989 3.00.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours program BA described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering, except computer science. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties. Students wishing to combine a major in ITEC with a minor in another discipline or field of study must follow the requirements below.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Major information technology: 45 credits including:
(i) 30 credits consisting of the following:
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2610 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4010 3.00;
(ii) 15 credits chosen from other ITEC courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Required non-ITEC credits: SC/MATH 1190 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00; AP/WRIT 3988 3.00 or AP/WRIT 3989 3.00.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties. Refer to Programs of Study.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: 33 credits including:
(i) 21 credits consisting of:
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00;
(ii) 12 credits chosen from other ITEC courses.
Or any course from any of the existing BA ITEC streams.
Credits outside the minor: SC/MATH 2565 3.00 or equivalent.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major information technology: 45 credits including:
(i) 30 credits consisting of:
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2600 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2610 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
(ii) 15 credits chosen from other ITEC courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be completed at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Required credits outside the major: 18 credits including SC/MATH 1190 3.00; SC/MATH 2565 3.00; AP/WRIT 2201 3.0.
Course Substitutes
Program notes for BA ITEC courses: the following chart refers only to courses completed prior to entry to the BA ITEC program.
BA ITEC Program Course | BA ITEC program course substitutes if completed prior to entering the program |
AP/ITEC 1000 3.00 | Students who have successfully completed EECS courses prior to entering the program may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any EECS course that has not already been used towards the fulfilment of another requirement. Should no such course be available, students may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any ITEC course not specifically required for completion of the degree requirements. |
AP/ITEC 1620 3.00 | LE/EECS 1022 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 2620 3.00 | LE/EECS 2030 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 3220 3.00 | LE/EECS 3421 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 3230 3.00 | LE/EECS 3461 3.00 |
SC/MATH 1190 3.00 and SC/MATH 2565 3.00 |
SC/MATH 1550 6.00 completed prior to entering the program. |
SC/MATH 2565 3.00 |
SC/MATH 2560 3.00, SC/MATH 2570 3.00, SC/MATH 1131 3.00 completed prior to entering the program. |
School of Information Technology/School of Administrative Studies
Note: students should refer to the Courses of Instruction section of information technology course prerequisites. Students prior to entering the BCom ITEC are required to have completed one 4U high school mathematics course or the equivalent within the last five years.
General prerequisites for all 3000 level or above courses: students must have successfully completed all 1000 and 2000 level required courses in information technology, mathematics and writing required for their program option.
Student must obtain a minimum grade of C in either AP/ITEC 2610 3.00 or AP/ITEC 3010 3.00 in order to graduate.
Specialized Honours BCom: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 75 credits including:
(i) Core: 60 credits including:
45 credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2500 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2510 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2511 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 1620 3.00 or LE/EECS 1022 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2610 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3220 3.00 or LE/EECS 3421 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4010 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4030 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4040 3.00;
- SC/MATH 1190 3.00.
Six credits as follows:
- AP/ADMS 2320 3.00 and AP/ADMS 3330 3.00; or AP/ITEC 2600 3.00 and SC/MATH 2565 3.00; or AP/ECON 2500 3.00 and AP/ECON 3480 3.00;
Nine additional credits in ITEC or BCom from:
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00;
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2600 3.00);
- AP/ITEC 2210 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 2620 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3030 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3500 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3505 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4000 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4100 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4101 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4230 3.00.
- ITEC 3500 is a mandatory course in the information technology auditing and assurance stream, ITEC 3020 and ITEC 3230 are mandatory courses in the e-commerce development stream and ITEC 4101 is a mandatory course in the business systems analysis stream.
- At least 18 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
(ii) Stream: an additional 15 credits from one of the following streams:
Information Technology Auditing and Assurance Stream
- AP/ADMS 3521 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4515 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4517 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4518 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3500 3.00.
E-Commerce Development Stream
- AP/ITEC 3020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 3230 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4020 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4220 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4305 3.00.
Business Systems Analysis Stream
- AP/ADMS 3502 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3521 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4511 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4900 3.00;
- AP/ITEC 4101 3.00.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major (BCom and ITEC): at least 18 credits including AP/ECON 1000 3.00 and AP/ECON 1010 3.00 and AP/WRIT 3988 3.00 or AP/WRIT 3989 3.00.
Program Substitutes
Note: When courses such as AP/ADMS 4517 3.00 and AP/ADMS 4518 3.00 are not offered due to low enrolment, students should contact advising to obtain permission to take AP/ADMS 4551 3.00 and AP/ADMS 4552 3.00 instead with appropriate prerequisites having been taken.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting BCom program requirements.
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HRM 2600 3.00) | AP/ADMS 3480 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3530 3.00 | AP/ECON 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4540 3.00 | AP/ECON 4410 3.00 |
Program notes for BCom ITEC courses: the following chart refers only to courses completed prior to entry to the BCom ITEC program.
BCom ITEC Program Course | BCom ITEC program course substitutes if completed prior to entering the program |
AP/ITEC 1000 3.00 | Students who have successfully completed EECS courses prior to entering the program may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any EECS course that has of already been used towards the fulfilment of another requirement. Should no course remain, students may replace ITEC 1000 3.00 with any ITEC course not specifically required for completion of the major core. |
AP/ITEC 1620 3.00 | LE/EECS 1022 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 2620 3.00 | LE/EECS 2030 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 3220 3.00 | LE/EECS 3421 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 3230 3.00 | LE/EECS 3461 3.00 |
AP/ITEC 2600 3.00 and SC/MATH 2565 3.00 |
SC/MATH 1550 6.00 completed prior to entering the program. |
AP/ITEC 2600 3.00 |
SC/MATH 1019 3.00 |
SC/MATH 2565 3.00 | SC/MATH 2560 3.00, SC/MATH 2570 3.00, SC/MATH 1131 3.00 completed prior to entering the program. |
Program notes for BCom: the following chart refers only to courses completed prior to entry to the BCom program.
BCom Program course | BCom course substitutes for Schulich courses complete prior to entering the program |
AP/ADMS 1000 3.00 | SB/MGMT 1000 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 1010 3.00 | SB/MGMT 1010 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2200 3.00 | SB/MKTG 2030 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2320 3.00 | SB/OMIS 1000 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2400 3.00 | SB/ORGS 1000 3.00 and SB/ORGS 2010 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 | SB/ACTG 2010 3.00 and SB/ACTG 2011 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2510 3.00 | SB/ACTG 2020 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2511 3.00 | SB/OMIS 4710 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2600 3.00 | SB/OBIR 4200 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 2610 3.00 | SB/MGMT 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3210 3.00 (previously AP/ADMS 4220 3.00) | SB/MKTG 4150 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3330 3.00 | SB/OMIS 2010 3.00 and SB/MGMT 2000 3.00 (prior to Fall 2012) |
AP/ADMS 3510 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3520 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4710 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3530 3.00 | SB/FINE 2000 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3531 3.00 | SB/FINE 3200 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3541 3.00 | SB/FINE 4050 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3585 3.00 | SB/ACTG 3110 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3595 3.00 | SB/ACTG 3120 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3660 3.00 | SB/MGMT 1040 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 3920 3.00 | SB/ENTR 4600 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 42XX 3.00 (marketing stream only) | SB/MKTG 4320 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 42XX 3.00 (marketing stream only) | SB/MKTG 4321 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4210 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4225 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4250 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4240 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4245 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4560 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4260 3.00 | SB/MKTG 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4285 3.00 | SB/MKTG 4550 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4503 3.00 | SB/FINE 4800 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4510 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4200 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4520 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4160 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4540 3.00 | SB/FINE 3100 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4542 3.00 | SB/FINE 4400 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4551 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4600 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4552 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4620 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4553 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4610 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4562 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4720 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4570 3.00 | SB/ACTG 4450 3.00 |
AP/ADMS 4900 3.00 and must replace AP/ADMS 3900 3.00 with another 3000 or 4000 level ADMS course | SB/SGMT 3000 3.00 |
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits including:
- AP/SOSC 2000 6.00;
- 24 credits chosen from the Core List of Social Science Courses where at least 12 of the 24 are at the 3000 level or above and where at least 6 of the 24 must be selected from an approved list of Theory courses;
- 6 credits from among AP/SOSC 4000 6.00, AP/SOSC 4001 6.00, AP/SOSC 4002 6.00, AP/SOSC 4511 6.00;
- 6 additional credits in the major at the 4000-level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA (where the Major is Interdisciplinary Social Science)
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Major/Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
BA: 90 Credits
Note: the 90 credit BA program does not include a Theory or 4000-level Capstone requirement.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 30 credits including:
- AP/SOSC 2000 6.00;
- 24 credits chosen from the Core List of Interdisciplinary Social Science Courses where at least 12 of the 24 are at the 3000-level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
List of Interdisciplinary Social Science Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year. Interdisciplinary Social Science majors are not guaranteed spaces in courses offered by other Departments. Enrolment is subject to availability.
With the approval of the Program Coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in Interdisciplinary Social Science.
Core List:
- AP/SOSC 2000 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2005 3.00
- AP/SOSC 2005 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2007 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2110 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2150 3.00
- AP/SOSC 2210 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2211 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2330 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2340 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2460 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2480 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2560 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2570 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2571 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 2652 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2800 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3005 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3005 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3006 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3007 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3008 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3009 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3041 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3042 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3043 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3101 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3121 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3168 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3240 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3241 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3360 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3365 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LASO 3365 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3376 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3410 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3553 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3481 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3511 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3512 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3514 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3515 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3543 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3652 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 3652 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3714 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3715 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3716 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3717 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3718 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3745 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3746 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3760 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3801 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3802 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3815 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3980 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3981 3.00
Theory List (Honours BA only):
- AP/SOSC 2560 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2570 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2571 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3512 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3515 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3516 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3552 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3085 6.00)
Honours Capstone Courses:
- AP/SOSC 4000 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4001 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4002 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4003 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4004 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4511 6.00
Additional 4000-level Courses:
- AP/SOSC 4043 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4044 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4045 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4046 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4048 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4049 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4113 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4141 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4142 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4146 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4148 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4250 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4250 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4357 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4366 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4370 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4435 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4436 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4450 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4300 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 4452 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4510 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4600 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4605 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4607 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4608 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4661 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4710 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4713 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4735 6.00
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Students in all international development studies degree options will complete a specified number of required core courses at the 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 levels. Some of the degree options require the completion of at least one introductory area studies course, intended to familiarize students with the social, political, economic and cultural dynamics of one region in the developing world. Students will also be required to complete a specified number of additional optional courses offered in various academic units at the 3000 and 4000 levels, chosen from at least two of the following areas of concentration:
- culture
- diasporas and migration
- environment
- gender
- political economy
- politics, governance and policy
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 60 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1430 9.00 (6 credits count toward the major, 3 credits toward degree credits);
- AP/SOSC 2800 6.00;
- six credits chosen from the following: AP/HUMA 1400 9.00, AP/HUMA 2310 6.00, AP/SOSC 2435 6.00, AP/SOSC 2460 6.00 or AP/SOSC 2480 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3800 6.00;
- 18 credits, including at least six credits in each of three areas of concentration;
- AP/SOSC 4600 6.00;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level in two of the three areas of concentration.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 48 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1430 9.00 (6 credits count toward the major, 3 credits toward degree credits);
- AP/SOSC 2800 6.00;
- six credits chosen from the following: AP/HUMA 1400 9.00, AP/HUMA 2310 6.00, AP/SOSC 2435 6.00, AP/SOSC 2460 6.00 or AP/SOSC 2480 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3800 6.00;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas of concentration;
- AP/SOSC 4600 6.00;
- six credits at the 4000 level in one of the two areas of concentration.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
International development studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in international development studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet international development studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in international development studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 36 credits in international development studies must include the following:
- AP/SOSC 1430 9.00 (6 credits count toward the major, 3 credits toward degree credits);
- AP/SOSC 2800 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3800 6.00;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas of concentration;
- AP/SOSC 4600 6.00.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in international development studies comprises at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1430 9.00 (6 credits count toward the major, 3 credits toward degree credits);
- AP/SOSC 2800 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3800 6.00;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas of concentration and including at least six credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1430 9.00 (6 credits count toward the major, 3 credits toward degree credits);
- AP/SOSC 2800 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3800 6.00;
- 12 credits, including at least six credits in each of two areas of concentration and including at least six credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting international development studies program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/SOSC 4600 6.00 | AP/SOSC 4602 6.00 |
Areas of Concentration
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in international development studies.
Area 1: Culture
- AP/ANTH 2100 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2120 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3220 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3420 3.00
- AP/ARB 2700 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 2710 6.00)
- AP/COMN 4210 6.00
- AP/EN 2240 6.00
- AP/EN 3031 6.00
- AP/EN 3240 6.00
- AP/EN 3410 3.00
- AP/EN 3430 6.00
- AP/EN 4411 3.00
- AP/EN 4420 6.00
- AP/HND 2700 6.00
- AP/HND 3600 3.00
- AP/HND 3610 3.00
- AP/HUMA 1435 9.00
- AP/HUMA 3310 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3310 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3500 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3510 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3520 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3660 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3660 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3660 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3660 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3664 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 3620 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3816 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4315 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4415 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4826 3.00
- AP/POR 3650 3.00
- AP/POR 3660 3.00
- AP/SOSC 2430 3.00
- AP/SOSC 2430 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3480 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3512 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3514 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4450 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4300 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 4450 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4300 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4510 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4604 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4606 3.00
- AP/SP 4650 6.00
- AP/SWAH 1000 6.00
- EU/ENVS 4215 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3370 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4020 3.00
- FA/FILM 3610A 3.00
Area 2: Diasporas and Migration
- AP/COMN 4732 3.00
- AP/COMN 4733 3.00
- AP/EN 3031 6.00
- AP/EN 4400 6.00
- AP/HIST 3581 6.00
- AP/HIST 4830 6.00
- AP/MIST 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 2310 6.00)
- AP/MIST 3370 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3801 6.00, GL/GWST 3801 6.00)
- AP/MIST 3580 6.00
- AP/MIST 3610 6.00
- AP/MIST 3620 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3656 6.00)
- AP/POLS 3065 3.00
- AP/PPAS 4111 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3430 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3450 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4230 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4350 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4360 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4390 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4430 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3270 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3370 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3544 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3070 6.00
- EU/GEOG 4170 3.00
Area 3: Environment
- AP/ANTH 3190 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3190 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3200 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4160 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4240 3.00
- AP/ECON 3340 3.00
- AP/HIST 4240 6.00
- AP/HIST 4500 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3710 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3730 6.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 3730 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3802 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4606 3.00
- EU/ENVS 2300 6.00
- EU/ENVS 3310 3.00
- EU/ENVS 3340 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4111 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/BIOL 4255 3.00)
- EU/ENVS 4210 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4220 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4312 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 4212 3.00)
- EU/GEOG 3070 6.00
- SC/BIOL 4255 3.00 (cross-listed to: EU/ENVS 4111 3.00)
Area 4: Gender
- AP/ANTH 4420 3.00
- AP/ECON 4369 3.00
- AP/GWST 3502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3502 6.00, GL/SOSC 3602 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3503 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3503 6.00, GL/ILST 3665 6.00, GL/SOCI 3665 6.00, GL/SOSC 3665 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3545 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3545 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3552 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3552 6.00, GL/ILST 3552 6.00, GL/SOCI 3552 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4506 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4506 3.00, GL/HIST 4606 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4512 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4512 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4516 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4516 6.00)
- AP/HIST 4765 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3515 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4421 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3690 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4450 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2791 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3411 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3543 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4170 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4606 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4320 3.00
- EU/GEOG 2070 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3800 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4090 3.00
Area 5: Political Economy
- AP/ANTH 2100 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3030 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3220 6.00
- AP/ECON 3150 3.00
- AP/ECON 3473 3.00
- AP/ECON 3550 3.00
- AP/ECON 3560 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3560 3.00)
- AP/ECON 3580 3.00
- AP/ECON 4129 3.00
- AP/ECON 4190 3.00
- AP/MIST 3510 6.00
- AP/POLS 3270 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3270 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3275 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3275 3.00)
- AP/POLS 4285 3.00
- AP/POLS 4290 3.00
- AP/POLS 4295 3.00
- AP/POLS 4555 3.00
- AP/POLS 4590 3.00
- AP/POLS 4595 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4220 3.00
- AP/SOSC 1520 9.00
- AP/SOSC 2801 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3040 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3041 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3101 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3102 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3240 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3241 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3410 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3553 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3541 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3801 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4436 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4606 3.00
- EU/GEOG 2070 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3130 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3370 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3800 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4220 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4395 3.00
- GL/ILST 3250 3.00
Area 6: Politics, Governance and Policy
- AP/ANTH 3420 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3440 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4340 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4420 3.00
- AP/CLTR 3150 3.00
- AP/COMN 4203 6.00
- AP/HIST 3710 6.00
- AP/HIST 3734 3.00
- AP/HREQ 3800 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3045 3.00)
- AP/POLS 2940 6.00
- AP/POLS 2950 6.00
- AP/POLS 3200 3.00
- AP/POLS 3210 3.00
- AP/POLS 3510 3.00
- AP/POLS 3515 3.00
- AP/POLS 3550 3.00
- AP/POLS 3555 3.00
- AP/POLS 3560 6.00
- AP/POLS 3570 3.00
- AP/POLS 4212 3.00 (cross-listed to: EU/ENVS 4312 3.00)
- AP/POLS 4255 6.00
- AP/POLS 4265 3.00
- AP/POLS 4430 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 4060 6.00)
- AP/POLS 4520 3.00
- AP/POLS 4555 3.00
- AP/POLS 4575 3.00
- AP/POLS 4576 3.00
- AP/POLS 4590 3.00
- AP/POLS 4595 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4060 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3512 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3802 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3970 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4356 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4452 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4601 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4603 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4605 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4606 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4607 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4315 3.00
- EU/GEOG 2070 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4850 3.00
- GL/POLS 3220 6.00
Note: courses offered under "Individualized Reading" will be considered as part of the relevant linguistics or literature category. With the exception of real beginners, prospective students of Italian must complete a language placement questionnaire prior to enrolment in any Italian language course.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in Italian studies, including the following:
(i) Core language requirement:
- 12 core language credits as follows:
- AP/IT 2000 6.00 or AP/IT 2030 6.00;
- AP/IT 3000 6.00 or AP/IT 3030 6.00
(ii) Core literature requirement:
- AP/IT 2200 3.00
(iii) Core linguistics requirement:
- AP/IT 2100 3.00
(iv) Other courses:
- 24 credits chosen from 3000-4000 level courses with an IT rubric (i.e. offered by Italian Studies).
Note:at least 12 credits in the major at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 30 credits in Italian studies, including the following:
(i) Core language requirement:
- 12 core language credits as follows:
- AP/IT 2000 6.00 or AP/IT 2030 6.00;
- AP/IT 3000 6.00 or AP/IT 3030 6.00.
(ii) Core literature requirement:
- AP/IT 2200 3.00
(iii) Core linguistics requirement:
- AP/IT 2100 3.00
(iv) Other courses:
- 12 credits chosen from 3000-4000 level courses with an IT rubric (i.e. offered by Italian Studies).
Note:at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits in Italian studies, including the following:
(i) Core language requirement:
- 12 core language credits as follows:
- AP/IT 2000 6.00 or AP/IT 2030 6.00;
- AP/IT 3000 6.00 or AP/IT 3030 6.00.
(ii) Core literature requirement:
- AP/IT 2200 3.00
(iii) Core linguistics requirement:
- AP/IT 2100 3.00
(iv) Other courses:
- 12 credits chosen from 3000-4000 level courses with an IT rubric (i.e. offered by Italian Studies).
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
- The requirements are the same as for the Honours BA in Italian studies (42 credits).
- Students entering this program must make an appointment with the program coordinator of Italian studies prior to enrolment.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in Italian studies, including the following:
(i) Core language requirement:
- 12 core language credits as follows:
- AP/IT 2000 6.00 or AP/IT 2030 6.00;
- AP/IT 3000 6.00 or AP/IT 3030 6.00.
(ii) Core literature requirement:
- AP/IT 2200 3.00
(iii) Core linguistics requirement:
- AP/IT 2100 3.00
(iv) Other courses:
- 24 credits chosen from 3000-4000 level courses with an IT rubric (i.e. offered by Italian Studies).
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 4000 level.
In addition to the courses required for their major, students in the Honours iBA Program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners in Italy. Student should have completed AP/IT 2200 3.00 before departure or have obtained permission of the department.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented course credits can also be used to satisfy the credits outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program in Italian studies described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA: a minimum of 36 credits
The Honours Minor in Japanese Studies may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: a minimum of 36 credits in the minor, including at least six credits at the 4000-level.
36 credits including:
(i) Japanese Studies Core: 24 credits (compulsory):
- AP/JP 1000 6.00
- AP/JP 2000 6.00
- AP/JP 2700 6.00
- AP/JP 3000 6.00
(ii) 12 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000-level chosen from:
- AP/JP 3070 3.00 (Prerequisite: AP/JP 1000 6.00)
- AP/JP 3080 3.00
- AP/JP 3100 3.00
- AP/JP 3200 3.00
- AP/JP 3600 3.00
- AP/JP 3610 3.00
- AP/JP 3620 3.00
- AP/JP 3751 3.00
- AP/JP 3900 3.00
- AP/JP 4000 6.00
- AP/JP 4010 6.00
- AP/JP 4100 6.00
- AP/JP 4120 6.00
- AP/JP 4600 3.00
- AP/JP 4900 6.00
Note: Students exempt from AP/JP 1000 6.00, AP/JP 2000 6.00 or AP/JP 3000 6.00 must take AP/JP 4000 6.00 and additional 4000-level courses as well as the above 12 credits.
Japanese Courses:
- AP/JP 1000 6.00
- AP/JP 2000 6.00
- AP/JP 2010 6.00
- AP/JP 2700 6.00
- AP/JP 3000 6.00
- AP/JP 3070 3.00
- AP/JP 3080 3.00
- AP/JP 3100 3.00
- AP/JP 3200 3.00
- AP/JP 3600 3.00
- AP/JP 3610 3.00
- AP/JP 3620 3.00
- AP/JP 3751 3.00
- AP/JP 3900 3.00
- AP/JP 4000 6.00
- AP/JP 4100 6.00
- AP/JP 4120 6.00
- AP/JP 4600 3.00
- AP/JP 4900 6.00
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
For a complete list of courses and detailed reading lists, refer to the program's supplemental calendar.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 57 credits in Jewish studies including:
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 1190 6.00);
- AP/HUMA 3831 3.00;
- a minimum of 18 credits in Hebrew (Note: students with proven proficiency in Hebrew will complete 18 credits from the list of courses where the language of instruction and/or texts are in Hebrew or in another Jewish language, for example, Yiddish.);
- a minimum of 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Students must take six credits from each of the five categories listed below:
- Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- Early Modern to Contemporary Studies
- Literature, Culture and the Arts
- History and Social Sciences
- Classical Jewish Texts
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Note: Jewish studies courses that are listed under more than one of the categories noted above may satisfy more than one of the requirements noted above. (Example: AP/HIST 4100 6.00 may count towards the required 18 credits at the 4000 level as well as the required six credits in both the Antiquity to the Middle Ages category and the History and Social Sciences category.)
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in Jewish studies including:
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 1190 6.00);
- AP/HUMA 3831 3.00;
- a minimum of 12 credits in Hebrew (Note: students with proven proficiency in Hebrew will complete 12 credits from the list of courses where the language of instruction and/or texts are in Hebrew or in another Jewish language, for example, Yiddish.);
- a minimum of 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Students must take six credits from each of the five categories listed below:
- Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- Early Modern to Contemporary Studies
- Literature, Culture and the Arts
- History and Social Sciences
- Classical Jewish Texts
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Note: Jewish studies courses that are listed under more than one of the categories noted above may satisfy more than one of the requirements noted above. (Example: AP/HIST 4100 6.00 may count towards the required 12 credits at the 4000 level as well as the required six credits in both the Antiquity to the Middle Ages category and the History and Social Sciences category.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA
Note: students may complete a maximum of 12 credits at the 1000 level and 2000 level in Jewish studies courses for major credit in Jewish studies.
Jewish studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take as least 42 credits in Jewish studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet Jewish studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of as least 18 credits at the 4000 level including at least 12 credits in Jewish studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in Jewish studies including:
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 1190 6.00);
- AP/HUMA 3831 3.00;
- a minimum of 12 credits in Hebrew (Note: students with proven proficiency in Hebrew will complete 12 credits from the list of courses where the language of instruction and/or texts are in Hebrew or in another Jewish language, for example, Yiddish.);
- a minimum of 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Students must take six credits from each of the five categories listed below:
- Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- Early Modern to Contemporary Studies
- Literature, Culture and the Arts
- History and Social Sciences
- Classical Jewish Texts
Note: Jewish studies courses that are listed under more than one of the categories noted above may satisfy more than one of the requirements noted above. (Example: AP/HIST 4100 6.00 may count towards the required 12 credits at the 4000 level as well as the required six credits in both the Antiquity to the Middle Ages category and the History and Social Sciences category.)
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 33 credits in Jewish studies, including:
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 1190 6.00);
- AP/HUMA 3831 3.00;
- 24 additional credits in Jewish studies.
Note: at least six credits in the minor at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Entry requirements: The 90-credit BA in Jewish Studies has no entry requirements.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Note: Students cannot count AP/HUMA 1880 6.00 both for major credit and for General Education credit.
Major credits: students will complete at least 30 credits in Jewish studies including:
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 1190 6.00);
- AP/HUMA 3831 3.00;
- 12 credits in Hebrew (Note: students with proven proficiency in Hebrew will complete 12 credits from the list of courses where the language of instruction and/or texts are in Hebrew or in another Jewish language, for example, Yiddish.);
- 9 credits (in addition to AP/HUMA 3831 3.00) at the 3000 level from at least two categories.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 3000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Jewish Studies Courses
Not all the courses below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
- AP/HUMA 4000 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4000 6.00
Antiquity to the Middle Ages
- AP/HEB 3320 3.00
- AP/HEB 3330 3.00
- AP/HEB 3360 3.00
- AP/HEB 3370 3.00
- AP/HIST 3110 6.00
- AP/HIST 4100 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1870 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3822 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3856 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4803 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4225 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4807 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4808 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4809 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4811 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4820 3.00
- GL/HUMA 3900 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/EN 3900 6.00)
Early Modern to Contemporary Studies
- AP/HEB 3500 6.00
- AP/HEB 3600 6.00
- AP/HEB 3710 3.00
- AP/HEB 3770 3.00
- AP/HIST 3386 6.00
- AP/HIST 3387 3.00
- AP/HIST 3555 6.00
- AP/HIST 3860 6.00
- AP/HIST 4385 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3436 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3825 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3829 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3829 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3835 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3846 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3847 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3848 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/EN 3471 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3849 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3850 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3321 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3856 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4804 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4818 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4818 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4821 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4822 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4823 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4824 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4824 3.00)
- AP/MIST 4040 6.00
- AP/POLS 3260 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3260 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3818 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3917 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3917 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 3917 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3917 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3918 6.00
Literature, Culture and the Arts
- AP/EN 4236 6.00
- AP/HEB 3230 3.00
- AP/HEB 3500 6.00
- AP/HEB 3600 6.00
- AP/HEB 3710 3.00
- AP/HEB 3770 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3436 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3688 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 3688 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3822 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3847 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3843 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3793 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4809 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4818 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4818 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4821 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4822 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4824 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CCY 4824 3.00)
- FA/ARTH 4631 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4631 3.00)
- FA/MUSI 1045 3.00
- FA/MUSI 2045 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3045 3.00
- FA/MUSI 4045 3.00
- FA/THEA 4334 3.00
- FA/THEA 4334 6.00
- FA/VISA 4800K 3.00
History and Social Sciences
- AP/HIST 3110 6.00
- AP/HIST 3261 3.00
- AP/HIST 3555 6.00
- AP/HIST 3386 3.00
- AP/HIST 3387 3.00
- AP/HIST 3860 6.00
- AP/HIST 4100 6.00
- AP/HIST 4385 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3825 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3829 3.00 (cross-listed to AP/HIST 3829 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3835 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3843 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3793 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3849 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3850 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3321 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4803 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4225 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4804 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4811 3.00
- AP/MIST 4040 6.00
- AP/POLS 3260 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3260 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3818 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3917 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3917 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 3917 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3917 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3918 6.00
Classical Jewish Texts
- AP/HEB 3210 3.00
- AP/HEB 3220 3.00
- AP/HEB 3230 3.00
- AP/HEB 3320 3.00
- AP/HEB 3330 3.00
- AP/HEB 3360 3.00
- AP/HEB 3370 3.00
- AP/HUMA 1870 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3840 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4808 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4820 3.00
- GL/HUMA 3900 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/EN 3900 6.00)
- LW/LAW 3770 3.00
- AP/HEB 1000 6.00
- AP/HEB 1020 6.00
- AP/HEB 2000 6.00
- AP/HEB 3000 6.00
- AP/HEB 4000 6.00
- AP/YDSH 1000 6.00
Other courses taught in Hebrew and/or with Hebrew texts:
- AP/HEB 3210 3.00 (section A)
- AP/HEB 3220 3.00 (section A)
- AP/HEB 3230 3.00 (section A)
- AP/HEB 3320 3.00
- AP/HEB 3330 3.00
- AP/HEB 3360 3.00
- AP/HEB 3370 3.00
- AP/HEB 3500 6.00
- AP/HEB 3600 6.00
- AP/HEB 4900 6.00
Students who take AP/SOSC 1350 9.00 must choose whether to count it towards their general education requirements or their major requirements. It cannot be counted towards both. For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Students may count a maximum of six credits of either AP/SOSC 2351 6.00 or AP/SOSC 1350 9.00 for major credit in law and society.
Students must achieve a minimum grade of C+ (5.00) in AP/SOSC 2350 6.00 Law and Society in order to continue in, and graduate from, the program.
Students applying to change their major to Law and Society must have a minimum GPA of 5.00. Having a GPA of 5.00 does not guarantee admission as spaces in the program are limited and will be awarded competitely based on GPA.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits in law and society, including:
- AP/SOSC 1375 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 2350 6.00;
- 12 credits chosen from:
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00,
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 2652 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 2652 6.00),
- AP/SOSC 3360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3363 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3364 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3365 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LASO 3365 6.00),
- AP/SOSC 3370 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3376 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3380 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3391 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3392 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3393 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3395 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3653 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3992 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 4370 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3375 3.00;
- at least one six credit capstone course chosen from the following:
- AP/SOSC 4350 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4352 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4353 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4354 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4355 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4356 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4357 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4358 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4359 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4363 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4364 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4365 6.00;
- 18 additional credits chosen from either the core or extended list of law and society list of courses, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree p18
rograms in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in law and society, including:
- AP/SOSC 1375 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 2350 6.00;
- 12 credits chosen from:
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00,
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 2652 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3363 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3364 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3365 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LASO 3365 6.00),
- AP/SOSC 3370 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3376 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3380 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3391 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3392 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3393 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3395 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3653 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3992 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 4370 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3375 3.00;
- at least one six credit capstone course chosen from the following:
- AP/SOSC 4350 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4352 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4353 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4354 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4355 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4356 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4357 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4358 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4359 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4363 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4364 6.00;
- 12 additional credits chosen from either the core or extended list of law and society list of courses, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Law and society may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 42 credits in law and society and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet the law and society requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in law and society and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours (Double Major) Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 42 credits in law and society must include the following:
- AP/SOSC 1375 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 2350 6.00;
- 12 credits chosen from:
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00,
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 2652 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3363 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3364 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3365 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LASO 3365 6.00),
- AP/SOSC 3370 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3376 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3380 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3391 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3392 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3393 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3395 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3653 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3992 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 4370 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3375 3.00;
- at least one six credit capstone course chosen from the following:
- AP/SOSC 4350 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4352 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4353 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4354 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4355 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4356 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4357 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4358 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4359 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4363 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4364 6.00;
- 12 additional credits chosen from either the core or extended list of law and society list of courses, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in law and society, including:
- AP/SOSC 1375 3.00;
- AP/SOSC 2350 6.00;
- 12 credits chosen from:
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00,
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 2652 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3363 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3364 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3365 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LASO 3365 6.00),
- AP/SOSC 3370 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3376 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3380 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3391 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3392 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3393 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3395 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3653 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3992 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 4370 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 3375 3.00
- at least one six credit capstone course chosen from the following:
- AP/SOSC 4350 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4351 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4352 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4353 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4354 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4355 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4356 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4357 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4358 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4359 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4360 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4361 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4362 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4363 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 4364 6.00;
- 12 additional credits chosen from either the core or extended list of law and society list of courses, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Students who complete any one of the Honours BA programs in law and society may apply to enter the Court and Tribunal Administration program or the Legal Assistant program offered by Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology. York students are required to complete specific courses within the law and society program in order to be eligible for admission consideration to the abbreviated one year diploma program at Seneca College. For more information about specific law and society course requirements, consult the law and society supplemental calendar or contact the law and society program coordinator. For more information about the Seneca College program, contact the director, Court and Tribunal Administration Program, Seneca College.
Students applying for admission to York University on the basis of their Seneca College Diploma in Court and Tribunal Administration are expected to satisfy the admission requirements of the session to which they are applying.
Law and Society Courses (Extended List)
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in law and society. This includes law and society core courses taken beyond the 12 required core credits.
- AP/ANTH 3420 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3420 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4340 6.00
- AP/CRIM 2650 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 2650 6.00)
- AP/ECON 3240 3.00
- AP/ECON 3249 3.00
- AP/ECON 3250 3.00
- AP/ECON 3259 3.00
- AP/ECON 4309 3.00
- AP/HIST 2500 6.00
- AP/HIST 3415 6.00
- AP/HIST 3591 6.00
- AP/HIST 3830 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3030 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3845 6.00
- AP/HIST 3850 6.00
- AP/HREQ 3450 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1825 9.00
- AP/HUMA 2115 6.00
- AP/LING 2400 3.00
- AP/LING 2450 3.00
- AP/MIST 3561 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3561 6.00)
- AP/PHIL 2050 6.00
- AP/PHIL 2060 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2070 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2075 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3110 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3190 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3195 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4190 3.00
- AP/POLS 2900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00)
- AP/POLS 3075 3.00
- AP/POLS 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3136 3.00, GL/POLS 3135 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3136 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3136 3.00, GL/POLS 3136 3.00)
- AP/POLS 3165 6.00
- AP/POLS 3190 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 3190 6.00)
- AP/POLS 4015 3.00
- AP/POLS 4105 3.00
- AP/POLS 4175 6.00
- AP/POLS 4255 6.00
- AP/POLS 4401 3.00
- AP/POLS 4515 3.00
- AP/POLS 4541 3.00
- AP/PPAS 2200 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 2200 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 4070 6.00
- AP/PPAS 4130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 4130 6.00)
- AP/SOCI 2070 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3430 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3810 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4440 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4810 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4840 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4840 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4850 3.00
- AP/SOSC 1341 9.00
- AP/SOSC 2330 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3654 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 3654 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 3655 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 3655 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 3656 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CRIM 3656 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4043 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4143 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 4143 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 4210 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4370 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4918 6.00
- EU/ENVS 4312 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 4212 3.00)
- HH/PSYC 2120 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3140 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3310 3.00
- SC/MATH 2560 3.00
- SC/MATH 2570 3.00
The Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics offers courses in linguistics leading to BA and Honours BA degrees, with 30-credit, 42-credit and 54-credit major concentrations.
Linguistics is the scientific study of natural language organization. It concerns itself with discovering the universal principles of human language and applying these principles to provide systematic descriptions of individual languages. To this purpose, linguists investigate sound and word patterns, sentence structure, language usage and change, the acquisition of first and second languages, as well as the relationship between language and the mind and language and society.
Because language mediates virtually all forms of human endeavour, the study of linguistics can provide new perspectives on almost every aspect of the humanities and social sciences. In addition, it has applications to primary and secondary education, speech-language pathology and the applied sciences of communication engineering and computer science.
In any of the programs described below, a student taking both AP/LING 1000 6.00 and AP/LING 2060 6.00 will be required to complete an additional three credits in linguistics to satisfy the linguistics component of the degree.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits in linguistics, including:
- AP/LING 1000 6.00;
- AP/LING 2110 3.00;
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 3.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3120 3.00;
- AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- 30 additional credits in linguistics (LING), including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in linguistics, including:
- AP/LING 1000 6.00;
- AP/LING 2110 3.00;
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 3.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3120 3.00;
- AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- 18 additional credits in linguistics (LING), including at least 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Linguistics may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in linguistics and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet linguistics requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in linguistics and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students will take at least 36 credits in linguistics, including:
- AP/LING 1000 6.00;
- AP/LING 2110 3.00;
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 3.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3120 3.00;
- AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- 12 additional credits in linguistics (LING), including at least 6 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in linguistics comprises at least 30 credits in linguistics, including:
- AP/LING 1000 6.00;
- AP/LING 2110 3.00;
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 3.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3120 3.00 or AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- 9 additional credits in linguistics (LING), including at least 6 credits at the 4000 level.
- At least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits in linguistics, including:
- AP/LING 1000 6.00;
- AP/LING 2110 3.00;
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 3.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3120 3.00 or AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- 9 additional credits in linguistics (LING) at the 3000 level or above.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting linguistics program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitute |
AP/LING 1000 6.00 | GL/LIN 1603 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOSC 1603 6.00) |
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other GL/LIN courses for program credit in linguistics in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Honours Minor
The Honours Minor in Marketing may be combined with any approved non-business Honours program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, the Lassonde School of Engineering or Glendon. Students in (a) the BBA program, (b) the iBBA program, (c) the BCom program, and (d) the BA in Business Economics or Financial and Business Economics programs are ineligible to combine their studies with the Marketing Minor. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Entry requirements:
Students prior to entering the marketing minor must have completed 30 University credits or the equivalent and attained a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 in their home program at York. The completion of one 4U Math course prior to entering the marketing minor is recommended.
Minor credits: 30 credits including:
(i) Compulsory credits:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 2310 3.00 (*);
- AP/ADMS 3210 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 3220 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4250 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4260 3.00.
(ii) nine additional credits chosen from:
- AP/ADMS 4200 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4210 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4211 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4215 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4225 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4230 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4235 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4240 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4245 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4255 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4265 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4275 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4280 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4285 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4286 3.00;
- AP/ADMS 4421 3.00.
(*) Note: Students who have completed a course listed under Course Credit Exclusions for AP/ADMS 2310 3.00 have to replace AP/ADMS 2310 3.00 with an additional 3 credits from the list of elective courses.
To graduate with a minor in marketing, students must satisfy Honours degree and program requirements including a minimum 5.00 grade point average in the minor.
Honours Minor BA: a minimum of 30 credits
The Honours Minor in Medical Anthropology may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (Bachelor of Environmental Studies - BES), the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: a minimum of 30 credits in the minor, including at least three credits at the 4000-level.
30 credits including:
(i) Medical Anthropology Core Courses: 21 credits (compulsory):
- AP/ANTH 2110 6.00
- AP/ANTH 2170 6.00 or AP/ANTH 2330 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3330 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4330 3.00
(ii) 9 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000-level chosen from:
- AP/ANTH 3080 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3190 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3200 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3280 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3560 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4130 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4160 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4430 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3820 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4300 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3921 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4145 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 4570 3.00)
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: Students must complete at least 54 credits in philosophy, including at least 30 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, with no fewer than 12 credits at the 4000 level. Specific courses must include:
- at least two of:
- AP/PHIL 2015 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2015 3.00),
- AP/PHIL 2020 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2025 3.00;
- at least one of:
- AP/PHIL 2070 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2075 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 2100 3.00;
- at least one of:
- AP/PHIL 2080 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2170 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2240 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 3020 3.00;
- at least one of AP/PHIL 3030 3.00 or AP/PHIL 3035 3.00.
Note: no more than nine credits in philosophy may be taken at the 1000 level for major credit.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 42 credits in philosophy, including at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, with no fewer than 12 credits at the 4000 level. Specific courses must include:
- at least two of:
- AP/PHIL 2015 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2015 3.00),
- AP/PHIL 2020 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2025 3.00;
- at least one of:
- AP/PHIL 2070 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2075 3.00;
- AP/PHIL 2100 3.00;
- at least one of:
- AP/PHIL 2080 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2170 3.00,
- AP/PHIL 2240 3.00.
Note: no more than nine credits in philosophy may be taken at the 1000 level for major credit.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Philosophy may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must take at least 36 credits in philosophy and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet philosophy requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in philosophy and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in philosophy comprises at least 30 credits in philosophy, including at least six credits at the 4000 level.
- At least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
- In a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
- No more than nine credits in philosophy may be taken at the 1000 level for minor credit.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 30 credits in philosophy with at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level. Specific courses must include:
- at least one of AP/PHIL 2015 3.00, AP/PHIL 2020 3.00 or AP/PHIL 2025 3.00;
- at least one of AP/PHIL 2070 3.00 or AP/PHIL 2075 3.00;
- at least one of AP/PHIL 2100 3.00 or AP/PHIL 2200 3.00.
Note: no more than nine credits in philosophy may be taken at the 1000 level for major credit.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 54 credits in political science, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 level;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits political science, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 12 credits at the 3000 level;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits in political science, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 level;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Political science may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 48 credits in political science and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet political science requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in political science and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 48 credits in political science must include:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 level;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in political science comprises at least 30 credits, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- 12 credits chosen from the following: AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00), AP/POLS 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00), AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00; AP/POLS 2600 3.00, AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 political science credits at the 3000 level;
- 6 political science credits at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 36 credits in political science, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Specialized Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 54 credits in political science, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 level;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Specialized Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Specialized Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement).
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 48 credits in political science, including:
- AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2900 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2100 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00);
- AP/POLS 2990 3.00;
- 6 credits chosen from: AP/POLS 2201 3.00, AP/POLS 2400 3.00 or AP/POLS 2600 3.00;
- 12 credits at the 3000 level;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills completed before the term or terms abroad. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits:at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting political science program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/POLS 1000 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 1000 6.00) | GL/POLS 1400 6.00 |
AP/POLS 2100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PPAS 2910 6.00) | GL/POLS 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 2600 6.00); AP/POLS 2910 6.00 (cross-listed to AP/PPAS 2910 6.00) prior to Fall/Winter 2020-21 |
AP/POLS 2201 3.00 | GL/POLS 2920 6.00; AP/POLS 2940 6.00 prior to Fall/Winter 2020-21 |
AP/POLS 2400 3.00 | AP/POLS 2950 6.00 prior to Fall/Winter 2020-21 |
Students who are exempted from Portuguese language courses based on their knowledge of Portuguese must still successfully complete the total number of credits required for a BA or minor in Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies.
Students without prior knowledge of Portuguese must complete AP/POR 1000 6.00, Elementary Portuguese. This course will count for degree credit but not for Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies major/minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 30 credits in Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies including the following:
- AP/POR 2000 6.00;
- AP/POR 2600 6.00;
- AP/POR 3000 6.00;
- 12 additional credits chosen from the list of Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies courses, of which at least six credits with a POR designation must be at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level. Students may take a maximum of six credits from the list of additional courses with a Lusophone emphasis.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits in Portuguese studies including the following:
- AP/POR 2000 6.00;
- AP/POR 2600 6.00;
- AP/POR 3000 6.00;
- 12 additional credits chosen from the list of Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies courses including at least six credits with the POR designation at the 3000 level or 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above,
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Note: students may take a maximum of six credits from the list of additional courses with a Lusophone emphasis.
Portuguese and Luso-Brazilian Studies Courses
Portuguese Courses
- AP/POR 2000 6.00
- AP/POR 2600 6.00
- AP/POR 3000 6.00
- AP/POR 3500 3.00
- AP/POR 3600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3616 6.00)
- AP/POR 3640 3.00
- AP/POR 3650 3.00
- AP/POR 3660 3.00
- AP/POR 3800 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3617 6.00)
- AP/POR 3900 3.00
- AP/POR 3900 6.00
- AP/POR 4010 3.00
- AP/POR 4100 3.00
- AP/POR 4610 3.00
- AP/POR 4620 3.00
- AP/POR 4630 3.00
- AP/POR 4900 3.00
- AP/POR 4900 6.00
Additional Courses
- AP/HIST 2720 6.00
- AP/HIST 3391 6.00
- AP/HIST 3700 6.00
- AP/HIST 3785 3.00
- AP/HIST 4799 6.00
- AP/POLS 3553 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3410 6.00)
- AP/POLS 3555 3.00
- AP/POLS 4555 3.00
- AP/POLS 4575 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1094 3.00
- FA/MUSI 1510 6.00
- FA/MUSI 2094 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3094 3.00
- FA/MUSI 3300 6.00
- FA/MUSI 4094 3.00
- GL/HIST 3675 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3675 3.00)
Honours BA: 120 credits
The Honours BA program in Professional Writing is housed in the Writing Department in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies and is offered in collaboration with the School of Media, Seneca College (Seneca@York campus). Graduates of the program will receive an Honours BA degree in Professional Writing from York University.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: Professional Writing program students will take 48 credits in the major, including the following:
(i) Program core courses:
1000-level (9 credits)
- AP/WRIT 1003 6.00
- AP/WRIT 1004 3.00
2000-level (15 credits)
- AP/PRWR 2006 3.00
- AP/PRWR 2007 3.00
- AP/WRIT 2003 6.00
- AP/WRIT 2004 3.00
(ii) Upper-Year Requirements:
Students will choose from the Program's Keystone and Capstone courses. The 3000-level Keystone courses serve as prerequisites for the 4000-level Capstone courses. Therefore, when selecting from the 4000-level Capstone courses, students must first complete the correlating and prerequisite 3000-level Keystone courses (for example, students will complete AP/WRIT 3001 3.00 before beginning AP/WRIT 4001 6.00). The experiential Capstone courses build on the theoretical and critical knowledge and practical skills developed throughout the first three years of the Professional Writing Program.
3000-level (12 credits)
- six (6) credits chosen from 3000-level Keystone courses:
- AP/WRIT 3001 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3002 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3003 3.00
- AP/WRIT 3004 3.00
- six (6) additional credits from listed program electives (see website)
4000-level (12 credits)
- twelve (12) credits chosen from 4000-level experiential Capstone courses:
- AP/WRIT 4001 6.00
- AP/WRIT 4002 6.00
- AP/WRIT 4003 6.00
- AP/WRIT 4004 6.00 or AP/WRIT 4721 6.00
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
The Honours BA program described above may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Major credits: students must fulfil the Professional Writing program requirements and take at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet professional writing requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in Professional Writing and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, see the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Minor credits: students must take at least 30 credits in WRIT and/or PRWR, including:
- six credits from 1000-level courses;
- six credits from 2000-level courses, including AP/PRWR 2006 3.00
- six credits from 3000-level courses;
- six credits from 4000-level courses; and,
- six credits from program electives (any level)
Note: the Department recommends that students choose AP/WRIT 1003 6.00 to satisfy the 1000-level requirement.
Note: Students who use AP/WRIT 1700 9.00, AP/WRIT 1701 9.00, AP/WRIT 1702 6.00, or AP/WRIT 1703 6.00 to satisfy the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies General Education requirement cannot also use the course to satisfy the 1000-level requirement of the Honours Minor BA.
BA: 90 credits
Entry requirements: The 90-credit BA in Professional Writing is a delayed entry program. Students planning to apply to the program must have been admitted to the Honours degree program in Professional Writing and have completed at least 24 credits at York.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete 36 credits, including the following:
- AP/WRIT 1003 6.00;
- AP/WRIT 1004 3.00;
- AP/WRIT 2003 6.00;
- AP/WRIT 2004 3.00;
- AP/PRWR 2006 3.00;
- AP/PRWR 2007 3.00;
- 12 credits selected from among the 3000-level courses in PRWR and/or WRIT.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 and/or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting Professional Writing program requirements:
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
AP/WRIT 3700 6.00 | AP/EN 3180 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/WRIT 3180 6.00) |
Note: The BPA 90 credit bachelor program closed effective the end of Summer 2012. Students who were registered in the BPA 90 credit program prior to September 2012 will have until September 2017 to complete the requirements of the 90 credit program for graduation. Students continuing who are unable to complete the 90 credit program by the deadline date will be required to change their program of study.
Specialized Honours BPA: 120 Credits
Note: in addition to completing the core requirements, students must specialize in one of three streams. Students must declare a stream by the completion of 60 credits. Students are required to have completed a 4U mathematics course or equivalent prior to entry to the program. Students transferring into the program must have a minimum grade point average of 5.00.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete the required 120 credits with a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 75 credits including:
(i) Public administration core: 33 credits including:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- 3 credits selected from AP/ADMS 1500 3.00, AP/ADMS 1550 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2500 3.00*;
- AP/PPAS 1110 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 2110 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 2195 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 3136 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3136 3.00, GL/POLS 3136 3.00);
- AP/PPAS 3138 3.00 or AP/PPAS 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3135 3.00, GL/POLS 3135 3.00);
- AP/PPAS 3190 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3190 6.00);
- AP/PPAS 3300 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3300 6.00, AP/SOCI 3030 6.00).
*Note: students are encouraged to take AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 instead of AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 or AP/ADMS 1550 3.00. Students with an interest in human resources management rather than general management may consider AP/ADMS 1500 3.00. Students can retain credit only for one of the 3 courses listed because they are course credit exclusions.
(ii) Six additional credits as follows:
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00.
(iii) 36 credits in one of three streams. At least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits must be at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits.
Law, Justice and Public Policy Stream:
- AP/PPAS 2200 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 2200 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 2420 3.00
- AP/PPAS 4070 6.00
- AP/PPAS 4130 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 4130 6.00)
- 6 credits selected from: AP/SOCI 3810 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HREQ 3810 6.00) or AP/CRIM 3654 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3654 3.00), AP/CRIM 3655 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3655 3.00), AP/CRIM 3656 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3656 3.00)
- 12 additional 3000- or 4000-level credits in PPAS or POLS
Management Stream:
- AP/ADMS 2400 3.00
- AP/ADMS 3353 3.00
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00
- AP/PPAS 3524 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3524 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 4200 6.00 or AP/PPAS 4350 6.00
- AP/PPAS 4310 3.00
- AP/PPAS 4320 3.00
- three additional 3000- or 4000-level credits in PPAS
- nine additional 3000- or 4000-level credits in ADMS and/or HRM, three of which must be in HRM.
Policy Analysis Stream:
- AP/HRM 2600 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 2600 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 3524 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3524 3.00)
- AP/PPAS 4200 6.00 or AP/PPAS 4350 6.00
- AP/PPAS 4310 3.00
- AP/PPAS 4320 3.00
- 18 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, 12 of which must be in PPAS and six of which can be in PPAS or POLS.
Honours BPA: 120 Credits
Note: students are required to have completed a 4U mathematics course or equivalent prior to entry to the program. Students transferring into the program must have a minimum grade point average of 5.00.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete the required 120 credits with a minimum overall cumulative grade point average of 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 63 credits including:
(i) Public administration core: 33 credits including:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- 3 credits selected from AP/ADMS 1500 3.00, AP/ADMS 1550 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2500 3.00*;
- AP/PPAS 1110 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 2110 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 2195 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 3136 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3136 3.00, GL/POLS 3136 3.00);
- AP/PPAS 3138 3.00 or AP/PPAS 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3135 3.00, GL/POLS 3135 3.00);
- AP/PPAS 3190 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3190 6.00);
- AP/PPAS 3300 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3300 6.00, AP/SOCI 3030 6.00).
*Note: students are encouraged to take AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 instead of AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 or AP/ADMS 1550 3.00. Students with an interest in human resources management rather than general management may consider AP/ADMS 1500 3.00. Students can retain credit only for one of the 3 courses listed because they are course credit exclusions.
(ii) Nine additional credits as follows:
- AP/PPAS 3524 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ADMS 3524 3.00);
- AP/ECON 1000 3.00;
- AP/ECON 1010 3.00.
(iii) 21 additional credits in PPAS at the 3000 or 4000 level, at least 12 of which must be at the 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits must be at the 3000 or 4000 level including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: 18 credits.
Honours Major/Minor BPA
The BPA Honours program in Public Administration may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor bachelor program within the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering that offers a major/minor option.
Students must complete 63 credits in the major in conformity with the requirements of the program major and at least 30 credits in the minor in conformity with the requirements of the program minor. At least 12 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level and at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
Honours Minor
Note: students entering the program must have a minimum grade point average of 5.00 in their home program at York.
The minor in public administration may be pursued jointly with any Honours Major degree program offered by the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering that offers a major/minor option.
Students must complete 36 credits in the minor and at least six credits must be at the 4000 level.
Minor credits: 36 credits including:
(i) Public administration core: 30 credits including:
- AP/ADMS 1000 3.00;
- 3 credits selected from AP/ADMS 1500 3.00, AP/ADMS 1550 3.00 or AP/ADMS 2500 3.00*;
- AP/PPAS 1110 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 2110 3.00;
- AP/PPAS 3300 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3300 6.00, AP/SOCI 3030 6.00);
- AP/PPAS 3136 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3136 3.00, GL/POLS 3136 3.00);
- AP/PPAS 3138 3.00 or AP/PPAS 3135 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3135 3.00, GL/POLS 3135 3.00);
- AP/PPAS 3190 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/POLS 3190 6.00).
*Note: students are encouraged to take AP/ADMS 2500 3.00 instead of AP/ADMS 1500 3.00 or AP/ADMS 1550 3.00. Students with an interest in human resources management rather than general management may consider AP/ADMS 1500 3.00. Students can retain credit only for one of the 3 courses listed because they are course credit exclusions.
(ii) Six credits at the 4000 level in PPAS.
To graduate with a minor in public administration, students must satisfy Honours degree and program requirements including a minimum 5.00 grade point average in the minor.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting program requirements.
Program Course |
Course Substitutes |
AP/ECON 1000 3.00 | GL/ECON 2500 3.00 |
AP/ECON 1010 3.00 | GL/ECON 2510 3.00 |
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundations) courses will count as six credits towards the major.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 54 credits from the religious studies list of courses, including:
- AP/RLST 2805 6.00;
- AP/RLST 3803 3.00
- AP/RLST 3804 3.00;
- at least one course from each of categories 1-4 of the religious studies courses;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 48 credits from the religious studies list of courses, including:
- AP/RLST 2805 6.00;
- AP/RLST 3803 3.00
- AP/RLST 3804 3.00;
- at least one course from each of categories 1-4 of the religious studies courses;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Religious studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the new Faculty. Students must take at least 36 credits in religious studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet religious studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in religious studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: at least 36 credits from the religious studies list of courses, including:
- AP/RLST 2805 6.00;
- AP/RLST 3803 3.00
- AP/RLST 3804 3.00;
- at least one course from each of categories 1-4 of the religious studies courses;
- 12 credits at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Minor credits: at least 30 credits from the religious studies list of courses, including:
- AP/RLST 3803 3.00;
- AP/RLST 3804 3.00;
- six credits at the 4000 level.
Note: students must take courses that cover at least three different religions, or two different religious traditions plus one course listed as covering “multiple” traditions.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 36 credits from the religious studies list of courses, including:
- AP/RLST 2805 6.00;
- AP/RLST 3803 3.00
- AP/RLST 3804 3.00;
- at least one course from each of categories 1-4 of the religious studies courses;
- 12 credits above the 2000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Religious Studies Courses
1. Religion, Literature, and the Arts
- AP/HUMA 1855 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1870 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3106 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3421 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3421 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3422 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3422 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3423 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3424 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3425 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3826 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3827 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3843 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3793 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4809 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4810 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4812 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4813 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4813 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4816 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4816 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4819 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4819 6.00
- AP/RLST 1105 9.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1105 9.00)
- AP/RLST 1165 9.00
- AP/RLST 1844 6.00
- AP/RLST 1855 9.00
- AP/RLST 1870 6.00
- AP/RLST 3106 6.00
- AP/RLST 3421 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3421 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3422 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3422 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3423 3.00
- AP/RLST 3424 3.00
- AP/RLST 3425 3.00
- AP/RLST 3435 3.00
- AP/RLST 3700 3.00 (cross-listed to: FA/MUSI 3700 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3810 6.00
- AP/RLST 3826 3.00
- AP/RLST 3827 3.00
- AP/RLST 4107 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3422 3.00)
- AP/RLST 4809 6.00
- AP/RLST 4810 6.00
- AP/RLST 4812 3.00
- AP/RLST 4813 3.00
- AP/RLST 4813 6.00
- AP/RLST 4819 3.00
- AP/RLST 4819 6.00
2. Religion and Gender
- AP/GWST 3560 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3560 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3561 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3561 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3510 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3520 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3518 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3519 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3814 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3856 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4656 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4755 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4816 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4816 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4822 3.00
- AP/RLST 3510 6.00
- AP/RLST 3518 6.00
- AP/RLST 3519 6.00
- AP/RLST 3557 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3557 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3560 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3560 3.00 and GL/GWST 3560 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3561 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3561 3.00 and GL/GWST 3561 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3580 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3570 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3609 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOCI 3609 3.00, GL/GWST 3609 3.00 and GL/HUMA 3609 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3814 6.00
- AP/RLST 3819 3.00
- AP/RLST 3856 3.00
- AP/RLST 3891 3.00
- AP/RLST 4656 6.00
- AP/RLST 4750 3.00
- AP/RLST 4755 3.00
- AP/RLST 4808 6.00
- AP/RLST 4816 3.00
- AP/RLST 4816 6.00
3. Religious Thought and Practices
- AP/ANTH 3320 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3320 6.00
- AP/HIST 3110 6.00
- AP/HIST 3809 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3780 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3860 6.00
- AP/HIST 4100 6.00
- AP/HIST 4753 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1100 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1110 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1125 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1300 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1400 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1845 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1850 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1855 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1865 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1875 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2310 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2830 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 2830 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3439 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3440 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3221 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3457 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3481 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3795 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3801 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3802 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3802 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3815 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/MIST 3815 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3818 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3831 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3840 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3975 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/STS 3975 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4430 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4814 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4814 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4815 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4815 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4820 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4825 6.00
- AP/PHIL 2040 3.00
- AP/PHIL 2090 3.00
- AP/RLST 1400 9.00
- AP/RLST 1845 6.00
- AP/RLST 1850 6.00
- AP/RLST 1860 6.00
- AP/RLST 1865 6.00
- AP/RLST 2035 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PHIL 2035 3.00)
- AP/RLST 2040 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PHIL 2040 3.00)
- AP/RLST 2090 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/PHIL 2090 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3105 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3105 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3110 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3110 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3115 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3115 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3320 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 3320 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3320 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 3320 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3439 3.00
- AP/RLST 3457 6.00
- AP/RLST 3481 6.00
- AP/RLST 3651 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3650 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3795 3.00
- AP/RLST 3800 6.00
- AP/RLST 3801 6.00
- AP/RLST 3802 3.00
- AP/RLST 3815 6.00
- AP/RLST 3818 3.00
- AP/RLST 3831 3.00
- AP/RLST 3840 6.00
- AP/RLST 3975 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/STS 3975 3.00)
- AP/RLST 4100 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4100 6.00)
- AP/RLST 4430 6.00
- AP/RLST 4653 6.00
- AP/RLST 4814 3.00
- AP/RLST 4814 6.00
- AP/RLST 4815 3.00
- AP/RLST 4815 6.00
- AP/RLST 4820 3.00
- AP/RLST 4825 6.00
4. Self, Society and the Other
- AP/HIST 4753 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1710 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1710 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 1875 9.00
- AP/HUMA 1880 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3825 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3829 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3829 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 3835 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3850 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3321 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3855 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4535 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLTR 4535 3.00)
- AP/HUMA 4770 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4803 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4225 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 4811 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4826 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4827 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4827 3.00)
- AP/RLST 1710 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 1710 6.00)
- AP/RLST 1875 9.00
- AP/RLST 1880 6.00
- AP/RLST 2672 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOCI 2672 3.00, GL/HUMA 2672 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3325 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3325 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3570 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/ANTH 3570 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3620 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/JP 3620 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3816 3.00
- AP/RLST 3817 3.00
- AP/RLST 3825 6.00
- AP/RLST 3829 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3829 3.00)
- AP/RLST 3835 3.00
- AP/RLST 3841 3.00
- AP/RLST 3843 3.00
- AP/RLST 3850 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3321 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3855 6.00
- AP/RLST 3858 3.00
- AP/RLST 3917 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3917 6.00)
- AP/RLST 3918 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3918 6.00)
- AP/RLST 4178 6.00
- AP/RLST 4190 6.00
- AP/RLST 4210 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 4210 3.00)
- AP/RLST 4275 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOCI 4275 6.00)
- AP/RLST 4581 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4581 6.00)
- AP/RLST 4753 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4753 6.00)
- AP/RLST 4770 3.00
- AP/RLST 4771 3.00
- AP/RLST 4775 3.00
- AP/RLST 4803 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 4225 6.00)
- AP/RLST 4826 3.00
- AP/RLST 4827 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 4827 3.00)
For purposes of meeting degree requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
Normally students will not enrol in AP/SXST 1600 9.00 and AP/SXST 1601 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 1601 6.00, GL/SXST 1601 6.00), AP/SXST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00) and AP/SXST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00) in the same academic session.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 54 credits in sexuality studies, including:
- AP/SXST 1600 9.00 or AP/SXST 1601 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 1601 6.00, GL/SXST 1601 6.00);
- AP/SXST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00);
- AP/SXST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00);
- a minimum of 36 credits in SXST core/non-core courses (listed below).
Of the 36 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 24 must be earned in core courses, and of the 36 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 24 must be earned at the 3000 or 4000 level, and a minimum of 12 must be earned at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in sexuality studies, including:
- AP/SXST 1600 9.00 or AP/SXST 1601 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 1601 6.00, GL/SXST 1601 6.00);
- AP/SXST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00);
- AP/SXST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00);
- a minimum of 24 credits in SXST core/non-core courses (listed below).
Of the 24 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 12 must be earned in core courses, and of the 24 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 18 must be earned at the 3000 or 4000 level, and a minimum of 6 must be earned at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in sexuality studies comprises at least 30 credits, as follows:
- AP/SXST 1600 9.00 or AP/SXST 1601 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 1601 6.00, GL/SXST 1601 6.00);
- AP/SXST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00);
- AP/SXST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00);
- a minimum of 12 credits in SXST core/non-core courses (listed below).
Of the 12 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 6 must be earned at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 30 credits in sexuality studies, including:
- AP/SXST 1600 9.00 or AP/SXST 1601 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 1601 6.00, GL/SXST 1601 6.00);
- AP/SXST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00);
- AP/SXST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00);
- a minimum of 12 credits in SXST core/non-core courses (listed below).
Of the 12 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 6 must be earned in core courses, and of the 12 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 6 must be earned at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major must be at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in sexuality studies, including:
- AP/SXST 1600 9.00 or AP/SXST 1601 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/HUMA 1601 6.00, GL/SXST 1601 6.00);
- AP/SXST 2600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/GWST 2600 6.00, GL/SXST 2600 6.00);
- AP/SXST 4600 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 4600 6.00, GL/GWST 4600 6.00);
- a minimum of 24 credits in SXST core/non-core courses (listed below)
Of the 24 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 12 must be earned in core courses, and of the 24 credits earned in core/non-core courses, a minimum of 18 must be earned at the 3000 or 4000 level, and a minimum of 6 must be earned at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study credits and/or the internationally-oriented courses requirement can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Sexuality Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in sexuality studies.
Core Courses
- AP/ANTH 2170 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3090 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3240 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4440 3.00
- AP/ANTH 4610 3.00
- AP/EN 2010 6.00
- AP/EN 2011 3.00
- AP/EN 2012 3.00
- AP/EN 4011 3.00
- AP/EN 4192 6.00
- AP/EN 4578 6.00
- AP/GWST 2511 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 2511 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3511 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3511 3.00, GL/SOSC 3625 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3525 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3525 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3536 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3536 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3542 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3542 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3544 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3544 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3548 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3548 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3550 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3550 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3551 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3551 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4521 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLTR 4521 6.00, FA/ARTH 4521 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4524 6.00
- AP/HIST 1076 6.00
- AP/HIST 3620 6.00
- AP/HREQ 1900 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1900 6.00)
- AP/HREQ 1920 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 1920 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 1950 6.00
- AP/HUMA 1951 9.00
- AP/HUMA 3012 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3104 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLST 3104 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3890 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3950 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4155 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4750 3.00
- AP/HUMA 4808 6.00
- AP/PHIL 2250 3.00
- AP/PHIL 3519 3.00
- AP/PHIL 4260 3.00
- AP/POLS 3011 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3850 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4070 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4075 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4470 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4490 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4358 6.00
- AP/SXST 3601 3.00
- AP/SXST 3602 3.00
- AP/SXST 3603 3.00
- AP/SXST 3604 3.00
- AP/SXST 3901 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 3901 3.00)
- AP/SXST 3901 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 3901 6.00)
- AP/SXST 4601 6.00
- AP/SXST 4901 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 4901 3.00)
- AP/SXST 4901 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SXST 4901 6.00)
- FA/THEA 4270B 3.00
- FA/VISA 4800E 3.00
- HH/KINE 3360 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3670 3.00
Non-Core Courses
- AP/ADMS 4444 3.00
- AP/ANTH 3160 6.00
- AP/ANTH 3230 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3180 6.00)
- AP/ANTH 3360 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4600 3.00
- AP/CLTR 3225 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3225 6.00)
- AP/EN 3150 6.00
- AP/EN 4010 3.00
- AP/GWST 1501 9.00
- AP/GWST 1502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 1502 6.00, GL/SOSC 1502 6.00)
- AP/GWST 2501 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/LING 2410 3.00, GL/GWST 2501 3.00, GL/SOSC 2900 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3503 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3503 6.00, GL/ILST 3665 6.00, GL/SOCI 3665 6.00, GL/SOSC 3665 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3504 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3504 6.00, GL/HUMA 3604 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3505 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3791 3.00, GL/GWST 3505 3.00, GL/SOSC 3617 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3507 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3507 6.00, GL/NATS 3995 6.00, GL/SOSC 3995 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3509 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3125 6.00, GL/GWST 3509 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3521 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3521 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3546 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3546 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3547 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3547 3.00)
- AP/GWST 3555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3555 6.00)
- AP/GWST 3557 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 3557 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4500 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4160 6.00, GL/GWST 4500 6.00, GL/SOCI 4685 6.00, GL/SOSC 4685 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4502 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4502 6.00, GL/SOSC 4602 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4505 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4505 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4508 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4508 6.00)
- AP/GWST 4509 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4509 3.00, AP/MIST 4509 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4514 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4514 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4515 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4515 3.00)
- AP/GWST 4555 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/GWST 4555 6.00)
- AP/HIST 3233 6.00
- AP/HIST 3234 3.00
- AP/HIST 3533 6.00
- AP/HIST 3645 3.00
- AP/HIST 4752 6.00
- AP/HUMA 2505 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3523 6.00 (cross-listed to: AP/CLTR 3523 6.00)
- AP/HUMA 3819 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3821 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3970 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3970 6.00
- AP/HUMA 4421 6.00
- AP/IT 3360 6.00
- AP/IT 3361 6.00
- AP/PHIL 3510 3.00
- AP/POLS 4125 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3660 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3690 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4615 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4685 6.00
- AP/SOSC 1185 9.00
- AP/SOSC 1350 9.00
- AP/SOSC 2351 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4170 6.00
- EU/GEOG 4060 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4090 3.00
- FA/CMA 3810 3.00
- FA/VISA 3001C 3.00
- FA/VISA 3001X 3.00
- FA/VISA 3680M 3.00
- GL/EN 3260 6.00
- GL/SOCI 2680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOSC 2680 3.00)
- HH/PSYC 3480 3.00
There are two points of admission to the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree: 1) direct entry and 2) post degree. The Bachelor of Social Work program prepares students for professional social work. Successful practice experience is an essential requirement in the social work degree program. Students integrate theory with practice by completing a 700 hour placement at an agency setting supervised by an experienced and qualified Field Instructor ( AP/SOWK 4000 6.00 and AP/SOWK 4001 6.00). The placement is intended to prepare students to function as professional social workers upon graduation. Students will be assigned a Faculty Advisor to support them through their practicum and are required to attend integrative seminars. The practicum courses are graded as "credit/no credit."
Note: AP/SOWK 4000 6.00 and AP/SOWK 4001 6.00 are exempt from the Senate Policy on Repeating Passed or Failed Courses for Academic Credit. Students may only repeat AP/SOWK 4000 6.00 and AP/SOWK 4001 6.00 with permission of the school. Please refer to the Senate Policy on Repeating Passed or Failed Courses for Academic Credit at yorku.ca/secretariat/policies/.
York University BSW Student Professional Behaviour Policy
The Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) degree is an important determinant of eligibility for registration with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers. Given the professional trajectory of the BSW degree, a professional standard of behaviour is expected from social work students. At issue in this policy is the protection of the public and the University's role in graduating competent professionals.
Progression through the BSW program at the School of Social Work at York University is contingent on students' behaviour meeting the ethical and behavioural standards set forth in the Canadian Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics (CASW), the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers Standards of Practice, the York University Student Code of Conduct, and other relevant York University policies including but not limited to the Sexual Harassment Policy and the Policy Concerning Racism.
This policy recognizes the general responsibility of the faculty members of the School of Social Work to foster acceptable standards of professional behaviour and of the student to be mindful of and abide by such standards.
Behaviour that may Result in Withdrawal from the BSW Program
A student may be withdrawn from the BSW program if the student:
- Commits any breach of the CASW Code of Ethics, the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers Standards of Practice, and/or any York University Policy that relates to student behaviour, such as the York University Student Code of Conduct or the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty that would engage the behavioural and ethical standards of the profession;
- Engages in any proscribed behaviour in a practicum agency as detailed in the School of Social Work's Practicum Manual;
- Acquires a criminal conviction after being admitted to the program (or which was acquired prior to admission but became known only after having been admitted to the program) which jeopardizes the student's ability to gain registration as a social worker; or
- Engages in behaviour that impairs the performance of professional responsibilities.
Allegations of a breach of professional behavioural or ethical standards by a student enrolled in the BSW degree program offered by the School of Social Work, York University shall be dealt with by the School of Social Work, York University in accordance with approved procedures.
Note: behavioural policy procedure information is available at yorku.ca/laps/sowk/academic-resources/academic-handbook/.
School of Social Work Regulation on Involuntary Withdrawal
A student may be required to withdraw from a course if:
- The student fails to meet the requirements of the course, either through unsatisfactory seminar and/or practicum attendance/participation, or through unprofessional behaviour in fulfilling course requirements; or
- The student's performance is judged to disrupt the functioning of the practicum site and/or jeopardize the well-being of clients of the practicum site, and/or demonstrates unprofessional behaviour at the practicum site.
The decision to require the student to withdraw will be taken by the Director and Undergraduate Program Director of the School of Social Work on the recommendation of the Course Director and/or the Field Education Manager, following a meeting with the student.
Students will have access to the usual appeal procedures in such instances.
BSW Honours (Direct Entry): 120 Credits
Students who wish to complete their degree (Direct Entry) in four years must complete 30 credits per year.
- Students are required to attain a minimum grade of C in all courses used in the major. Students who fail to meet this standard must repeat the course(s) in the next available session and are strongly advised to make an advising appointment with the School of Social Work.
- Of the 120 credits required for the degree, at least 60 credits must be outside social work including the 21 general education credits and an additional 39 credits required outside the major.
- Students contemplating future graduate level studies should consider taking the majority of the courses required outside social work at the 3000 and 4000 level.
- For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the minor. All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; none may count as both.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a minimum grade of 4.00 in all major credits.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 60 credits in social work including:
- AP/SOWK 1011 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 2050 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 2060 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 2070 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 3041 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 3060 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 3070 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 3110 3.00;
- 12 credits chosen from AP/SOWK non-core courses at the 3000 level or above including three credits at the 4000 level*;
- AP/SOWK 4000 6.00 (practicum course);
- AP/SOWK 4001 6.00 (practicum course);
- AP/SOWK 4020 3.00 (4000 level course done concurrently with practicum for Direct Entry BSW students).
At least 18 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 39 credits.
Practicum: successful completion of AP/SOWK 4000 6.00 and AP/SOWK 4001 6.00 including the integrative seminar component is a requirement in the BSW program.
BSW Honours Major/Minor (Direct Entry)
The Direct Entry Honours program in Social Work (BSW) may be pursued jointly with any Honours minor bachelor program that offers a major/minor option. Refer to programs of study.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Student must complete at least 60 credits in the social work major and at least 30 credits in the minor in conformity with the requirements of the program minor. At least 12 credits in the major and at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level. Refer to the BSW Honours (Direct Entry) program for social work major requirements.
Students are reminded that, in conformity with the requirements for the BSW Direct Entry degree program, they must complete a total of at least 39 credits outside the major. These credits include the requirements of the minor.
BSW Honours (Post-Degree): 120 Credits
Students admitted to the Honours BSW (Post-Degree) are granted 66 transfer credits.
"Note: students who enrol in Social Work program and who wish to complete the Certificate in Anti-Racist Research and Practice (CARRP) in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies will be eligible to count up to three of the following courses (12 credits) towards the CARRP: AP/SOWK 2050 6.00, AP/SOWK 4130 3.00, AP/SOWK 4270 3.00, AP/SOWK 4450 3.00. These courses must be passed at minimum grades of B."
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a minimum grade of 4.00 in all major credits.
General education: students who enter this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Major credits: 54 credits
- AP/SOWK 2050 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 2060 3.00
- AP/SOWK 2070 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 3041 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 3060 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 3070 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 3110 3.00;
- AP/SOWK 4000 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 4001 6.00;
- AP/SOWK 4020 3.00; (4000 level course done concurrently with practicum for BSW Honours (Post-Degree) students)
12 credits at the 3000 level or above including three credits at the 4000 level chosen from social work non-core courses*.
At least 18 credits in the major must be at the 4000 level.
Practicum: successful completion of AP/SOWK 4000 6.00 and AP/SOWK 4001 6.00 including the integrative seminar component is a requirement in the BSW program.
Credits outside the major: students who enter this program are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Major credits: students must complete at least 54 credits in sociology, including:
- GL/SOCI 2510 6.00
- 12 major credits at the 3000 level, as follows:
- GL/SOCI 3680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3680 3.00, GL/POLS 3680 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3690 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3690 3.00, GL/POLS 3690 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3692 6.00, GL/POLS 3692 6.00, GL/SOSC 3692 6.00)
- 12 major credits at the 4000 level
- 24 additional major credits at any level
General education requirement*: every BA student in the college shall complete the equivalent of at least six credits in each of three of the four general education divisions (for a total of 18 credits): humanities, modes of reasoning, natural science, social science.
Bilingual requirement*: all students admitted to Glendon must satisfy the bilingual requirement. In order to do so, students must successfully complete six credits in each official language (French and English) at Glendon from the following two categories:
- courses at the second-year level and above in French as a Second Language and/or in English as a second language;
- courses in any discipline which are designated as satisfying the bilingual requirement.
Flexible language requirement*: all students admitted in the Glendon BA with flexible language option must satisfy the following language requirement:
- Students must successfully complete six credits in their L2 (French or English) at the level of placement at Glendon.
Upper-level credits*: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. This includes the 3000 and 4000 level credits in the major listed above (under major credits).
Credits outside the major*: at least 18 credits.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 credits at York and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at Glendon.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 (C+).
*Note: please refer to the Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree within the Faculty-Wide Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar for detailed requirement information.
Specialized Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Major credits: students must complete at least 54 credits in sociology, including:
- GL/SOCI 2510 6.00
- 12 major credits at the 3000 level, as follows:
- GL/SOCI 3680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3680 3.00, GL/POLS 3680 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3690 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3690 3.00, GL/POLS 3690 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3692 6.00, GL/POLS 3692 6.00, GL/SOSC 3692 6.00)
- 12 major credits at the 4000 level
- 24 additional major credits at any level
Courses taken to fulfil the major requirements may also be used to fulfil the iBA requirements.
General education requirement*: every BA student in the college shall complete the equivalent of at least six credits in each of three of the four general education divisions (for a total of 18 credits): humanities, modes of reasoning, natural science, social science.
Bilingual/trilingual requirement*: for the bilingual iBA, students must complete at least 18 credits in each official language (English and French). At least 6 of these credits must be completed at Glendon from the following two categories:
- French as a Second Language and/or in English as a Second Language at the 2000 level or above;
- discipline courses which are designated as satisfying the bilingual requirement.
The remaining 12 credits in either official language may be completed abroad.
For the iBA trilingual, in addition to the above 18 credits in each official language (English and French), students must complete 18 credits in Hispanic studies (including: GL/SP 3000 6.00) or six credits of an advanced-level course in Hispanic studies) or 18 credits in a modern language (including an advanced-level course) at York University.
Internationally-oriented course requirement*: at least 12 credits of internationally-oriented courses.
Exchange requirement*: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at an institution with which Glendon and/or York has a formal exchange agreement. Students are required to pass a minimum of nine credits for a half-year exchange, or 18 credits for a full-year exchange.
Upper-level credits*: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. This includes the 3000 and 4000 level credits in the major listed above (under major credits).
Credits outside the major*: at least 18 credits.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 credits at York and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at Glendon.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 (C+).
*Note: please refer to the Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree within the Faculty-Wide Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar for detailed requirement information.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in sociology, including:
- GL/SOCI 2510 6.00
- 12 major credits at the 3000 level, as follows:
- GL/SOCI 3680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3680 3.00, GL/POLS 3680 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3690 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3690 3.00, GL/POLS 3690 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3692 6.00, GL/POLS 3692 6.00, GL/SOSC 3692 6.00)
- 12 major credits at the 4000 level
- 12 additional major credits at any level
General education requirement*: every BA student in the college shall complete the equivalent of at least six credits in each of three of the four general education divisions (for a total of 18 credits): humanities, modes of reasoning, natural science, social science.
Bilingual requirement*: all students admitted to Glendon must satisfy the bilingual requirement. In order to do so, students must successfully complete six credits in each official language (French and English) at Glendon from the following two categories:
- courses at the second-year level and above in French as a Second Language and/or in English as a second language;
- courses in any discipline which are designated as satisfying the bilingual requirement.
Flexible language requirement*: all students admitted in the Glendon BA with flexible language option must satisfy the following language requirement:
- Students must successfully complete six credits in their L2 (French or English) at the level of placement at Glendon.
Upper-level credits*: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. This includes the 3000 and 4000 level credits in the major listed above (under major credits).
Credits outside the major*: at least 18 credits.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 credits at York and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at Glendon.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 (C+).
*Note: please refer to the Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree within the Faculty-Wide Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar for detailed requirement information.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Major credits: students must complete at least 42 credits in sociology, including:
- GL/SOCI 2510 6.00
- 12 major credits at the 3000 level, as follows:
- GL/SOCI 3680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3680 3.00, GL/POLS 3680 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3690 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3690 3.00, GL/POLS 3690 3.00)
- GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3692 6.00, GL/POLS 3692 6.00, GL/SOSC 3692 6.00)
- 12 major credits at the 4000 level
- 12 additional major credits at any level
Courses taken to fulfil the major requirements may also be used to fulfil the iBA requirements.
General education requirement*: every BA student in the college shall complete the equivalent of at least six credits in each of three of the four general education divisions (for a total of 18 credits): humanities, modes of reasoning, natural science, social science.
Bilingual/trilingual requirement*: for the bilingual iBA, students must complete at least 18 credits in each official language (English and French). At least 6 of these credits must be completed at Glendon from the following two categories:
- French as a Second Language and/or in English as a Second Language at the 2000 level or above;
- discipline courses which are designated as satisfying the bilingual requirement.
The remaining 12 credits in either official language may be completed abroad.
For the iBA trilingual, in addition to the above 18 credits in each official language (English and French), students must complete 18 credits in Hispanic studies (including: GL/SP 3000 6.00) or six credits of an advanced-level course in Hispanic studies) or 18 credits in a modern language (including an advanced-level course) at York University.
Internationally-oriented course requirement*: at least 12 credits of internationally-oriented courses.
Exchange requirement*: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at an institution with which Glendon and/or York has a formal exchange agreement. Students are required to pass a minimum of nine credits for a half-year exchange, or 18 credits for a full-year exchange.
Upper-level credits*: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level. This includes the 3000 and 4000 level credits in the major listed above (under major credits).
Credits outside the major*: at least 18 credits.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 credits at York and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at Glendon.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 (C+).
*Note: please refer to the Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree within the Faculty-Wide Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar for detailed requirement information.
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with any other Honours BA degree program offered at Glendon. For further details on requirements, see the listings for specific Honours BA programs.
Honours Double Major iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any other Honours iBA degree program offered at Glendon. For further details on requirements, see the listings for specific Honours iBA programs.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor program offered at Glendon. The Honours BA program may instead be pursued jointly with an Honours Minor program offered at the School of the Arts, Performance, Media and Design (AMPD) or the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC), except where a similar minor is offered at Glendon. For further details on requirements, see the listings for specific Honours Minor programs.
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor program offered at Glendon. The Honours iBA program may instead be pursued jointly with an Honours Minor program offered at the School of the Arts, Performance, Media and Design (AMPD) or the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change (EUC), except where a similar minor is offered at Glendon. For further details on requirements, see the listings for specific Honours Minor programs.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor must be pursued jointly with any approved Honours BA or iBA program which offers a major/minor option at Glendon. For further details on requirements, see the listings for specific Honours BA and iBA programs.
Minor credits: students must complete at least 30 credits in sociology, including:
- GL/SOCI 2510 6.00
- six minor credits at the 3000 level
- six minor credits at the 4000 level
- 12 additional minor credits at any level
Bachelor of Arts: 90 Credits
Major credits: students must complete at least 30 credits in sociology, including:
- GL/SOCI 2510 6.00
- 12 major credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, as follows:
- GL/SOCI 3692 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/ILST 3692 6.00, GL/POLS 3692 6.00, GL/SOSC 3692 6.00) or (GL/SOCI 3680 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3680 3.00, GL/POLS 3680 3.00) and GL/SOCI 3690 3.00 (cross-listed to: GL/CDNS 3690 3.00, GL/POLS 3690 3.00))
- 6 additional major credits at the 3000 or 4000 level
- 12 additional major credits at any level
General education requirement*: every BA student in the college shall complete the equivalent of at least six credits in each of three of the four general education divisions (for a total of 18 credits): humanities, modes of reasoning, natural science, social science.
Bilingual requirement*: all students admitted to Glendon must satisfy the bilingual requirement. In order to do so, students must successfully complete six credits in each official language (French and English) at Glendon from the following two categories:
- courses at the second-year level and above in French as a Second Language and/or in English as a Second Language;
- courses in any discipline which are designated as satisfying the bilingual requirement.
Flexible language requirement*: all students admitted in the Glendon BA with flexible language option must satisfy the following language requirement:
- Students must successfully complete six credits in their L2 (French or English) at the level of placement at Glendon.
Upper-level credits*: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level. This includes the 3000 and 4000 level credits in the major listed above (under major credits).
Credits outside the major*: at least 18 credits.
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 credits at York and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at Glendon.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00 (C).
*Note: please refer to the Regulations for the Bachelor of Arts Degree within the Faculty-Wide Degree Requirements section of the Undergraduate Calendar for detailed requirement information.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the course below is an acceptable substitute for the purpose of meeting Sociology program requirements. All other course substitutes must be approved by the department chair.
Program Course | Course Substitutes |
GL/SOCI 2510 6.00 | AP/SOCI 1010 6.00 |
Spanish is the third most spoken language in the world. The Spanish program studies the language, literatures and linguistics of Spain and Spanish America. Students undertake intensive training in listening, reading, writing, and speaking, while discovering the Spanish-speaking world's social and cultural context. Spanish courses cover a wide variety of topics: the 900-year literary tradition of Spain; the innovative work of Latin America's writers; and the social, historical, and pedagogical aspects of Spanish linguistics. Qualified bilingual graduates are sought after in national and international law, business and finance, the media, social services, healthcare, education, hospitality and the environment.
Spanish program students can communicate in a major international language and are familiar with the culture of the Spanish-speaking world. As a specialization, major, part of a double major or a minor, Spanish is an ideal match with any program in the humanities or social sciences; it also complements programs in professional studies and the natural and physical sciences.
Spanish program students may engage in enhancing co-curricular opportunities such as experience with literary writing and publishing; connections with the local and academic communities in our lecture series and with musical, literary and theatrical events; they may gain valuable research and cross-cultural skills by participating in faculty-led research projects. Students also have the opportunity to participate in exchange programs and summer internship programs in Spain and Latin America and a summer course in Spain.
Career options include international development; social services; education; foreign service; arts; media; national and international law, business and finance; publishing; hospitality.
The Spanish Program offers the full range of degree options. Students may opt for a Specialized Honours BA, an Honours BA, a BA, an Honours Double Major, an Honours Double Major (Interdisciplinary), an Honours Major/Minor, an Honours Minor. The Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics also offers a Certificate of Language Proficiency in Spanish.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits in Spanish, including the following:
- AP/SP 2000 6.00 or AP/SP 2010 6.00 or AP/SP 2020 6.00;
- AP/SP 2200 6.00;
- AP/SP 3000 6.00 or AP/SP 3050 6.00;
- AP/SP 4990 3.00
- 12 credits at the 4000 level;
- 24 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including AP/SP 4990 3.00 (the capstone course required for all Spanish program majors).
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 42 credits in Spanish, including the following:
- AP/SP 2000 6.00 or AP/SP 2010 6.00 or AP/SP 2020 6.00;
- AP/SP 2200 6.00;
- AP/SP 3000 6.00 or AP/SP 3050 6.00;
- AP/SP 4990 3.00
- 24 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, of which at least 12 credits must be at the 4000 level, including AP/SP 4990 3.00 (the capstone course required for all Spanish program majors).
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Spanish may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in Spanish and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet Spanish requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least 12 credits in Spanish and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 36 credits in Spanish must include the following:
- AP/SP 2000 6.00 or AP/SP 2010 6.00 or AP/SP 2020 6.00;
- AP/SP 2200 6.00;
- AP/SP 3000 6.00 or AP/SP 3050 6.00;
- AP/SP 4990 3.00
- 18 additional credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, of which at least 12 credits must be at the 4000 level, including AP/SP 4990 3.00 (the capstone course required for all Spanish program majors).
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: students will take at least 30 credits in Spanish, including the following:
- AP/SP 2000 6.00 or AP/SP 2010 6.00 or AP/SP 2020 6.00;
- AP/SP 2200 6.00;
- AP/SP 3000 6.00 or AP/SP 3050 6.00;
- at least 12 further credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, of which at least six credits must be at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits in Spanish, including the following:
- AP/SP 2000 6.00 or AP/SP 2010 6.00 or AP/SP 2020 6.00;
- AP/SP 2200 6.00;
- AP/SP 3000 6.00 or AP/SP 3050 6.00;
- at least 12 further credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including AP/SP 4990 3.00 (the capstone course required for all Spanish program majors).
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Spanish Courses
- AP/SP 1000 6.00
- AP/SP 1001 3.00
- AP/SP 1002 3.00
- AP/SP 1200 6.00
- AP/SP 2000 6.00
- AP/SP 2010 6.00
- AP/SP 2020 6.00
- AP/SP 2200 6.00
- AP/SP 2700 3.00
- AP/SP 3000 6.00
- AP/SP 3150 3.00
- AP/SP 3210 6.00
- AP/SP 3220 3.00
- AP/SP 3360 3.00
- AP/SP 3370 3.00
- AP/SP 3540 3.00
- AP/SP 3560 3.00
- AP/SP 3570 3.00
- AP/SP 3580 6.00
- AP/SP 3660 6.00
- AP/SP 3800 3.00
- AP/SP 3900 3.00
- AP/SP 3900 6.00
- AP/SP 4000 6.00
- AP/SP 4120 3.00
- AP/SP 4130 3.00
- AP/SP 4140 3.00
- AP/SP 4300 6.00
- AP/SP 4350 6.00
- AP/SP 4360 6.00
- AP/SP 4570 6.00
- AP/SP 4580 3.00
- AP/SP 4640 6.00
- AP/SP 4650 6.00
- AP/SP 4670 3.00
- AP/SP 4680 3.00
- AP/SP 4690 6.00
- AP/SP 4810 3.00
- AP/SP 4880 3.00
- AP/SP 4900 3.00
- AP/SP 4900 6.00
- AP/SP 4990 3.00
The Linguistics program offers a limited enrolment Specialized Honours BA program in Speech and Language Sciences. Continuation in, and graduation from, the program requires that students maintain a cumulative grade point average of 5.00 (C+) as well as at least a 6.00 (B) average in all 57 speech and language science credits.
Because of limited space, admission is not guaranteed for all students who meet the minimum requirements. For more information regarding application information, please contact the Linguistics Section.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: at least 57 credits, including:
- AP/LING 1000 6.00;
- AP/LING 2110 3.00;
- AP/LING 2120 3.00;
- AP/LING 2130 3.00;
- AP/LING 2140 3.00;
- AP/LING 2200 3.00;
- AP/LING 3120 3.00 or AP/LING 3140 3.00;
- AP/LING 3160 3.00;
- AP/LING 3210 3.00;
- AP/LING 3220 3.00;
- AP/LING 4220 3.00;
- AP/LING 4230 3.00;
- AP/LING 4260 3.00.
- HH/KINE 2011 3.00;
- HH/KINE 2031 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2021 3.00;
- HH/PSYC 2110 3.00;
- 3 additional credits in an AP/LING 4000-level course
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Course Substitutes
Subject to course exclusions, program requirements/restrictions and residency requirements, the following courses are acceptable substitutes for the purpose of meeting Speech and Language Sciences program requirements:
AP/LING 1000 6.00 | GL/LIN 1603 6.00 (cross-listed to: GL/SOSC 1603 6.00) |
HH/KINE 2011 3.00 | HH/GH 1001 3.00 |
HH/KINE 2011 3.00 and HH/KINE 2031 3.00 | SC/NATS 1650 6.00 |
For purposes of meeting program requirements, all nine-credit general education (foundation) courses will count as six credits towards the major or minor.
All approved general education courses may count for general education credits; some may count for major credits; none may count as both.
The Department of Geography and the Urban Studies program also offer a Specialized Honours degree in geography and urban studies; for details refer to the Geography and Urban Studies section.
Specialized Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 54 credits in urban studies including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00 (for which AP/SOSC 1733 6.00 is a prerequisite)
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00 (AP/SOSC 3700 6.00 may substitute for AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00)
- 24 credits chosen from the urban studies list of courses, including at least 12 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
- AP/SOSC 4700 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4713 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4735 6.00;
- And at least 6 further credits at the 4000 level chosen from the list of urban studies courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 48 credits in urban studies including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00 (for which AP/SOSC 1733 6.00 is a prerequisite)
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00 (AP/SOSC 3700 6.00 may substitute for AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00) and at least 18 further credits chosen from the urban studies list of courses, including at least six credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
- AP/SOSC 4700 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4713 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4735 6.00;
- and at least 6 further credits at the 4000 level chosen from the list of urban studies courses.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Urban studies may be linked with the following Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies: Latin American and Caribbean Studies, African Studies, Social and Political Thought, South Asian Studies, European Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in urban studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet urban studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in urban studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 36 credits in urban studies must include:
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00 (for which AP/SOSC 1733 6.00 is a prerequisite);
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00 (AP/SOSC 3700 6.00 may substitute for AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00);
- AP/SOSC 4700 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4713 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4735 6.00;
- and at least 18 further credits at the 4000 level chosen from the list of urban studies courses.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in urban studies comprises at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00 (for which AP/SOSC 1733 6.00 is a prerequisite);
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00 (AP/SOSC 3700 6.00 may substitute for AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00);
- AP/SOSC 4700 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4713 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4735 6.00;
- and at least 6 additional credits chosen from the list of urban studies courses.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00 (for which AP/SOSC 1733 6.00 is a prerequisite);
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00 (AP/SOSC 3700 6.00 may substitute for AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00);
- 12 credits chosen from:
- AP/SOSC 3710 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3711 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3712 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3713 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3714 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3715 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3716 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3717 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3718 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3719 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3720 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3730 6.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 3730 6.00),
- AP/SOSC 3735 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3745 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3746 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3755 3.00,
- AP/SOSC 3760 6.00,
- AP/SOSC 3770 3.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 3770 3.00),
- AP/SOSC 3791 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/GWST 3505 3.00, GL/GWST 3505 3.00, GL/SOSC 3617 3.00);
- 12 additional credits chosen from the urban studies list of courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 3000 level or above.
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Honours iBA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: students will take at least 48 credits in urban studies including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00 (for which AP/SOSC 1733 6.00 is a prerequisite);
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00 (AP/SOSC 3700 6.00 may substitute for AP/SOSC 3701 3.00 and AP/SOSC 3702 3.00) and at least 18 further credits chosen from the urban studies list of courses, including at least six credits at the 3000 or 4000 level;
- AP/SOSC 4700 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4735 6.00 or AP/SOSC 4713 6.00;
- and 6 credits at the 4000 level chosen from the list of urban studies courses.
Note: at least 12 credits in the major at the 4000 level.
In addition, students in the Honours iBA program must fulfil the following requirements:
Required Course: AP/ANTH 2300 3.00 Intercultural Training Skills must be completed before the International Exchange/Experience requirement of the degree. Note: This course is considered to be outside the major (even for ANTH students).
Language study credits: at least 18 credits in a modern language offered by York University, including the Advanced I university-level course in the chosen language. Up to six (6) language credits may be taken while the student is abroad. Such courses must be approved by the coordinator of the relevant language section in the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics.
If an iBA student is fluent in a language, he/she will undergo an examination to test language proficiency by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. Students exempted from one or more of the language courses required for the degree must complete cultural courses related to that language.
Internationally-oriented credits: at least 9 credits of internationally-oriented courses to be completed from the list of pre-approved courses; these courses can be additional courses in your major.
International exchange: at least one full term abroad as a full-time student at one of York University's exchange partners.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: for the Honours iBA, courses taken outside the major to satisfy the language study requirement and/or the internationally-oriented course credits can also be used to satisfy the outside the major requirement. Students who are completing a double major major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Major/Minor iBA
The Honours iBA program described above may be pursued jointly with any Honours Minor BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Urban Studies Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in urban studies.
- AP/ANTH 3020 6.00
- AP/ANTH 4450 3.00
- AP/ECON 3230 3.00
- AP/ECON 4279 3.00
- AP/EN 3592 6.00
- AP/EN 4003 6.00
- AP/EN 4073 6.00
- AP/EN 4165 6.00
- AP/GER 3600 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3600 3.00)
- AP/GER 3601 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HUMA 3601 3.00)
- AP/GER 4600 3.00
- AP/GWST 3505 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 3791 3.00, GL/GWST 3505 3.00, GL/SOSC 3617 3.00)
- AP/HIST 1005 6.00
- AP/HIST 1015 6.00
- AP/HIST 3775 3.00
- AP/HIST 3776 3.00
- AP/HIST 4530 6.00
- AP/HIST 4550 6.00
- AP/HIST 4770 6.00
- AP/HUMA 3605 3.00
- AP/HUMA 3605 6.00
- AP/POLS 3110 3.00
- AP/POLS 3410 3.00
- AP/POLS 4110 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/SOSC 4720 3.00)
- AP/POLS 4151 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3420 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3430 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3450 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3830 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4055 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4120 6.00
- AP/SOCI 4430 3.00
- AP/SOSC 1731 9.00
- AP/SOSC 1732 6.00 / AP/SOSC 1732 9.00 (if AP/SOSC 1732 9.00 is taken, only 6.00 credits count toward the major)
- AP/SOSC 1733 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2710 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3701 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3702 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3710 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3711 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3712 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3713 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3714 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3715 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3716 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3717 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3718 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3719 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3720 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3730 6.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 3730 6.00)
- AP/SOSC 3735 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3745 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3746 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3755 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3760 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3760 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3770 3.00 (cross-listed to: EU/GEOG 3770 3.00)
- AP/SOSC 4700 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4710 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4711 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4712 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4713 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4735 6.00
- EU/ENVS 2200 6.00
- EU/ENVS 3160 3.00
- EU/ENVS 3225 3.00
- EU/ENVS 3226 3.00
- EU/ENVS 3740 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4161 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4210 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4220 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4223 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4225 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4750 3.00
- EU/ENVS 4800Q 3.00
- EU/GEOG 2220 6.00
- EU/GEOG 3040 6.00
- EU/GEOG 3060 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3070 6.00
- EU/GEOG 3080 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/HIST 3890 3.00)
- EU/GEOG 3220 6.00
- EU/GEOG 3340 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/GEOG 3340 3.00)
- EU/GEOG 3650 6.00
- EU/GEOG 3800 3.00
- EU/GEOG 3900 3.00 (cross-listed to: SC/GEOG 3900 3.00)
- EU/GEOG 4040 6.00
- EU/GEOG 4090 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4095 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4130 3.00 (cross-listed to: AP/URST 4130 3.00)
- EU/GEOG 4170 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4220 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4240 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4260 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4280 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4380 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4605 3.00
- EU/GEOG 4900 3.00
- FA/FILM 4714 3.00
- FA/VISA 2110 6.00
- FA/VISA 3710 6.00 (cross-listed to: FA/FACS 3920J 6.00)
- FA/VISA 3950 3.00
- FA/VISA 4410 3.00
- FA/VISA 4720G 3.00
- GL/HIST 4244 3.00
- HH/PSYC 3450 3.00
- HH/PSYC 4090 6.00
Honours BA: 120 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits: 42 credits in work and labour studies including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1510 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2000 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2210 6.00;
- 24 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level chosen from the list of Work and Labour Studies courses (see below), with at least 12 credits taken at the 4000 level.
Upper-level credits: at least 36 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level, including at least 18 credits at the 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits. (Note: students who are completing a double major or major/minor are deemed to have fulfilled this requirement.)
Honours Double Major BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Double Major degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary (Linked) BA
Work and labour studies may be linked with any Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Students must take at least 36 credits in work and labour studies and at least 36 credits in the interdisciplinary program. Courses taken to meet work and labour studies requirements cannot also be used to meet the requirements of the interdisciplinary program. Students in these interdisciplinary programs must take a total of at least 18 credits at the 4000 level, including at least six credits in work and labour studies and six credits in the interdisciplinary program. For further details of requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours Double Major Interdisciplinary BA programs.
Note: in a double major program, a course may count only once toward major credit.
Major credits: the 36 credits in work and labour studies must include:
- AP/SOSC 1510 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2000 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2210 6.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level chosen from the list of Work and Labour Studies courses (see below), with at least 12 credits taken at the 4000 level.
Honours Major/Minor BA
The Honours BA program described above may be pursued jointly with approved Honours Minor degree programs in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Honours Minor BA
The Honours Minor BA program described may be combined with any approved Honours BA program that offers a major/minor option in the Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change, the Faculty of Health, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies, the Faculty of Science, the School of the Arts, Media, Performance and Design, or the Lassonde School of Engineering. For further details on requirements, refer to the listings for specific Honours programs that may be pursued jointly with other Faculties.
Note: in a major/minor program, a course may count only once toward major credit or minor credit.
Minor credits: the Honours Minor in work and labour studies comprises at least 30 credits including the following:
- AP/SOSC 1510 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2210 6.00;
- 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level chosen from the list of Work and Labour Studies courses (see below), with at least 12 credits taken at the 4000 level.
Note: at least six credits in the minor must be at the 4000 level.
BA: 90 Credits
Residency requirement: a minimum of 30 course credits and at least half (50 per cent) of the course credits required in each undergraduate degree program major/minor must be taken at York University.
Graduation requirement: students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty's degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
General education: a minimum of 21 general education credits as follows:
- 6.00 credits in natural science (NATS)
- a 9.00 credit approved general education course in the social science or humanities categories
- a 6.00 credit approved general education course in the opposite category to the 9.00 credit course in social science or humanities already taken
Major credits:
- AP/SOSC 1510 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2000 6.00;
- AP/SOSC 2210 6.00;
- 12 credits from the list of Work and Labour Studies courses (see below).
Upper-level credits: at least 18 credits at the 3000 or 4000 level.
Credits outside the major: at least 18 credits.
Work and Labour Studies Related Courses
Not all of the courses listed below will necessarily be offered in any given year.
With the approval of the program coordinator, and subject to course exclusion and residency requirements, students may complete other courses for program credit in work and labour studies.
Note: all non-history majors must apply to enrol in 4000-level history courses through the Department of History.
Labour Law, Power and Policy
- AP/POLS 4091 3.00
- AP/POLS 4406 3.00
- AP/POLS 4470 3.00
- AP/SOCI 3600 3.00
- AP/SOSC 2210 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3169 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3200 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3211 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3242 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3280 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3380 6.00
Creative Labour, Culture and the Digital Workplace
- AP/COMN 3313 3.00
- AP/HIST 4051 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3125 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3130 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3290 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3982 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4230 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4251 6.00
Climate Crisis, Migration and the Future of Work
- AP/SOSC 1510 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3981 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4210 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4240 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4250 3.00
- GL/SOCI 4632 3.00
Inequality, Global Labour Movements and Workplace Democracy
- AP/HIST 4505 6.00
- AP/SOCI 3355 3.00
- AP/SOCI 4620 6.00
- AP/SOSC 2211 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3125 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3130 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3210 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3230 6.00
- AP/SOSC 3815 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3980 3.00
- AP/SOSC 3993 3.00
- AP/SOSC 4240 6.00
- AP/SOSC 4260 6.00
- School of Administrative Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sas/
- Department of Anthropology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/anth/
- Department of Communication & Media Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/comn/
- Department of Economics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/econ/
- Department of English: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/en/
- Department of Equity Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/des/
- Department of French Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/fr/
- School Gender, Sexuality, Women's Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/gsws/
- Department of History: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/hist/
- Department of Humanities: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/huma/
- School of Human Resources Management: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/shrm/
- School of Information Technology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/itec/
- Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/dlll/
- Department of Philosophy: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/phil/
- Department of Politics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/pols/
- School of Public Policy & Administration: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sppa/
- Department of Social Science: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sosc/
- Department of Sociology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/soci/
- School of Social Work: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sowk/
- Writing Department: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/writ/
Academic Standards
Academic standing depends on several factors, including the number of courses a student has passed (including transfer credits), the grade point average achieved during a particular session (sessional grade point average) and the overall grade point average (cumulative grade point average).
Change of program. Students may request to change their program of study after completion of their first academic session in the Faculty, provided they meet the minimum academic standards and entry requirements for the program requested. Students must follow requirements of the program in place at the point of entry. A Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, must be submitted. Some programs may require school/department approval. For details of individual programs, refer to the Programs of Study section. Also consult the section on Academic Standing.
Bachelor of Arts (Honours BA, Honours iBA) Degrees (120 Credits)
Entry. Students may enter/re-enter prior to the completion of 90 credits. Some programs may have limited entry and/or further entry requirements. Some programs have mathematics entry requirements. Students should refer to the program of study section for further information on these and other requirements. Students who are ineligible to continue in Honours may re-enter Honours if they raise their cumulative grade point average to 5.00 (C+) or above by the time they have successfully completed their 90th credit.
Students qualify for faculty transfer to a Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Honours program provided they have met the minimum Honours progression requirement. Students from other Faculties may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter the Honours BA or Honours iBA program.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry.
Continuing in Honours. To continue in an Honours program, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00. Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 5.00 during the course of their studies may proceed in an Honours program, on warning, provided they meet the year level progression requirements described below.
Honours standing grade point average requirement. Students who have completed less than 84 earned credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 may continue in Honours provided they meet the minimum year level progression requirements as follows:
Year Level | Earned Credits | Minimum cumulative grade point average |
1 |
0-23 |
4.00 |
2 |
24-53 |
4.25 |
3 |
54-83 |
4.80 |
4 |
84 and above |
5.00 |
Note: year level is based on the number of earned credits including transfer credit.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students in an Honours program who successfully complete (pass) more than 120 credits and whose cumulative grade point average is at least 5.00 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with an Honours BA or Honours iBA degree. To graduate in an Honours program, students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree and program requirements. The cumulative grade point average must be at least 5.00.
Failure to maintain minimum Honours standing (BA, iBA). Students who do not meet the conditions outlined above may continue their studies only in a BA degree program. Students who are ineligible to continue in Honours may re-enter Honours if they raise their cumulative grade point average to 5.00 or above by the time they have successfully completed (passed) their 90th credit. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to qualify for Honours. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Opting to graduate with a BA degree (90 credits). Students who are eligible for Honours may opt to graduate in a BA program in the session in which they have completed their final course(s).
Bachelor of Arts (BA) Degree (90 Credits)
Entry. Students may enter/re-enter prior to completion of 90 credits. Some programs may have limited entry and/or further entry requirements. Some programs have mathematics entry requirements. Students should refer to the program of study section for further information on these and other requirements.
Students may transfer to Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies BA degree provided they meet the minimum cumulative grade point average of 4.00. Students from other Faculties may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter the BA program.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the BA program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry and/or further entry requirements.
Continuing. Students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00 may proceed in good standing in the BA degree. Students who at the end of an academic session meet the minimum Honours progression requirement will automatically be placed in the Honours program (if applicable). Students at the point of enrolment in a new academic session can declare via the enrolment system if they wish to proceed in the BA or Honours BA degree.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students in a bachelor program who successfully complete (pass) more than 90 credits and whose cumulative grade point average is at least 4.00 will have all credits counted towards their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with a BA degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits that meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00.
Failure to maintain minimum BA standing (advising recommended). Students who have successfully completed (passed) less than 90 credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 4.00 will be placed on academic warning and may continue in the BA program only. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Additional credits to raise grade point average to qualify for graduation. Students in a BA degree who have successfully completed (passed) 90 credits in accordance with Faculty and program requirements, but whose cumulative grade point average is below 4.00, will be allowed a maximum of 12 attempted credits beyond the 90 passed credits in an effort to raise their cumulative grade point average to at least 4.00 to qualify for graduation. New courses, repeated courses, passed courses and failed courses will count towards the total maximum number of attempted credits. These courses must be taken at York University.
Students who have 90 passed credits and have attempted 12 credits beyond the 90, who fail to attain the minimum required cumulative grade point average of 4.00 will be ineligible to continue or graduate.
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours BCom) Degree (120 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering Honours BCom are required to have one high school 4U mathematics courses which must be MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or the equivalent. Students majoring in BCom information technology are required to have completed one 4U high school mathematics course or the equivalent within the last five years, prior to entry. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits, students in the Honours BCom who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the Honours BCom program. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the BCom program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter/re-enter the Honours BCom program.
Students from other Faculties may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter the Honours BCom program.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the Honours BCom program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Continuing Honours BCom students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the Honours BCom degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits with a cumulative and major average of at least 5.00 and have less than 120 passed credits may proceed in Honours.
Students who have completed at least 120 passed credits that have a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50 may continue in Honours, if program requirements are not met, or may apply to graduate.
Graduating with an Honours BCom degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students who have completed 120 credits or greater who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.50 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Failure to maintain minimum Honours BCom standing (advising recommended). Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning” and may continue in the 90 credit BCom degree only, provided they meet the program warning conditions. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Opting to graduate with a BCom degree (90 credits). Students who are eligible for Honours may opt to graduate in a BCom program in the session in which they have completed their final course(s).
Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) Degree (90 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering BCom are required to have one high school 4U mathematics courses which must be MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or the equivalent. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits students who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the program. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the BCom program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter/re-enter the BCom program.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the BCom program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Continuing BCom students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the 90-credit or Honours BCom degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits but less than 120 passed credits with a cumulative and major average of 5.00 may apply to graduate or have the option to proceed in Honours.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students in the bachelor program who successfully complete (pass) more than 90 credits and whose cumulative and major grade point average is at least 5.00 will have all credits counted towards their degree and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with a BCom degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00.
Failure to maintain minimum BCom standing (advising recommended). Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning”, provided they meet the program warning conditions. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Additional credits to raise grade point average for graduation. BCom students who upon completion of 90 passed credits whose cumulative and major grade point average is below 5.00 will be allowed a maximum of 12 attempted credits beyond the 90 passed credits in an effort to raise their cumulative and major grade point average to the minimum of 5.00 to continue or graduate with the bachelor degree. New courses, repeated courses, passed courses and failed courses will count towards the total maximum number of attempted credits. These courses must be taken at York University.
Students who have 90 passed credits and have attempted 12 credits beyond the 90, who fail to attain the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to continue or graduate in BCom.
Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (Honours BDEM) Degree (120 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering Honours BDEM are required to have one high school 4U mathematics courses which must be MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or the equivalent. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits students who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the program. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the BDEM program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter/re-enter the Honours BDEM program.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the Honours BDEM program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Continuing Honours BDEM students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the Honours BDEM degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits with a cumulative and major average of at least 5.00 and have less than 120 passed credits may proceed in Honours.
Students who have completed at least 120 passed credits that have a minimum cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50 may continue in Honours, if program requirements are not met, or may apply to graduate.
Graduating with an Honours BDEM degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students who have completed 120 credits or greater who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.50 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Failure to maintain minimum Honours BDEM standing (advising recommended). Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning” and may continue in the 90 credit BDEM degree only, provided they meet the program warning conditions. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Opting to graduate with a BDEM degree (90 credits). Students who are eligible for Honours may opt to graduate in a BDEM program in the session in which they have completed their final course(s).
Bachelor of Disaster and Emergency Management (BDEM) Degree (90 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering BDEM are required to have one high school 4U mathematics courses which must be MHF4U (Advanced Functions) or the equivalent. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits students who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the program. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the BDEM program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter/re-enter the BDEM program.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the BDEM program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Continuing BDEM students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the 90-credit or Honours BDEM degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits with a cumulative and major average of 5.00 and have less than 120 passed credits may apply to graduate or have the option to proceed in Honours.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students in the bachelor program who successfully complete (pass) more than 90 credits and whose cumulative and major grade point average is at least 5.00 will have all credits counted towards their degree and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with a BDEM degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00.
Failure to maintain minimum BDEM standing (advising recommended). Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning”, provided they meet the program warning conditions. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Additional credits to raise grade point average for graduation. BDEM students who upon completion of 90 passed credits whose cumulative and major grade point average is below 5.00 will be allowed a maximum of 12 attempted credits beyond the 90 passed credits in an effort to raise their cumulative and major grade point average to the minimum of 5.00 to continue or graduate with the bachelor degree. New courses, repeated courses, passed courses and failed courses will count towards the total maximum number of attempted credits. These courses must be taken at York University.
Students who have 90 passed credits and have attempted 12 credits beyond the 90, who fail to attain the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to continue or graduate in BDEM.
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (Honours BHRM) Degree (120 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering the Honours BHRM must have completed one 4U mathematics course or equivalent. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits students who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the program. No courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the Honours BHRM program. Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter the Honours BHRM.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the Honours BHRM program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Continuing Honours BHRM students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the Honours BHRM degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits with a cumulative and major average of 5.00 and have less than 120 passed credits may proceed in Honours.
Students who have completed 120 passed credits or greater who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.50 may continue in Honours if program requirements are not met or may apply to graduate.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students who have completed 120 credits or greater who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 and a major grade point average of 5.50 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with an Honours BHRM degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 and a major grade point average of at least 5.50.
Failure to maintain minimum Honours BHRM standing (advising recommended). Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning” and may continue in the 90 credit BHRM degree only. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Opting to graduate with a BHRM degree (90 credits). Students who are eligible for Honours may opt to graduate in a BHRM program in the session in which they have completed their final course(s).
Bachelor of Human Resources Management (BHRM) Degree (90 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering the BHRM must have completed one 4U mathematics course or equivalent. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits students who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the program. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the BHRM program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter the BHRM.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the BHRM program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Faculty transfers. Students from other Faculties may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter the BHRM program.
Continuing BHRM students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the 90-credit or Honours BHRM degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits with a cumulative and major average of 5.00 may apply to graduate or have the option to proceed in Honours.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students in the bachelor program who successfully complete (pass) more than 90 credits and whose cumulative and major grade point average is at least 5.00 will have all credits counted towards their degree and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with a BHRM degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 90 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements, with a cumulative and major grade point average of at least 5.00.
Failure to maintain minimum BHRM standing (advising recommended). Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning”, provided they meet the program warning conditions. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Additional credits to raise grade point average for graduation. BHRM students who upon completion of 90 passed credits whose cumulative and major grade point average is below 5.00 will be allowed a maximum of 12 attempted credits beyond the 90 passed credits in an effort to raise their cumulative and major grade point average to the minimum of 5.00 to continue or graduate with the BHRM degree. New, repeated, passed and failed courses will count towards the total maximum number of attempted credits. These courses must be taken at York University.
Students who have 90 passed credits and have attempted 12 credits beyond the 90th credit, who fail to attain the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to continue or graduate in BHRM.
Bachelor of Public Administration (Honours BPA) Degree (120 Credits)
Entry. Students prior to entering the Honours BPA must have completed one 4U mathematics course or equivalent. Students with less than 90 passed credits completed require a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00. At the point of completing 90 passed credits students who have not attained the minimum cumulative and major grade point average of 5.00 will be ineligible to enter/re-enter the program. No courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to enter/re-enter the Honours BPA program. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter/re-enter the Honours BPA.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the Honours BPA program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Continuing Honours BPA students. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 may proceed in good standing in the Honours BPA degree. Students who have completed 90 passed credits with a cumulative average of 5.00 and have less than 120 passed credits may proceed in Honours.
Students who have completed 120 passed credits or greater who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 may continue in Honours if program requirements are not met, or may apply to graduate.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students who have completed 120 credits or greater who have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 5.00 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Graduating with an Honours BPA degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00.
Failure to maintain minimum Honours BPA standing. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on “program warning”, provided they meet the program warning conditions. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Additional credits to raise grade point average for graduation. BPA students who upon completion of 90 passed credits have a cumulative grade point average below 5.00 will be allowed a maximum of 12 attempted credits beyond the 90 passed credits in an effort to raise their cumulative grade point average to a minimum of 5.00 to continue. New courses, repeated courses, passed courses and failed courses will count towards the total maximum number of attempted credits. These courses must be taken at York University.
Students who have 90 passed credits and have attempted 12 credits beyond the 90, who fail to attain the minimum cumulative grade point averages of 5.00 will be ineligible to continue or graduate in BPA.
Bachelor of Social Work (Honours BSW) Degree (120 Credits)
Entry. Students may enter/re-enter prior to the completion of 90 credits. Some programs may have limited entry and/or further entry requirements. Students who are ineligible to continue in Honours may re-enter Honours if they raise their cumulative grade point average to 5.00 (C+) or above by the time they have successfully completed their 90th credit.
Students may enter/re-enter Honours BSW if they meet the minimum Honours progression requirement. Students who have not attained the 5.00 cumulative grade point average at the point of completing 90 passed credits will be ineligible for Honours. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to qualify for Honours. Please refer to Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
All requests for entry require a supplemental application form and are subject to School of Social Work approval. All requests for re-entry do not require a supplemental application form and are subject to the School of Social Work approval. Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies students may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change, to enter/re-enter the Honours BSW.
Note: all students who enter/re-enter the Honours BSW program must follow the requirements of the program in place at the time of entry/re-entry. Some programs may have limited entry.
Faculty transfers. Students from other Faculties may submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change and a supplemental application, to enter the Honours BSW program. All requests are subject to School of Social Work approval.
Continuing. To continue in the Honours BSW Honours program, students must maintain a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00. Students whose cumulative grade point average falls below 5.00 during the course of their studies may proceed in an Honours program, on warning, provided they meet the year level progression requirements described below.
Honours standing grade point average requirement (BSW). Students who have completed less than 84 earned credits whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 may continue in Honours provided they meet the minimum year level progression requirements as follows:
Year Level | Earned Credits | Minimum cumulative grade point average |
1 |
0-23 |
4.00 |
2 |
24-53 |
4.25 |
3 |
54-83 |
4.80 |
4 |
84 and above |
5.00 |
Note: year level is based on the number of earned credits including transfer credit.
Courses taken beyond the normal maximum. Students in an Honours program who successfully complete (pass) more than 120 credits and whose cumulative grade point average is at least 5.00 will have all credits counted towards their Honours and their cumulative grade point average.
Failure to maintain honours progression for Honours BSW degree. BSW students who fail to meet the Honours progression requirement will be ineligible to proceed in the BSW program. Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits and wish to continue their studies must change their degree. Program Change Request is available on the Program Change web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change. Students who have completed 90 passed credits but less than 120 passed credits may petition for an Honours waiver. No extra courses may be taken in a subsequent session in an effort to raise the grade point average to qualify for Honours. Please refer to the Academic Warnings and Penalties section.
Graduating with an Honours BSW degree. Students must successfully complete (pass) at least 120 credits which meet the Faculty’s degree and program requirements with a cumulative grade point average of at least 5.00 including a minimum grade of C (4.00) in all courses used in the major.
For information on certificates, please refer to Certificate Regulations.
Grading in Courses
- All course grades, including those assigned after a deferred examination(s) are derived from an evaluation of examination and term work, unless otherwise decided.
- With the exception of courses explicitly required for certification by a professional body, or other exceptions agreed to by Senate, students pass or fail a course on the basis of final course average, without the additional requirement of having to obtain a passing grade on a final examination. (This does not preclude the possibility of a final examination representing more than 50 per cent of the final grade in a particular course or the requirement that a student pass a specific course lab component.)
- Unless Senate agrees to explicit exemptions, eligibility to proceed in or graduate from an undergraduate degree program will not be based on a minimum grade requirement for each major course. It should be noted that this does not preclude setting requirements for a minimum cumulative grade point average in a major subject area. Nor does this preclude setting individual course grade requirements when a course is a prerequisite for upper-level courses or as part of a core requirement. Course grades are not official until released by the University.
- The letter-grade system is the fundamental system of assessment of performance in undergraduate programs at York University. In courses where percentages are used as a means of reporting grades on individual pieces of work, the following conversion table is to be used in converting percentage grades to letter grades, unless alternative provisions for scaling and/or conversion are announced to students in writing within the first two weeks of classes.
From Percentage | To Letter Grade | Grade Point |
90-100 | A+ | 9 |
80-89 | A | 8 |
75-79 | B+ | 7 |
70-74 | B | 6 |
65-69 | C+ | 5 |
60-64 | C | 4 |
55-59 | D+ | 3 |
50-54 | D | 2 |
40-49 | E | 1 |
0-39 | F | 0 |
Repeating passed or failed courses for academic credit:
Students may repeat a passed or failed course twice for academic degree or certificate credit, for a maximum of three (3) attempts at a course. Students should note that course availability and space considerations may preclude the possibility of repeating a course in the session they choose.
Credit towards your degree will only be counted once for repeated courses taken at York or elsewhere. All repeated passed or failed attempts are subject to the University's Policy on Repeating Passed or Failed Courses For Academic Credit.
Pass/Fail grading option:
The Faculty wants capable upper-year students to feel free to enrol in free-choice courses without fear of jeopardizing their grade point average. For this reason, students may take a limited number of such courses for full degree credit on an ungraded basis. Courses taken on this basis are listed on the transcript as either P (pass) or F (fail). Neither of these two grades is calculated into the student’s grade point averages. Pass credits are added into the total number of credits earned and credits taken. Fail credits are added into the total number of credits failed and credits taken. The following regulations apply to courses taken as a pass/fail alternative grading option.
Students in good standing who have completed a minimum of 24 credits towards an undergraduate degree program may elect to take up to six credits on an ungraded basis toward a bachelors degree (90 credits) or 12 credits toward an Honours bachelors degree (120 credits). The pass/fail grading option cannot be chosen by a student for the following:
- major or minor courses (including for-credit practica);
- outside the major required courses;
- courses taken to satisfy general education or certificate requirements;
- required 1000-level science courses for students in the Faculties of Health, Science and Engineering.
Students must confirm their eligibility to complete a course on an ungraded basis. Completed Pass/Fail Application forms must be submitted to the relevant office within the first two weeks of class. The completed form should then be returned to Registrarial Services.
Students who elect to complete a course on an ungraded basis may not revert to taking the course on a graded basis after the last date to drop a course without academic penalty.
The form to request the pass/fail grading option is available on the Pass/Fail Option Web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/pass-fail-option.
The pass/fail grading option is not applicable for the following:
- graduate degrees or diplomas;
- BEd and BEd (Technological Education) degrees;
- LLB/JD degree;
- BBA and iBBA degrees;
- exchange courses taken at another institution.
Credit/No Credit
The notations Credit and No Credit will be used when an entire course is being offered on an ungraded basis. No Credit will count as an earned failing grade of F in the grade point average.
Grading Scheme
The course grading scheme (i.e. kinds and weights of assignments, essays, exams etc.) is to be announced, and be available in writing, within the first two weeks of classes.
Under normal circumstances, graded feedback worth at least 15 per cent of the final grade for fall, winter or summer term, and 30 per cent for full year courses offered in the fall/winter session, will be received by students in all courses prior to the final withdrawal date from a course without receiving a grade, with the following exceptions:
- graduate or upper-level undergraduate courses where course work typically, or at the instructor’s discretion, consists of a single piece of work and/or is based predominantly (or solely) on student presentations (e.g. honours theses or graduate research papers not due by the drop date etc.);
- practicum courses;
- ungraded courses;
- courses in Faculties where the drop date occurs within the first three weeks of classes;
- courses which run on a compressed schedule (a course which accomplishes its academic credits of work at a rate of more than one credit hour per two calendar weeks or faster).
Note: under unusual and/or unforeseeable circumstances which disrupt the academic norm, instructors are expected to provide grading schemes and academic feedback in the spirit of these regulations, as soon as possible. Information on other policies related to grades is available from Faculties, departments and schools and the University Secretariat (secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca).
Subsequent Changes
In exceptional circumstances, a previously announced marking scheme for a course may be changed, but only with the unanimous consent of students; the new marking scheme must also be distributed in written form.
In courses where percentages are used as a means of reporting grades on individual pieces of work, the conversion table is used in converting percentage grades to letter grades, unless alternative provisions for scaling and/or conversion are announced to students in writing within the first two weeks of classes.
Grade Reappraisals
Please refer to the Policies and Regulations section of the Undergraduate Calendar for further information about grade reappraisals.
Students may, with sufficient academic grounds, request that a final grade in a course be reappraised (which may mean the review of specific pieces of tangible work). Non-academic grounds are not relevant for grade reappraisals; in such cases, students are advised to petition to their home Faculty. Students are normally expected to first contact the course director to discuss the grade received and to request that their tangible work be reviewed. Tangible work may include written, graphic, digitized, modelled, video recording or audio recording formats, but not oral work.
Students need to be aware that a request for a grade reappraisal may result in the original grade being raised, lowered or confirmed.
In the event that students are still not satisfied with the final grade or the course director is not available to review the work, they may submit in writing a formal request for a grade reappraisal to the school/department or unit in which the course is offered. The Senate approved deadline for submitting grade reappraisals is February 15 for fall term grades, June 15 for fall/winter session and winter term grades, September 30 for summer session grades or a minimum of 21 days from the release of grades, whichever is later. When a submission deadline occurs on a weekend or holiday, requests will be accepted up until the end of the next available business day. Exercising discretion about minor delays in meeting the deadline which result from slow mail delivery or extraordinary circumstances is reasonable.
Grade Reappraisal Appeal
Students may appeal a negative decision on a request for a reappraisal or the result of the reappraisal itself to a Faculty-level appeals committee in the Faculty in which the course is offered only on the ground of procedural irregularity.
Term Work, Tests and Examinations
Term Work
Term work includes reports, assignments, presentations, essays, tests and other written work assigned in a course with the exception of final examinations.
Deadline for Submission
Term work must be submitted by the first day of the official examination period of the term in which the course ends. Instructors, departments and schools may, however, set earlier deadlines for the submission of term work.
Tests and Examinations
Tests and examinations are important parts of the educational process. They must be conducted under fair conditions which allow students to demonstrate what they have learned. Disruptions or attempts to obtain an unfair advantage are offences against academic process and carry severe penalties: refer to the Senate Policy on Academic Honesty and the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities at secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca. The following regulations apply to tests and examinations (secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca/policies/conduct-of-examinations-policy-guidelines/).
Students who are being tested or examined are required to present a valid York University photo identification card or other acceptable form of photo identification and to sign the attendance roster for the examination.
Answer Booklets
Answer booklets are the property of the University. Test papers, examination booklets and other answer forms remain the property of the University unless they are released by an instructor. Students may not remove them from the test or examination room without permission; nor may they possess blank examination booklets.
Students’ Right to Review
Students may always have the opportunity, under properly controlled conditions, to review and discuss their graded test and examination answers, but final examination answer booklets (and at the discretion of the course director, other examination booklets) remain the property of the University, and are retained by the teaching unit for a certain period of time before they are destroyed.
Tests and Examinations during the Term
Restriction at End of Term
No examinations or tests collectively worth more than 20 per cent of the final grade in a course will be given during the final 14 calendar days of classes in a term. The exceptions to the rule are classes which regularly meet Friday evenings or on Saturday and/or Sunday at any time, and courses offered in the compressed summer terms.
Scheduling of Tests
Except where testing is conducted during individual appointments which accommodate the schedules of students (e.g. individual oral interviews in language courses, individually scheduled make-up tests), tests or examinations given during the term should be held within the hours regularly scheduled for the course in question. Any exceptions must be communicated within the first two weeks of classes and on the course outline.
Students’ Right of Refusal
Students who are asked to write tests or examinations in contravention of the preceding two regulations may refuse to do so without academic penalty; they also have the right to raise the matter with the Chair/director of the department or the school in which the course is offered or with the dean.
Formally Scheduled Examinations
Final Examination Period
There is a final examination period at the end of each term. The dates and times of formally scheduled examinations are listed on the York Courses website at w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm.woa/wa/curexam. Examinations may last two or three hours.
Religious Accommodation Guidelines
Students who, because of religious commitment cannot write a formally scheduled examination (December and April examination periods) on the date scheduled, should contact the course instructor no later than three weeks prior to the start of the examination period to arrange an alternative examination date. A Religious Accommodation form is available for this purpose online at w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm.woa/wa/regobs.
Exam Accommodation
Students with disabilities requiring accommodation or students requiring accommodation for significant religious observances shall be responsible for requesting the necessary accommodation in advance of the examination period and in accordance with the recommended timelines in the relevant policies and procedures.
Rewriting of Examinations
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies has no provision for the rewriting of a final examination to improve a mark.
Missed Examinations
In accordance with University policy and procedure, a student who misses an examination should contact the course director and the department/school of the examination as soon as possible. A student who wishes to write a make-up examination must request deferred standing in the course. Please refer to the section on Deferred Standing/Academic Petitions and Appeals or the Deferred Standing web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/deferred-standing.
Rules and Regulation
For a comprehensive listing of University policies and procedures refer to the Undergraduate Calendar Section on Policies and Regulations and visit secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca.
Transfer Students
Students who enter with prior experience at a postsecondary educational institution are enrolled in an Honours program if their prior cumulative grade point average (including failed courses) is at least the equivalent of 5.00 on the York scale. (Note: courses taken at other postsecondary institutions are not calculated as part of the student’s grade point average at York, nor do they appear on the York transcript.)
Academic Standing Requirements for Visiting Students
Individuals who wish to enrol in undergraduate credit courses, but who do not intend to complete a degree or a certificate may be admitted to York as a visiting student (refer to the Admissions section for more information). There are three categories of visiting students:
- Those who hold an undergraduate degree (three-year bachelor's degree minimum) from an accredited university/university-level institution;
- Those who do not hold an undergraduate degree but wish to enrol in York courses to fulfill the academic, upgrading or professional development requirements of a professional designation;
- Those who are currently attending another recognized university and wish to take York courses on a letter of permission issued by their home institution.
Repeated course legislation does not apply to visiting students but only to academic degrees and certificates. Therefore, all courses attempted or taken will count in the overall cumulative grade point average.
GPA Requirement
Students in categories a) and b) whose overall cumulative grade point average falls below 4.00 on at least 24 credits attempted will not be allowed to enrol in any subsequent session as visiting students. Students who are not permitted to re-enrol must apply for re-admission through the Admissions Office.
Credit Limits
Students in category b) who have maintained an overall cumulative grade point average of 4.00 throughout their studies and who have completed 30 credits will not be allowed to enrol in subsequent sessions and must either reactivate to proceed as visiting students or may choose to apply for admission to a degree or certificate program.
Visiting students admitted to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may:
- enrol in degree credit courses providing they meet the published corequisite(s) and prerequisite(s), or obtain permission of the Chair of the discipline concerned;
- not register in a course equivalent to one already completed.
Faculty Transfers
Students who were last registered in an undergraduate degree program in another Faculty of York University and who wish to transfer to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies must submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change Web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change. Refer to the Academic Standing section for degree/program academic standing requirements.
Information for Continuing Students in a Grandparented Program
Students who were registered in a degree and program formerly in the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies or the Faculty of Arts have been moved to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Grandparenting provisions have been developed for students continuing in these degrees and programs.
Grandparented rules allow students to complete their studies following the rules of the programs they were in prior to the Fall/Winter 2009-2010 Session. This includes all major and degree requirements including general education requirements and upper level requirements, as well as the electives or required credits outside the major. For more information contact the Faculty's Academic Advising Services.
Second or Subsequent Degrees
Students who hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, and who are admissible according to Faculty and University policies, may pursue a second (or subsequent) degree program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Eligibility for admission and standing will be assessed according to performance in the first or subsequent degree(s). Students will be assessed as eligible for an Honours degree if they have graduated with Honours standing in their first degree. Students who are eligible for an Honours degree program will be enrolled in Honours, but may elect to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to an Honours degree and 90-credit bachelor program will be granted transfer credit in accordance with the University’s residency requirement. Under certain circumstances, students admitted to a 90-credit bachelor’s degree program may qualify to proceed in an Honours degree; however, the transfer credit granted upon admission will not be amended.
All second (and subsequent) degree candidates must meet the residency requirements and must satisfy all upper-level requirements and requirements in the major/minor subject(s). Grade point averages are calculated for students in second (or subsequent) degree programs only on the courses taken for that degree and not on courses taken to satisfy requirements for the first or subsequent degree(s).
Students must apply through Admissions for second and subsequent undergraduate degree(s). University residency requirements apply.
Course Loads
Fall/Winter Session
A full course load is defined as 30 credits during the fall/winter session. Students may take a maximum of 36 credits overall (and 18 credits per term) without petitioning. Students with substantial familial or financial responsibilities outside the University are advised to consider taking fewer courses in a session. It is recommended that students take their personal circumstances and academic standing into consideration before taking a course load of 36 credits in the fall/winter session.
Summer Session
A full course load is defined as 15 credits in the summer session. Students may take a maximum of 18 credits overall without petitioning. Students with substantial familial or financial responsibilities outside the University are advised to consider taking fewer courses in a session. It is recommended that students take their personal circumstances and academic standing into consideration before taking a course load of 18 credits in the summer session.
Courses Taken at York University
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree candidates may enrol in courses offered by other York University Faculties provided they meet the publicized corequisite(s) and/or prerequisite(s). Students are responsible for ensuring that out-of-Faculty courses meet Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree and program requirements. Out-of-Faculty courses are credited at the level at which they are taken.
York University courses are also offered in Italy by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. In addition, independent study, directed reading and thesis courses are offered by some departments/schools. Students interested in arranging such courses should inquire at the relevant department/school. Individual programs may place restrictions on the number and nature of courses taken.
Cross-listed Courses
Some courses in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies are cross-listed. Cross-listed courses are offered jointly by two or more teaching units (such as departments or divisions), or teaching units in two or more different Faculties. Regardless of the offering Faculty or discipline identified by the course prefix of a cross-listed course, every offered section of a cross-listed course is substantially the same as every other and all are therefore recognized as instances of the “same” course.
- Cross-listed courses may not be double counted in order to fulfill degree requirements.
- Cross-listed courses may not be used to fulfill degree requirements of credits required outside the major in the programs offering the cross-listing.
Letters of Permission (LOP) - Taking Courses at another University
If you wish to enrol at another university (host) and have credits completed there transferred toward your York degree/certificate, you must first request a letter of permission (LOP) and receive approval from the Registrar's Office. While you are pursuing your York degree/certificate, transfer credit will not be granted for work completed at another university without the LOP. Further information is available on the Letters of Permission webpage at registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/lop.
- To be eligible for an LOP you must be pursuing a York degree and/or a certificate program.
- You must be in good academic standing.
You are ineligible for LOP consideration:
- If you are a non-degree student at York (you may apply directly to the host without an LOP).
- An LOP will not be issued if you are on academic warning, program warning, debarment warning or academic probation.
- If your academic status changes after the LOP is issued and you are no longer in good standing or are ineligible to proceed in your program, the LOP will be rescinded and you will no longer be eligible for transfer credit from the host regardless of the grade achieved there.
- If you enrol in courses at the host other than those listed on the LOP, you will not receive transfer credit upon completion unless the Registrar's Office amends your LOP in advance.
- Your LOP will not be processed if there are outstanding debts on your University account.
Students' Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to ensure that:
- You complete the Letter of Permission form and submit it along with detailed calendar course descriptions from the host institution to the Faculty/school/department best able to identify any York-based course credit exclusions or substitutes.
- Submit the completed form, along with the $50 non-refundable processing fee, to the Registrar's Office drop-box in the lobby of the Bennett Centre for Student Services. Approved LOPs will be sent to the host university and a copy sent to you for your records. Incomplete applications for an LOP cannot be processed and will be returned to you.
- Courses completed on an LOP meet your program requirements.
- Once you have been issued the LOP, it should be presented to the host institution's Admission Office. The host governs admission and application deadlines for students applying on an LOP.
- Should your enrolment/registration circumstances change; that is, the courses(s) you are requesting on an LOP is (are) not available, you must immediately contact the Faculty in order to request approval for any replacement courses. Obtain departmental approval for these changes, then notify the Registrar’s Office at lop@yorku.ca of any enrolment changes as soon as they are made.
- An official transcript is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office at York University as soon as final grades are available from the host institution, refer to the deadline dates on the Letter of Permission Web page (registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/lop) under the Instructions and Application tab.
- If you do not register or complete any of the courses for which you were issued the LOP, you must provide the Registrar’s Office with documentation from the host declaring you either did not enrol/register or that you withdrew from the course(s) without any academic penalty.
Important Notes
- Maximum number of credits you may enrol/register in an academic session including courses taken on an LOP, is 18 credits in summer or 36 credits in fall/winter (18 credits per term).
- You must obtain a minimum grade of C (as understood in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies) for credit to be granted.
- Course credit exclusions (CCEs) are courses offered at York and the host institution that are similar enough in content that both may not be taken for degree credit. A course substitute can replace a specific York course/degree requirement. A course substitute can be a CCE but a CCE is not always a course substitute.
- Some York programs are subject to external accreditation or professional association requirements (e.g. practica and core courses for engineering, nursing or social work), which restrict approvals for LOPs. Please consult your Faculty school/department for details.
- Credit towards your degree will only be counted once for repeated courses taken at York or elsewhere. Should you repeat a course the initial grade will be replaced with the notation of “NCR-No Credit Retained”.
- Generic results of “Pass” or “Credit Achieved” at the host will not be accepted for transfer credit to your York degree.
- Transfer credit will be assessed based on the course work/requirements including in-class hours completed at the host institution and not on the course work/requirements of the York credit exclusion or substitute.
- Courses and grades achieved at the host are not listed on your York transcript or included in your York grade point average(s).
Audit a Course
With the permission of a course director, an auditor attends classes and participates in a course in the same way as other students, but does not submit assignments or write tests or examinations. Restrictions may apply. Further information about admissibility, application procedures, courses available and fees may be obtained at Registrarial Services.
Directed Reading Courses
Students who are pursuing directed reading courses may do so after having successfully completed (passed) 24 credits in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. The Faculty provides for such independent reading courses which are subject to the guidelines of the departments and schools, and to the following regulations:
- The maximum permissible number of directed reading courses depends on a student’s degree option and availability.
- Students in Honours programs may take 24 credits; students in a bachelors program may take 18 credits.
- Within their last 30 credits, students may take a maximum of 12 credits in directed reading courses.
- Students may take a maximum of 12 credits of directed reading courses with the same faculty member.
Academic Warnings and Penalties
Students whose academic record does not meet the Faculty or program standards are subject to the academic warnings and penalties of program warning, academic warning, required withdrawal, debarment warning, debarment and academic probation.
Program Warning for BCom, BDEM and BHRM
Program warning
Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits, whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00, will be placed on program warning and may continue in the 90-credit bachelor degree only provided they meet the program warning conditions outlined below.
Program warning conditions
Students on program warning, within the next 24 credits taken, must raise the cumulative grade point average to at least 5.00. At no time may the cumulative grade point average fall below 2.50 upon completion of at least 24 York credits. Please refer to required withdrawal and debarment warning for further details.
Failure to meet program warning conditions
Students who fail to meet program warning conditions will be ineligible to continue. Students will be exited from the program and eligible to transfer to another degree program provided they meet the program standing requirements of the program they are transferring into.
Program Warning for BPA
Students who have completed less than 90 passed credits, whose cumulative grade point average is below 5.00 will be placed on program warning. While on program warning, students shall remain in the BPA Honours or Specialized Honours programs.
Students on program warning, within the next 24 credits taken, must raise the cumulative grade point average to at least 5.00. At no time may the cumulative grade point average fall below 2.50 upon completion of at least 24 York credits. Please refer to required withdrawal and debarment warning for further details.
Failure to meet program warning conditions
Students who fail to meet program warning conditions will be ineligible to continue. Students will be exited from the program and eligible to transfer to another degree program provided they meet the program standing requirements of the program they are transferring into.
Academic Warning for BA
Academic warning
BA students whose, prior to completion of 90 passed credits, cumulative grade point average falls below 4.00 at the end of any session, or who enter the Faculty with a grade point average equivalent to less than 4.00 on the York scale, receive an academic warning.
BA academic warning conditions
BA students on academic warning must achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00 within the next 24 credits taken, or earn a sessional grade point average of at least 5.00 in the session in which that 24th credit is taken and in each subsequent session until the cumulative grade point average reaches 4.00, or be required to withdraw. Students whose cumulative grade point average on at least 24 York credits is below 2.50 will be required to withdraw for 12 months.
Failure to meet academic warning conditions
Students on academic warning who fail to meet the academic warning conditions must withdraw for 12 months.
Required Withdrawal
Students whose academic record shows marked weakness may be required to withdraw from their studies for twelve months, during which they are encouraged to identify and remedy any problems which may have contributed materially to their failure to perform up to their potential, and to reflect on their reasons for pursuing a university education. The following regulations apply to required withdrawals:
- Grade point average below 2.50: students whose cumulative grade point average on at least 24 York credits is below 2.50 must withdraw for 12 months.
- BA students whose grade point average is below 4.00 and equal to or greater than 2.50: students who have received an academic warning for a cumulative grade point average below 4.00 must satisfy the academic warning conditions as specified above or be required to withdraw for 12 months.
Petition to continue without interruption
Students who have been required to withdraw may submit a petition requesting permission to continue their studies without interruption. Students granted such a petition would be allowed to continue their studies on debarment warning.
Reactivation after required withdrawal
Students who have been required to withdraw may apply for reactivation after the requisite period of absence by submitting a request online at the Reactivation Web page (registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/reactivate). Students who return to their studies after such a required withdrawal (as well as those who have been allowed to continue their studies by virtue of a petition to the Committee on Petitions) receive a debarment warning.
Debarment Warning
Students who have been required to withdraw from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies or from another Faculty at York or elsewhere, receive a debarment warning upon continuing their studies in the Faculty.
Debarment warning conditions
Students on debarment warning must achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 4.00 within the next 24 credits taken or earn a sessional grade point average of at least 5.00 in the session in which the 24th credit is taken and in each subsequent session until the cumulative average reaches 4.00, and must then maintain this average. Students who do not fulfill these conditions will be debarred from the University.
Students on debarment warning are allowed to complete their subsequent 24 credits without restriction.
Students who fail to meet the debarment warning conditions outlined above will be debarred from the University. Debarment, the minimum period for which is normally two years, means that the student is no longer a student at York University.
Petition to continue without interruption
Students who have been debarred may submit a petition requesting permission to continue their studies without interruption. Students granted such a petition would be allowed to continue their studies on academic probation.
Reapplying after debarment
Students who have been debarred and who wish to resume their studies must apply for re-admission through the Admissions Office futurestudents.yorku.ca and must provide persuasive evidence that they are ready and able to complete a degree program. Students who are re-admitted (as well as those who have been allowed to continue their studies by virtue of a petition) receive an academic probation.
Academic Probation
Students who have been debarred and who subsequently resume their studies in the Faculty whether by petitioning to continue without interruption or by applying for readmission, receive an academic probation. Students on academic probation must meet the debarment warning conditions outlined above; otherwise, they will be debarred.
Deferred Standing, Academic Petitions and Appeals
Please refer to the Policies and Regulations section of the Undergraduate Calendar for further information about deferred standing, academic petitions and appeal guidelines.
Deferred Standing
What is deferred standing?
Deferred standing may be granted to undergraduate students who are unable to write their final examination at the scheduled time or to submit their course work by the published deadline for the submission of term work. In order to apply for deferred standing, students must complete a Final Exam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement Form (available at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/deferred-standing) and reach an agreement directly with the course director for an alternate final examination date or for an extension to the deadline. The Final Exam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement Form facilitates the setting of an alternate date for writing a final examination or submitting outstanding course work before the Faculty deadlines (myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/deferred-standing). There is no provision for rewriting a final examination to improve a final grade.
Note: When students do not or cannot write a mid-term examination (not held during the formal examination period), alternate arrangements to write the mid-term examination should be made within the duration of the course by the course director and individual student at the discretion of the course director. The Deferred Standing Agreement does not apply.
What about religious accommodation for a final exam?
Because of religious commitment, students who cannot write a formally scheduled final examination on the date scheduled should refer to the appropriate guidelines regarding the Religious Observance Policy and Accommodation Guidelines at w2prod.sis.yorku.ca/Apps/WebObjects/cdm.woa/wa/regobs.
How are deferred standings arranged?
Students must make a formal request for deferred standing. This is done by approaching their course director with the printed Final Exam/Assignment Deferred Standing Agreement form to discuss the possibility of setting an alternate date for writing a final examination or for submitting outstanding course work. Students must also supply all relevant supporting documentation (as outlined on the form). Photocopies of supporting documentation are acceptable as long as the course director is able to view the original documents. It is Senate policy that "normally, requests for deferred standing must be communicated within one week following a missed examination or the last day to submit course work."
If an instructor does not approve a request for deferred standing, students have the option of filing an academic petition. See yorku.ca/laps/decisions-petitions/academic-petitions/.
Deferred standing petitions must be submitted no later than two weeks after the formal exam period has ended (final exam) or two weeks from the published deadline for the submission of term work (as concerns term tests, essays and other written term work due at the end of the term of study).
Aegrotat Standing
In cases where a student cannot be expected to complete the work for a course, the phrase "aegrotat standing" (from the Latin for "she/he is ill") is substituted for a grade on the transcript. Aegrotat standing is seldom granted, and only in exceptional circumstances where deferred standing or late withdrawal from the course is inappropriate.
Academic Petitions
The purpose of academic regulations is to allow students to develop their interests and talents to the fullest in ways consistent with the philosophy and standards of the Faculty. In establishing academic regulations, the Faculty also recognizes that instances will arise where it makes sense, in the context of a student's academic career, to waive regulations which would otherwise apply. The purpose of a student academic petition is to request an exemption from a Faculty regulation or deadline. Being unfamiliar of regulations or deadlines does not constitute a valid reason for an academic petition.
Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the University guidelines and principles regarding academic petitions before taking any steps which may have repercussions or affect their academic progress.
Students' Responsibilities in the Academic Petition/Appeals Process
The University has established regulations, procedures and deadlines through its legislative bodies to which students must adhere. Students are expected to monitor their progress in courses, taking into account their personal and academic circumstances, and to make the necessary adjustments to their workload to meet the requirements and deadlines. The University recognizes, however, that specific circumstances may justify waiving the regulations/requirements/deadlines on an individual basis. Request for a waiver of a regulation/requirement/deadline are initiated by an academic petition.
Students opting to initiate an academic petition should be assured that confidentiality is a hallmark of this process.
While it is the University's responsibility to provide students with proper information, guidance and advice, it is incumbent upon students to:
- be aware of and adhere to all Faculty and program regulations, requirements and published deadlines;
- familiarize themselves with their Faculty's written academic petition/appeal procedures and make requests in a timely fashion;
- provide all documentation to support their academic petition/appeal and to do so in a timely fashion;
- indicate and document all their relevant circumstances upon submitting their academic petition in the first instance.
Please refer to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies website under Students for further petition/appeal information and forms at yorku.ca/laps/decisions-petitions/academic-petitions/.
Petition Appeal
An appeal is a written request for the alteration of the decision taken on a petition generally made to the same level but to another person, panel or committee. Appeals against decisions of the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Committee on Student Academic Petitions will be permitted only on the grounds of:
a) new evidence, or
b) evidence of procedural irregularity in the committee's consideration of the case.
Recognition of Academic Excellence
Academic Achievement List
The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Sessional Academic Achievement List recognizes the outstanding achievement of the following students:
- Students taking 12 to 17 credits in a given session who have attained a sessional grade point average of 8.00 or higher.
- Students taking 18 or more credits in a given session who have attained a sessional grade point average of 7.50 or higher.
Graduating with Honours or Bachelor Academic Standing
Students with high grade point averages are eligible for the following recognition upon graduation from the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Summa cum laude: 8.00 or above cumulative grade point average.
Magna cum laude: 7.80 to 7.99 cumulative grade point average.
Cum laude: 7.50 to 7.79 cumulative grade point average.
Dean’s Honour Roll: 7.00 cumulative grade point average.
Academic Advising Services
Advising is one of the crucial activities that support student engagement and success. The Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies considers academic advising to cover a number of complementary areas related to assisting students:
- select majors and courses;
- change majors or degrees;
- transferring to LA&PS;
- ascertain whether they are meeting the Faculty's academic regulations;
- plan for their academic future both before and after graduation;
- and generally make the most of their talents and interests.
The Centre for Student Success - Academic Advising Services will assist new students with the transition into their first year at York University and support them throughout the entire first year. It is responsible for providing students with the advice and information required for a successful first year experience.
Advising continuing students is a shared responsibility of the Centre for Student Success, individual departments, divisions and programs of the Faculty. Students should contact these offices throughout the year for advice and information related to their academic career including academic performance and degree program requirements.
Academic advisers will provide advice, guidance and support, as well as strategies and guidelines for continued educational success. They will provide accurate information of academic policies, procedures, regulations and degree requirements. They are available to answer questions and when unable to provide an answer, they will find the person who can or refer students to the appropriate resource.
Advisers are available for new and continuing students from 9:00am to 6:30pm Monday to Thursday and 10:30am to 5:00pm on Fridays during fall/winter sessions.
Rules and Regulation
For a comprehensive listing of University policies and procedures refer to the Undergraduate Calendar Section on Policies and Regulations and visit secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca.
Transfer Students
Students who enter with prior experience at a postsecondary educational institution are enrolled in an Honours program if their prior cumulative grade point average (including failed courses) is at least the equivalent of 5.00 on the York scale. (Note: courses taken at other postsecondary institutions are not calculated as part of the student’s grade point average at York, nor do they appear on the York transcript.)
Academic Standing Requirements for Visiting Students
Individuals who wish to enrol in undergraduate credit courses, but who do not intend to complete a degree or a certificate may be admitted to York as a visiting student (refer to the Admissions section for more information). There are three categories of visiting students:
- Those who hold an undergraduate degree (three-year bachelor's degree minimum) from an accredited university/university-level institution;
- Those who do not hold an undergraduate degree but wish to enrol in York courses to fulfill the academic, upgrading or professional development requirements of a professional designation;
- Those who are currently attending another recognized university and wish to take York courses on a letter of permission issued by their home institution.
Repeated course legislation does not apply to visiting students but only to academic degrees and certificates. Therefore, all courses attempted or taken will count in the overall cumulative grade point average.
GPA Requirement
Students in categories a) and b) whose overall cumulative grade point average falls below 4.00 on at least 24 credits attempted will not be allowed to enrol in any subsequent session as visiting students. Students who are not permitted to re-enrol must apply for re-admission through the Admissions Office.
Credit Limits
Students in category b) who have maintained an overall cumulative grade point average of 4.00 throughout their studies and who have completed 30 credits will not be allowed to enrol in subsequent sessions and must either reactivate to proceed as visiting students or may choose to apply for admission to a degree or certificate program.
Visiting students admitted to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies may:
- enrol in degree credit courses providing they meet the published corequisite(s) and prerequisite(s), or obtain permission of the Chair of the discipline concerned;
- not register in a course equivalent to one already completed.
Faculty Transfers
Students who were last registered in an undergraduate degree program in another Faculty of York University and who wish to transfer to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies must submit a Program Change Request, available on the Program Change Web page at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/program-change. Refer to the Academic Standing section for degree/program academic standing requirements.
Information for Continuing Students in a Grandparented Program
Students who were registered in a degree and program formerly in the Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies or the Faculty of Arts have been moved to the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Grandparenting provisions have been developed for students continuing in these degrees and programs.
Grandparented rules allow students to complete their studies following the rules of the programs they were in prior to the Fall/Winter 2009-2010 Session. This includes all major and degree requirements including general education requirements and upper level requirements, as well as the electives or required credits outside the major. For more information contact the Faculty's Academic Advising Services.
Second or Subsequent Degrees
Students who hold an undergraduate degree from an accredited institution, and who are admissible according to Faculty and University policies, may pursue a second (or subsequent) degree program in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies.
Eligibility for admission and standing will be assessed according to performance in the first or subsequent degree(s). Students will be assessed as eligible for an Honours degree if they have graduated with Honours standing in their first degree. Students who are eligible for an Honours degree program will be enrolled in Honours, but may elect to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. Students admitted to an Honours degree and 90-credit bachelor program will be granted transfer credit in accordance with the University’s residency requirement. Under certain circumstances, students admitted to a 90-credit bachelor’s degree program may qualify to proceed in an Honours degree; however, the transfer credit granted upon admission will not be amended.
All second (and subsequent) degree candidates must meet the residency requirements and must satisfy all upper-level requirements and requirements in the major/minor subject(s). Grade point averages are calculated for students in second (or subsequent) degree programs only on the courses taken for that degree and not on courses taken to satisfy requirements for the first or subsequent degree(s).
Students must apply through Admissions for second and subsequent undergraduate degree(s). University residency requirements apply.
Course Loads
Fall/Winter Session
A full course load is defined as 30 credits during the fall/winter session. Students may take a maximum of 36 credits overall (and 18 credits per term) without petitioning. Students with substantial familial or financial responsibilities outside the University are advised to consider taking fewer courses in a session. It is recommended that students take their personal circumstances and academic standing into consideration before taking a course load of 36 credits in the fall/winter session.
Summer Session
A full course load is defined as 15 credits in the summer session. Students may take a maximum of 18 credits overall without petitioning. Students with substantial familial or financial responsibilities outside the University are advised to consider taking fewer courses in a session. It is recommended that students take their personal circumstances and academic standing into consideration before taking a course load of 18 credits in the summer session.
Courses Taken at York University
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree candidates may enrol in courses offered by other York University Faculties provided they meet the publicized corequisite(s) and/or prerequisite(s). Students are responsible for ensuring that out-of-Faculty courses meet Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies degree and program requirements. Out-of-Faculty courses are credited at the level at which they are taken.
York University courses are also offered in Italy by the Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. In addition, independent study, directed reading and thesis courses are offered by some departments/schools. Students interested in arranging such courses should inquire at the relevant department/school. Individual programs may place restrictions on the number and nature of courses taken.
Cross-listed Courses
Some courses in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies are cross-listed. Cross-listed courses are offered jointly by two or more teaching units (such as departments or divisions), or teaching units in two or more different Faculties. Regardless of the offering Faculty or discipline identified by the course prefix of a cross-listed course, every offered section of a cross-listed course is substantially the same as every other and all are therefore recognized as instances of the “same” course.
- Cross-listed courses may not be double counted in order to fulfill degree requirements.
- Cross-listed courses may not be used to fulfill degree requirements of credits required outside the major in the programs offering the cross-listing.
Letters of Permission (LOP) - Taking Courses at another University
If you wish to enrol at another university (host) and have credits completed there transferred toward your York degree/certificate, you must first request a letter of permission (LOP) and receive approval from the Registrar's Office. While you are pursuing your York degree/certificate, transfer credit will not be granted for work completed at another university without the LOP. Further information is available on the Letters of Permission webpage at registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/lop.
- To be eligible for an LOP you must be pursuing a York degree and/or a certificate program.
- You must be in good academic standing.
You are ineligible for LOP consideration:
- If you are a non-degree student at York (you may apply directly to the host without an LOP).
- An LOP will not be issued if you are on academic warning, program warning, debarment warning or academic probation.
- If your academic status changes after the LOP is issued and you are no longer in good standing or are ineligible to proceed in your program, the LOP will be rescinded and you will no longer be eligible for transfer credit from the host regardless of the grade achieved there.
- If you enrol in courses at the host other than those listed on the LOP, you will not receive transfer credit upon completion unless the Registrar's Office amends your LOP in advance.
- Your LOP will not be processed if there are outstanding debts on your University account.
Students' Responsibilities
It is your responsibility to ensure that:
- You complete the Letter of Permission form and submit it along with detailed calendar course descriptions from the host institution to the Faculty/school/department best able to identify any York-based course credit exclusions or substitutes.
- Submit the completed form, along with the $50 non-refundable processing fee, to the Registrar's Office drop-box in the lobby of the Bennett Centre for Student Services. Approved LOPs will be sent to the host university and a copy sent to you for your records. Incomplete applications for an LOP cannot be processed and will be returned to you.
- Courses completed on an LOP meet your program requirements.
- Once you have been issued the LOP, it should be presented to the host institution's Admission Office. The host governs admission and application deadlines for students applying on an LOP.
- Should your enrolment/registration circumstances change; that is, the courses(s) you are requesting on an LOP is (are) not available, you must immediately contact the Faculty in order to request approval for any replacement courses. Obtain departmental approval for these changes, then notify the Registrar’s Office at lop@yorku.ca of any enrolment changes as soon as they are made.
- An official transcript is forwarded to the Registrar’s Office at York University as soon as final grades are available from the host institution, refer to the deadline dates on the Letter of Permission Web page (registrar.yorku.ca/enrol/lop) under the Instructions and Application tab.
- If you do not register or complete any of the courses for which you were issued the LOP, you must provide the Registrar’s Office with documentation from the host declaring you either did not enrol/register or that you withdrew from the course(s) without any academic penalty.
Important Notes
- Maximum number of credits you may enrol/register in an academic session including courses taken on an LOP, is 18 credits in summer or 36 credits in fall/winter (18 credits per term).
- You must obtain a minimum grade of C (as understood in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies) for credit to be granted.
- Course credit exclusions (CCEs) are courses offered at York and the host institution that are similar enough in content that both may not be taken for degree credit. A course substitute can replace a specific York course/degree requirement. A course substitute can be a CCE but a CCE is not always a course substitute.
- Some York programs are subject to external accreditation or professional association requirements (e.g. practica and core courses for engineering, nursing or social work), which restrict approvals for LOPs. Please consult your Faculty school/department for details.
- Credit towards your degree will only be counted once for repeated courses taken at York or elsewhere. Should you repeat a course the initial grade will be replaced with the notation of “NCR-No Credit Retained”.
- Generic results of “Pass” or “Credit Achieved” at the host will not be accepted for transfer credit to your York degree.
- Transfer credit will be assessed based on the course work/requirements including in-class hours completed at the host institution and not on the course work/requirements of the York credit exclusion or substitute.
- Courses and grades achieved at the host are not listed on your York transcript or included in your York grade point average(s).
Audit a Course
With the permission of a course director, an auditor attends classes and participates in a course in the same way as other students, but does not submit assignments or write tests or examinations. Restrictions may apply. Further information about admissibility, application procedures, courses available and fees may be obtained at Registrarial Services.
Directed Reading Courses
Students who are pursuing directed reading courses may do so after having successfully completed (passed) 24 credits in the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. The Faculty provides for such independent reading courses which are subject to the guidelines of the departments and schools, and to the following regulations:
- The maximum permissible number of directed reading courses depends on a student’s degree option and availability.
- Students in Honours programs may take 24 credits; students in a bachelors program may take 18 credits.
- Within their last 30 credits, students may take a maximum of 12 credits in directed reading courses.
- Students may take a maximum of 12 credits of directed reading courses with the same faculty member.
- School of Administrative Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sas/
- Department of Anthropology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/anth/
- Department of Communication & Media Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/comn/
- Department of Economics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/econ/
- Department of English: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/en/
- Department of Equity Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/des/
- Department of French Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/fr/
- School Gender, Sexuality, Women's Studies: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/gsws/
- Department of History: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/hist/
- Department of Humanities: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/huma/
- School of Human Resources Management: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/shrm/
- School of Information Technology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/itec/
- Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/dlll/
- Department of Philosophy: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/phil/
- Department of Politics: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/pols/
- School of Public Policy & Administration: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sppa/
- Department of Social Science: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sosc/
- Department of Sociology: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/soci/
- School of Social Work: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/sowk/
- Writing Department: https://www.yorku.ca/laps/writ/
Academic Success and Student Responsibilities
It is important for students to recognize their responsibility to familiarize themselves with the academic policies, procedures and requirements published each year in the Undergraduate Calendar. They must continually monitor their progress toward graduation and for their academic choices. Students are recommended to use the online Degree Progress Report found at myacademicrecord.students.yorku.ca/degree-progress-report.
Students are expected to:
- ensure the courses they choose meet all requirements for graduation;
- ensure the courses they choose meet prerequisites and are not course credit exclusions of other courses already taken;
- ensure the times of the courses they choose do not conflict;
- ensure the accuracy of their registration records, including all changes;
- note and observe deadlines and procedures, especially deadlines for adding and dropping courses;
- ensure full documentation is provided in support of petitions and other requests for special consideration;
- keep themselves informed about their academic progress, including their performance in individual courses;
- ensure they are familiar with the University Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (oscr.students.yorku.ca/student-conduct);
- ensure they understand University Academic Integrity provisions (secretariat-policies.info.yorku.ca/policies/academic-honesty-senate-policy-on/).
It is also recommended that students become familiar with the broad range of information and services available through the LA&PS website. This site has a great deal of information on the matters listed above, but also provides useful links to services such as Web enrolment, Registrarial Services in the Division of Students and Student Community and Leadership Development and Faculty-affiliated colleges.
Connect with York University